Hai, aku sering ke salon hanya untuk membuat rambutku lurus rapi, dan aku berencana untuk beli straightener, tapi aku belum menemukan yang cocok, temanku menyarankan untuk beli di Lazada, ada banyak pilihan dan aku putuskan untuk mencoba beli Rowenta Elite Optiliss - semua yang aku butuhkan ada di sini teryata,
Desain elegan, tipis, kokoh buatan eropa dan tidak merusak rambut, dalam beberapa menit aku dapatkan rambut lurus seperti habis di salon, watt nya pun kecil, hemat luar biasa
Hi, I used the salon just to make my hair straight and neat, I'm planning to buy a straightener, but I haven't found a match, my friend suggested to buy at Lazada, there are a lot of options and I decided to try to buy a Rowenta Optiliss Elite – everything I need is here to detect teryata,
elegant design, a thin, sturdy European-made and not damage the hair, in a few minutes I get the straight hair like out at the salon, his little pun, Watts spends wonderful

Hi, I'm often to the salon just to make my hair straight neat, and I plan to buy a straightener, but I have not found a suitable, my friend suggested to buy in Lazada, there are many options and I decided to try to buy Rowenta Elite Optiliss - all of which I need is here teryata, elegant design, slim, sturdy European-made and not damage the hair, within a few minutes I get straight hair like it had been in the salon, it was a small wattage, saving tremendous