Di Indonesia mayoritas penggemar anime adalah anime genre Action, Adventure dan Sci-Fi, anime genre Drama kurang disukai di Indonesia, itulah mengapa studio "Sunrise" lebih terkenal di Indonesia daripada Studio "Ghibli" yng kebanyakan memproduksi anime genre Drama seperti video yang anda share kesaya sekarang. Shinkansen pastinya tidak bisa melakukan kecepatan tinggi di dalam kota seperti Tokyo, biasanya kecepatan tinggi Shinkansen dilakukan di areal yang tidak padat penduduk. Untuk video Shinkansen dan World Order in Akihabara saya sudah lihat video tersebut, sementara 3 video lain saya belum lihat, terima kasih untuk link video yang anda berikan, ternyata Arashi memiliki acara sendiri yang bernama "VS ARASHI".
In Indonesia the majority of anime fans was the anime genre Action, Adventure and Sci-Fi, anime genre Drama less frowned upon in Indonesia, that's why the studio "Sunrise" is more famous in Indonesia rather than Studio "Ghibli" yng mostly produce such Drama genre anime video you share kesaya now. Shinkansen certainly cannot do high speed in cities such as Tokyo, Shinkansen high speed usually is done in areas that are not densely population. For video the Shinkansen and World Order in Akihabara I have seen the video, while 3 other videos I have seen, thanks for the video link you provided, it turns out that Arashi had a show named "VS ARASHI".

In Indonesia the majority of anime fans are anime genre Action, Adventure and Sci-Fi, anime genre Drama less favored in Indonesia, which is why the studio "Sunrise" is more popular in Indonesia than Studio "Ghibli" Yng mostly produce anime genre of drama like the video that you share kesaya now. Shinkansen certainly can not do high speed in the city such as Tokyo, Shinkansen high speed usually carried out in areas that are not densely populated. For video Shinkansen and World Order in Akihabara I've seen the video, while 3 other videos I've seen, thanks to the video link you have provided, it Arashi has his own show called "VS ARASHI".