1. Nyonya MARMI, lahir di Tulungagung, pada tanggal 02 (dua) April 1974 (seribu sembilan tujuh pulu empat), Warga Negara Indonesia, Wiraswasta, bertempat tinggal di Dsn Kates, Rukun Tetangga 001, Rukun Warga 007, Desa Rejotangan, Kecamatan Rejotangan, Kabupaten Tulungagung, pemegang Kartu Tanda Penduduk dengan Nomor Induk Kependudukan 3504134204740005 dan berlaku sampai dengan tanggal 02 (dua) April 2016 (dua ribu enam belas) ; -----
Dalam hal ini bertindak untuk dan atas nama PT. GOZEN BUGYO INDONESIA sesuai dengan Surat Ijin Usaha Perdagangan Kecil (SIUP-K) Nomor 503.1/722/209/2011
1. Mrs MARMI, born in Tulungagung, on 02 (two) April 1974 (nineteen seventy four pulu), a citizen of Indonesia, Entrepreneur, residing in Dsn Kates, Jiran 001, 007, Residents Along the village Rejotangan, district Rejotangan, Tulungagung district, the cardholder Signs the population with the parent Population Numbers 3504134204740005 and is valid until the date of 02 (two) April 2016 (two thousand and sixteen); ----- In this case was acting for and on behalf of PT INDONESIA comply with the BUGYO GOZEN Letter Small Trade business license (SIUP-K) No. 503.1/722/209/2011

1. Mrs. MARMI, born in Tulungagung, on 02 (two) April 1974 (one thousand nine seven pulu four), Indonesian citizen, Self, residing in Dsn Kates, Neighborhood 001, 007 Pillars of Citizens, Rejotangan Village, District Rejotangan , Tulungagung, holder of Identity Card with Identity No. 3504134204740005 and valid until December 02 (two) April 2016 (two thousand and sixteen); -----
In this case acting for and on behalf of PT. Gozen BUGYO INDONESIA accordance with the Small Trade Business License (License-K) No. 503.1 / 722/209/2011