Pasukan Metal asal Bali ini kembali memperkukuh eksistensi mereka disc翻訳 - Pasukan Metal asal Bali ini kembali memperkukuh eksistensi mereka disc英語言う方法

Pasukan Metal asal Bali ini kembali

Pasukan Metal asal Bali ini kembali memperkukuh eksistensi mereka discene keras Indonesia dengan meluncurkan album ke tiga mereka yg bertitel RAGENAISSANCE, tepat di akhir bulan April 2014. Empat tahun sudah selepas mereka menelurkan album SOMATOFORM dan Delapan tahun sejak album perdana SURGA BENCANA dimuntahkan, Parau terlihat semakin matang dalam menggarap satu per satu lagu mereka […]

Pasukan Metal asal Bali ini kembali memperkukuh eksistensi mereka discene keras Indonesia dengan meluncurkan album ke tiga mereka yg bertitel RAGENAISSANCE, tepat di akhir bulan April 2014. Empat tahun sudah selepas mereka menelurkan album SOMATOFORM dan Delapan tahun sejak album perdana SURGA BENCANA dimuntahkan, Parau terlihat semakin matang dalam menggarap satu per satu lagu mereka di album Ketiga mereka ini. Kematangan mereka tidak hanya melalui aksi dan jam terbang, namun juga dari komposisi musik yg mereka bawakan saat ini semakin memperkuat daya nalar penikmat musik keras bahwa Parau sanggup mengisi tempat khusus dihati Metalhead Indonesia.

Album RAGENAISSANCE, kami bisa bilang sebagai album Epic Monster Parau yg layak untuk dikomsumsi. Secara keseluruhan, baik itu dari penggarapan cover dan materi lagu, nuansa Epic sudah terlihat dan terdengar nyata. Secara Visual bisa kita dapatkan di cover album mereka. Tidak berlebihan bukan…??? wink emotikon Nah, dikesempatan kali ini IRS akan mengupas tuntas album tersebut.

Sebelumnya karena gw mengulas dari apa yg gw dengar dan apa yg gw resapi. Toh saringan telinga kita dan resapan otak kita tidak sama, jadi perbedaan dalam hasil dari apa yang gw review dgn yg kalian review sendiri adalah sebuah hal yg lumrah smile emotikon Perbedaan itu Indah kawan cadas… wink emotikon


RAGENAISSANCE dikemas dalam Hard Case Jewel untuk 1 keping cd.

Ini yang diawal tadi gw bilang EPIC MONSTER ALBUM. Ya, Parau membuat mata kita sesaat terbius dengan tampilan cover yang seakan-akan sedang menunjukkan satu masa dimana ketika terjadi peperangan antara yg benar dengan yang batil, atau yg batil dengan yg batil demi untuk kesenangan pribadi. Kesatria Tengkorak berpedang digambarkan sedang berjibaku dengan Monster Batu berwujud Tengkorak juga. Diperlengkap dengan bakcground batu-batu serta coffin yg menurut gw sendiri kental dengan suasa Epic Jaman Baheula grin emotikon Dengan ilustrasi cover sedemikian rupa, gw yakin penikmat gag akan ragu utk membeli CD tersebut wink emotikon …

BACK COVER : Bagian belakang cover tetap menggambarkan ilustrasi seperti cover depan. Hanya ditambahkan dengan isi Track yg ada seperti :

Darah Menoreh Sejarah
Pusara & Gagak Hitam
Malicious Throne
Strive Against The Storm
Diabolic Vendetta
Otoritas Apatis
Tanpa Label
Torture Without Reprieve
Exhaling Despair
Miles To Andromeda

Ada 6 lembar inlay yang disuguhkan dalam album ini. Seperti biasa dilembar2 awal Parau memperjelas siapa2 yang berada dibelakang pembuatan Album RAGENAISSANCE ini. Dan itu akan semakin membuat kalian tau siapa saja yg telah berkontribusi dalam perilisan Album tersebut.

