Jakarta: Director of Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) Baiquni Achmad said, to prevent the economic crisis, the necessary regulation and supervision of the financial sector in an integrated manner. It is ready to support the oversight. "terintegarasi financial sector supervision is very important because the threat is not only the crisis of the banking sector, it could be from another sector. Integrated surveillance conducted the Financial Services Authority (FSA) is not only oversee the bank alone, also keep an eye on this important subsidiary, "said Baiquni in Jakarta, Sunday (01/04/2015). According Baiquni, the Indonesian government step in setting up the FSA which serves to integrated financial sector supervision is very appropriate for the development of the financial sector is very fast. It is seen by many companies already conglomerate in Indonesia, according to the FSA has reached 32 conglomerate. "If not done since now when again, because without an integrated monitoring Indonesia's economy is somewhat vulnerable in the face of crisis," he said. In addition, according to him, where the FSA which also regulate the development of non-bank financial industry greatly assist the progress of the banking sector due to the progress of non-bank sector will also encourage the banking industry. "Regulation and supervision are dillakukan FSA makes non-bank industry would be equivalent to banking, this will greatly assist the progress of banking," he said. With these conditions, Baiquni assess the existence of the FSA is required to promote the progress of the financial sector in general, and the banking industry in particular. In general, Baiquni see the Indonesian economy in 2015 will be better than 2014 because the government focus on economic development in the field of infrastructure and the increasing age of the population which will encourage productive consumption rate. "The development of infrastructure will bring large spillovers to other economic fields and is an opportunity for credit enhancement medium, small and micro. And this, opportunities for BRI, "he said. ()