PT Merpati Nusantara Airlines (Persero) hingga saat ini menjadi perusahaan BUMN yang memiliki utang paling besar sehingga tidak lagi beroperasi.
Menteri Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN), Rini Soemarno mengaku persoalan Merpati ini menjadi persoalan yang sangat sulit, dan hingga saat ini belum menemukan jalan keluarnya.
"Merpati, ini memang sangat berat, terus terang memang sejak saya datang terus dipikirkan, karena persoalannya memang sangat sulit untuk beroperasi kembali," ungkap Rini di Kementerian BUMN, Senin (1/12/2014).
PT Merpati Nusantara Airlines (Persero) is currently a STATE-OWNED company has the biggest debt so that it no longer operates.Minister of State-owned enterprises (SOEs), Rini Soemarno admitted the issue Dove into a very difficult issue, and until now have not found a way out."The pigeons, this is indeed very heavy, frankly it since I came on the issue, because thought is indeed very difficult to operate again," said Rini in the Ministry of STATE-OWNED ENTERPRISES, Monday (1/12/2014).

PT Merpati Nusantara Airlines (Persero) until recently a state-owned company that has the biggest debt that is no longer in operation. Minister of State Owned Enterprises (SOEs), Rini Soemarno admitted this pigeon problem becomes a very difficult issue, and to date have not found way out. "Pigeons, it is very heavy, frankly it since I came continue to think, because the problem is very difficult to operate again," said Rini in the Ministry of SOEs, Monday (01/12/2014).