Nah, pada lembar2 berikutnya kalian akan dimanjakan dengan full lirik dari 9 track yang ada. 4 Track dikemas dengan bahasa Indonesia, sedangkan 5 track lainnya berbahasa Inggris. Itu akan memudahkan kalian untuk dapat ikut bernyanyi mengikuti lafaz nya Ghigox.

Tambahan lagi di Inner Vocer bagian belakang terpampang foto personil dengan style Cool namun tetap BERINGAS…!!!


Di Album RAGENAISSANCE ini jangan harap kalian mendapatkan jeda lagu yg santai (Kecuali Track 10, Instrument), karena telinga kalian akan senantiasa dibuat berkencang2 ria…!

Ini lagu yang menjadi salah satu andalan Parau dan telah dilepaskan pertama kali sebelum album mereka dirilis. Sebagai promosi album, lagu ini memang tepat diluncurkan awal2 kalinya. Karena memperlihatkan bagaimana semakin PARAU nya mereka dalam album RAGENAISSANCE. DARAH MENOREH SEJARAH tidak memberikan jeda bagi telinga kalian. Hasrat untuk memberontak dalam moshing pit akan langsung terbakar begitu lagu ini dimainkan. Blasting beat dan tentu saja karakter riff gitar yg menjadi salah satu ciri khas PARAU dalam setiap karya nya. Ghigox mampu mengolah lagu ini menjadi lagu yang memberikan pesan bahwa Sejarah dalam konteks apa pun, selalu berdiri diatas Darah…!!!

Tanpa jeda, track kedua langsung menerjang telinga kalian. Ini menjadi salah satu lagu favorit gw dan sejauh ini menjadi lagu yg banyak di request juga di IRS Network. Tetap kental pada blasting beat dan riff yang tebal. Menceritakan bagaimana bila kehidupan, kematian dan kegelapan berjalan beriringan. Lagu ini membuat gw sedikit terpejam saat melodi harmonis menghias dibagian tengah track. Seakan ikut memperkuat halusinasi utk membayangkan intrik kehidupan yg jelas2 ada didepan mata namun tertutup logika. Ending song…??? Kalian dengar sendiri… Alunan lembut Bass disertai kepak sayap burung gagak terdenger jelas ditelinga gw wink emotikon GREAT SONG…!!!

Kali ini track dengan bahasa Inggris yang dilantunkan Ghigox. Hmm, entah kenapa ada sedikit perbedaan aura ya di telinga gw. Maksudnya, gw lebih bisa maksimal menikmati suara Ghigox di lagu yg berbahasa Indonesia. Entah karena faktor Ghigox yg tidak terlalu lepas dalam menembakkan lirik Inggris atau karena memang karakter Kuat nya yang berada di lirik bahasa Indonesia. But, this song is nice…!!! Dan untung aja lagu ini hanya berdurasi 2:55, jadi ditelinga gw hanya sekedar memperkuat imajinasi tentang Epic Monster nya album ini. Ya karena lagu ini menggambarkan bagaimana bila kekuasaan dipegang oleh Tahta yang Jahat, yang ada hanyalah kaum Minoritas yang selalu dijadikan korban.

Lagu ini dibuka dengan suara Bobby Kool, YA…tak lain tak bukan adalah Gitaris sekaligus vocalis SID. Bobby dapat meletakkan peranannya dengan baik dilagu ini. Ghigox sendiri sebagai suara utama dapat menyatukan karakter vocal mereka berdua meski secara kasat telinga sangat berbeda ya wink emotikon . Lagu dengan lirik bahasa Inggris ini menggambarkan tentang ketidak puasan serta kehendak untuk melawan keadaan yang ada.

