New York,- Diplomasi kuliner Indonesia terus digalakkan di Amerika Serikat. Lebih dari sekedar promosi makanan tradisional, diplomasi kuliner juga menunjukkan betapa beragam dan kayanya budaya Indonesia.
“Diplomasi kuliner tidak hanya soal makanan, tetapi yang lebih penting adalah menunjukkan kekayaan dan keragaman budaya Indonesia,” katnya Dubes RI untuk AS, Budi Bowoleksono, dalam pameran makanan bertajuk Summer Fancy Food Show (SFFS) yang digelar di New York, AS, 28-30 Juni 2015.
Pada kesempatan itu, KBRI Washington DC yang dimotori oleh Atase Perdagangan serta Indonesian Trade Promotion Center (ITPC) di Chicago dan Los Angeles mendirikan booth Paviliun Remarkable Indonesia yang dilengkapi dengan Pojok Kuliner. Di Pojok Kuliner, chef asal Indonesia memperagakan cara pembuatan beberapa masakan nusantara.
New York,-Indonesia culinary Diplomacy continues in earnest in the United States. More than just promotion of traditional foods, culinary diplomacy also shows how diverse and rich culture of Indonesia."Diplomacy is not just a matter of culinary food, but more important is to demonstrate the wealth and diversity of the culture of Indonesia," Ambassador RI katnya for US Budi Bowoleksono,, in the exhibition entitled food Summer Fancy Food Show (SFFS), held in New York, USA, 28-30 June 2015.On that occasion, EMBASSY in Washington D.c. that are driven by Trade as well as military attaché of the Indonesian Trade Promotion Center (ITPC) in Chicago and Los Angeles established the Remarkable Indonesia Pavilion booth equipped with Culinary Corner. At the corner of culinary chef origin Indonesia demonstrate how making a few cuisines.

New York, - Indonesian culinary diplomacy continue to be encouraged in the United States. More than just the promotion of traditional food, diplomacy culinary also shows how diverse and rich culture of Indonesia. "Diplomacy culinary is not just about food, but more important is to show the richness and diversity of Indonesian culture," cer- Ambassador to the US, Budi Bowoleksono, in exhibitions food titled Summer Fancy Food Show (SFFS) held in New York, USA, 28 to 30 June 2015. On that occasion, the Embassy in Washington DC led by Trade Attaches and the Indonesian Trade Promotion Center (ITPC) in Chicago and Los Angeles set up a booth Remarkable Indonesia pavilion equipped with Culinary Corner. In Culinary Corner, chef from Indonesia demonstrate how making several dishes archipelago.