Bu Imelda, terima kasih atas bantuannya selama ini
saya sudah membaca e-mail mengenai kedatangan pada tanggal 20 Agustus.
mengenai jadwal kedatangan, apakah Bu Imelda dan Pak Robert akan datang bersama kedua karyawan?
Mohon diskusikan dengan kami jadwal kedatangan selengkapnya.
Kami akan menyiapkan penjemputan di bandara.
Kami akan menghubungi kembali setelah memastikan jadwal Pak Urabe dan pegawai lain.
untuk pegawai kami yang akan melakukan pertukaran, saat ini kami sedang mempersiapkan dokumen-dokumennya. (belum selesai sepenuhnya)
setelah semuanya lengkap, kami akan segera mengeposkannya.
untuk jadwal pertukaran pegawai kami, kira-kira selama 6 bulan mulai dari bulan Oktober hingga Maret. (kami akan izin pulang pada akhir desember hingga awal Januari)
bulan Juli hingga Agustus, pegawai kami akan melakukan training dan membantu jika ada kendala bahasa dan masalah sehari-hari.
salah satu pegawai kami, Pak Kawaguchi (yang akan melakukan pertukaran) sudah pindah ke kantor utama dan sekarang tinggal di asrama kantor (yang nanti akan ditinggali pegawai Indonesia) juga.
Bersama Pak Hayashi, Pak Kawaguchi juga mengikuti kelas bahasa Indonesia seminggu sekali.
sekian dari kami, kami akan menghubungi lagi kabar selanjutnya.
Mrs. Imelda, thanks for the help so far
I've read e-mail about the arrival on the 20th of August.
on schedule, whether Bu Imelda and Sir Robert to come together both employees?
Please discuss with us the schedule of arrival information.
We will prepare a meeting point at the airport.
We will contact back after making sure the schedule in other servant and Urabe Pack.
for our staff who will do exchanges, currently we are preparing its documents are. (not finished completely)
after everything is complete, we will immediately post it.
to schedule our staff exchange, approximately 6 months from October to March. (we will permit home at the end of December to early January)
July through August, our staff will conduct the training and help if there are language barriers and problems daily.
one of our employees, Mr. Kawaguchi (who will do the Exchange) has been moved to the main office and are now living in a dorm Office (soon to be former employees of Indonesia) as well.
Along with Mr. Hayashi, Mr. Kawaguchi also follows Indonesia language classes once a week.
so many of us, we will be in touch again later.

Mrs. Imelda, thank you for your help so far
I've read about the arrival of e-mail on August 20.
regarding arrivals, whether Mrs. Imelda and Mr. Robert will come with two employees?
Please discuss with our schedule more arrivals.
We will prepare pick at the airport.
we will call back after Mr. Urabe ensure schedules and other employees. for our employees who will do the exchange, currently we are preparing the documents. (Not yet completed fully) once everything is complete, we will immediately post it. schedule exchange for our employees, for about 6 months starting from October to March. (We will permit return at the end of December to early January) in July and August, we will conduct employee training and help if there is a language barrier and everyday problems. one of our employees, Mr. Kawaguchi (who will do the exchange) has been moved to The main office and now lives in the dorm office (which will be occupied Indonesian employees) as well. Together Mr. Hayashi, Mr. Kawaguchi also Indonesian classes once a week. umpteen of us, we'll be in touch for further news.