Intro senyap dan sentuhan gitar dengan melodi manis membuka lagu bahasa inggris ini sebagai track ke 5 dalam album RAGENAISSANCE. Kualitas instrument musik Parau tidak lagi diragukan dalam lagu ini. Ditambah lagi dengan karakter Ghigox yg tetap Parau meski kurang begitu Plong bagi kuping gw utk mendengarkan lirik bahasa Inggris nya grin emotikon . Namn setidaknya ini lah karya Parau yang tetap bikin kepala gw “menikmatinya”. Ini menceritakan tentang dendam yang kejam. Dendam yg selalu mengiaskan dengan istilah, Darah dibayar Darah, Hutang mati dibayar mati…

Lagu ini mengiaskan bagaimana ketidak puasan manusia terhadap pemimpinnya. Kehancuran ahlak, moral dan lingkungan yg terpicu ditangan pemimpin yang mengatas namakan “Pemimpin”. Kembali Ghigox dan rekan2 menunjukkan intensitas mereka dalam memberikan lagu yg enjoy untuk dinikmati. Kental, cepat dan Berpesan Moral.

Tanpa Label memberikan intro yg tidak kencang, santai namun tetap berkarakter pada instrument musik Parau. Ghigox mengajak kita untuk menikmati hidup, melupakan sejenak segala hiruk pikuk dan penatnya karakter dunia yg sesak. LET’S HAPPY BROTHERS…!!! Alunan musik mereka pada lagu ini memang dapat mengajak kita untuk berdansa ala Metal, tanpa ada yg menanungi segala kegembiraan kita.

Dunia dipenuhi dengan kekejaman, dimana tak akan pernah berhenti penyiksaan tanpa jeda. Itulah gambaran kilas tentang track ke 8 mereka. Sekali lagi, konsep lirik mereka dikemas dengan baik dalam lagu ini. Masing2 personil meletakkan karakter musik mereka dengan jelas dan masih terdengar kejam ditelinga gw.

Kalian putus asa…??? Merasa ingin mati…??? Layak mendengar satu lagu ini. Intro piano yg lembut seakan ‘ingin’ menghantar kalian ke pembaringan terakhir. Namun hanya sejenak, tebalnya distorsi gitar langsung membuat kita tersentak, meski sesekali mengurangi beat nya namun tetap menggetarkan dada. Ya, gw pikir dilagu inilah Parau dapat menyadarkan kalian untuk segera bangkit dan mencari jalan keluar dari kegelapan yang membelenggu. Mencoba melepaskan diri dari kematian yg siapa merenggut. Nah disinilah bagaimana musik mereka bisa membalut tema lagu dengan baik. Selipan2 melodi dan erangan suara Ghigox cukup untuk membuat gw sadar bahwa gw sungguh menikmati lagu yg satu ini wink emotikon Dan gw yakin elo juga akan merasakan yg sama…

Ingin mendapatkan ending album yg berkesan…??? You can find on this RAGENAISSANCE album. Instrument dengan melodi gitar yg harmonis ala Heavy Metal sesaat membuat kalian akan kembali pada realita setelah dicemari dengan track2 sebelumnya grin emotikon . Closing Instrument yg Dahsyat…!!!


Oke, 10 Track yg mereka kemas dalam satu titel RAGENAISSANCE, terdiri dari 4 lagu berlirik kan bahasa Indonesia dan 5 lagu berlirik bahasa Inggris, gw rasa layak banget untuk kalian dengarkan. Keberanian Parau untuk menyelipkan beberapa suara Choir dan Piano membuat track by track mereka gag terpaku pada beat kencang alias gag Monoton. Memang secara keseluruhan album ini adalah album ‘Ngebut’ yang tetap menonjolkan karakter mereka dalam bermusik ala Parau dan berolah vocal ala Ghigox. Meski ditelinga gw sedikit asing ketika Ghigox melantangkan lirik bahasa Inggris dalam album ini, tapi itu tidak mengurangi makna dan kekuatan RAGENAISSANCE. Satu album Epic Monster yg di – Visualisasikan melalui instrument musik dan tema lagu.

