As an employee, either private or State, huge salaries is the dream of all of us to be able to support the needs of a decent living. West Java as one of the provinces that sustain the magnitude of the industry in the capital Jakarta very benefit by the presence of many industries that expand the business by establishing its plant in the Jakarta outer ring road. The cities, which became the industrial expansion in West Java, among others, of Falkirk, Bekasi, Depok and Bogor. Industrial expansion that can be seen from the large number of factories and industrial areas in those cities.The following list of umk city and County in West Java for the year 2016 itUmk Karawang Rp 3,330,505 Umk Bekasi Rp 3,327,160 Bekasi Regency Umk Rp 3,261,375 Umk Depok Rp 3,046,180 Umk Bogor Rp 3,022,765 Umk Bogor regency Rp 2,960,325 Purwakarta Regency Umk Rp 2,927,990 Umk Bandung Rp 2,626,940 West Bandung Regency Umk Rp 2,280,175 Umk Bandung Regency Rp 2,275,715 Umk Sumedang Rp 2,275,715 Umk Cimahi Rp 2,275,715