Melihat sejarah punk, saat terjadi masalah ekonomi di Amerika yang disebabkan oleh kebobrokan moral tokoh politik, punk menyuarakan dan menyindir pemilik kekuasaan dengan lagu sederhana dan tidak jarang kasar. Idealisme dalam membela rakyat kecil, itulah yang mendasari Punklung untuk membuat lagu-lagu bertemakan sosial dan politik. “Punklung membawakan lagu bertemakan sosial dan budaya, contohnya Punklung pernah membawakan lagu tentang buruh tani, dan sebagainya, pokona mah membawakan lagu yang mewakili masyarakat” ujar Abah.
See the history of punk, when problems occur in the US economy caused by the moral depravity of political figures, punk voice and sarcastic owner of power with simple songs and not seldom rough. Idealism in defense of small people, that is what underlies the Punklung to make the songs with the theme of social and political. "Punklung rendition of American society and culture, for example the Punklung ever rendition of peasants, etc., pokona mah song representing the public" said Abanob.

Looking at the history of punk, when there are problems in the US economy caused by moral decay of political figures, punk voice and insinuated the powers with simple songs and often rude. Idealism in defending the little people, that underlie Punklung to make songs of social and political theme. "Punklung themed rendition of social and cultural, for example Punklung ever rendition of agricultural laborers, and so forth, pokona mah song that represents the community" said Abah.