Buat elo yg gag gampang dengerin 9 lagu Ngebut ala Parau, elo harus beli Album ini…! Dan buat elo yg udh terbiasa dengan dentuman2 musik keras, elo musti Play terus lagu2 mereka di album ini…. RECOMANDED ALBUM…!!! Dan jangan lupa request lagu2 nya ya saat Host nya On Air wink emotikon

Good Job buat Parau, semoga sukses dengan album ke 3 i
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Original Bali Metal forces back to their existence reinforces hard discene with Indonesia launched their third album titled yg RAGENAISSANCE, right at the end of April 2014. Four years after they had already produced an album of SOMATOFORM and eight years since their debut album PARADISE DISASTER spewed out, Raucous look increasingly mature in its execution of one of their songs [...]Original Bali Metal forces back to their existence reinforces hard discene with Indonesia launched their third album titled yg RAGENAISSANCE, right at the end of April 2014. Four years after they had already produced an album of SOMATOFORM and eight years since their debut album PARADISE DISASTER spewed out, Raucous look increasingly mature in its execution of one of their songs on their third album. Their maturity is not only through action and flying hours, but also from yg music composition they bring is currently increasingly reinforcing power of reason that Raucous music connoisseur is able to fill a special place Indonesia dihati Metalhead.The album RAGENAISSANCE, we can say as a Raucous Monster Epic album yg deserves to be dikomsumsi. On the whole, be it grazing from the cover and song material, the nuances of Epic already looks and sounds real. Visually we can get their album cover. Not overboard isn't it. ..? wink emoticons well, dikesempatan this time the IRS will analyze the album.Before because gw review from what I hear and what I embrace. Anyway the sieve of resapan our ears and our brains are not the same, so the difference in the results of what I wrote you guys review with the review itself is a yg thing commonplace smile emoticons Difference is beautiful rock a fella ... wink emoticonsREVIEWPACKAGERAGENAISSANCE packaged in a Jewel Case for 1 Hard copies.COVERThis was the beginning of yesteryear gw said EPIC MONSTERS ALBUM. Yes, Raucous makes our eyes momentarily sedated with the look of the cover as if it is being pointed out one time that when there is war between the true with the false, or vanity with vanity yg yg in order for personal enjoyment. The skull Knight horsemen depicted battled with monsters of Rock in the form of the skull as well. Diperlengkap with a bakcground stones as well as gw yg according to own coffin with the quite Epic Era Baheula grin emoticons with the illustration of the cover in such a way, I'm sure connoisseur gag would hesitate to buy the CD wink emoticons ...BACK COVER: the back cover like cover illustration depicts a fixed future. Just added to the contents of Tracks imaginable, such as:Blood Mountain HistoryTomb & Raven BlackMalicious ThroneStrive Against The StormDiabolic VendettaThe Authority Of ApathyWithout LabelTorture Without ReprieveExhaling DespairMiles To AndromedaINLAY COVERThere are 6 pieces of inlay that is presented in this album. As usual early Raucous dilembar2 clarify siapa2 located behind the making of the Album RAGENAISSANCE. And it will increasingly make you guys know anyone reply has contributed in the Album's release.Well, in the next lembar2 you will be pampered with the full lyrics of the 9 tracks. 4 Track packed with language Indonesia, while 5 other United Kingdom language track. It will make it easier for you guys to be able to sing following the mention of her Ghigox.Moreover in the Inner backside Vocer plastered photos of personnel with style Cool but still BERINGAS ...!!!SONGOn the Album it don't RAGENAISSANCE hope you guys get a relaxing interlude song reply (except Track 10, Instrument), because the ear you will always made berkencang2 ria ...!BLOOD MOUNTAIN HISTORYThis song became one of the Raucous mainstay and been released before their first album was released. As the promotion of the album, the song is indeed the right launched awal2 time. Because it shows how the more RAUCOUS him them in the album RAGENAISSANCE. The BLOOD of the HISTORY does give pause INCISE to the ears. The desire to rebel in moshing pit will be directly burned so the song was played. Blasting beat characters and of course wrote guitar riffs became one of the distinctive features of his works in any RAUCOUS. Ghigox capable of processing this song into a track that gives the message that History in the context of anything, always stand above the blood ...!!!TOMB & RAVEN BLACKWithout pause, track the second direct strike ears. This became one of the favorite songs of gw and so far into the song wrote a lot on request also in the IRS Network. Anyway condensed on a blasting riff and beat that thick. Told of how when the life, death and darkness go hand in hand. This song makes gw little closed when the melody of harmonious decorate the middle of the track. Seeming to participate strengthen hallucinations for imagine yg-life intrigue jelas2 there in front of the eyes but closed logic. The ending song ...??? You guys hear myself ... The gentle strains of a Bass accompanied by flap Raven terdenger clear ditelinga gw wink emoticons GREAT SONG ...!!!MALICIOUS THRONEThis time the track with a United Kingdom language chanted Ghigox. Hmm, somehow there is a slight difference in ear gw ya aura. That is, gw is more able to enjoy sound of a maximum of Ghigox in Indonesia-language reply song. Either because the factor Ghigox yg not too loose in firing United Kingdom or lyrics because of his Strong character that was in the Indonesia language lyrics. But, this song is nice ...!!! And fortunately wrote this song only lasts about 2:55, so ditelinga gw merely reinforce his imagination about Epic Monsters album. Yes because this song describes how when the powers held by the evil Throne, only minorities that have always made sacrifices.STRIVE AGAINST THE STORMThe song opens with the voice of Bobby Kool, Yes ... no no not another Guitarist simultaneously vocalis is SID. Bobby can lay its role with good dilagu. Ghigox himself as the voice of the main character vocals can unite them both even though visually very different ears huh wink emoticons. Songs with lyrics this United Kingdom language describes the puasan as well as the will to fight the circumstances that exist.DIABOLIC VENDETTAThe intro is silent and a touch of sweet Melody with guitar opens the English song as track 5 on the album RAGENAISSANCE. The quality of the Raucous music instrument was no longer in doubt in this song. Coupled with the character Ghigox yg keep Raucous though less so broken for gw Plong for listening to the lyrics of his United Kingdom grin emoticons. At least this is the redemption of Raucous work that remain make gw's head "enjoy it". It tells the story of a cruel revenge. Revenge yg always alludes to with the term, paid Blood Debt of blood, dead paid death ...THE AUTHORITY OF APATHYThis song alludes to how the human puasan against its leader. The destruction of the moral and environmental, ahlak yg triggered in the hands of the leader of the mengatas named "leader". Back Ghigox and their intensity shows rekan2 in giving the reply song enjoy to be enjoyed. Strong, quick and given a Moral.WITHOUT LABELTanpa Label memberikan intro yg tidak kencang, santai namun tetap berkarakter pada instrument musik Parau. Ghigox mengajak kita untuk menikmati hidup, melupakan sejenak segala hiruk pikuk dan penatnya karakter dunia yg sesak. LET’S HAPPY BROTHERS…!!! Alunan musik mereka pada lagu ini memang dapat mengajak kita untuk berdansa ala Metal, tanpa ada yg menanungi segala kegembiraan kita.TORTURE WITHOUT REPRIEVEDunia dipenuhi dengan kekejaman, dimana tak akan pernah berhenti penyiksaan tanpa jeda. Itulah gambaran kilas tentang track ke 8 mereka. Sekali lagi, konsep lirik mereka dikemas dengan baik dalam lagu ini. Masing2 personil meletakkan karakter musik mereka dengan jelas dan masih terdengar kejam ditelinga gw.EXHALING DESPAIRKalian putus asa…??? Merasa ingin mati…??? Layak mendengar satu lagu ini. Intro piano yg lembut seakan ‘ingin’ menghantar kalian ke pembaringan terakhir. Namun hanya sejenak, tebalnya distorsi gitar langsung membuat kita tersentak, meski sesekali mengurangi beat nya namun tetap menggetarkan dada. Ya, gw pikir dilagu inilah Parau dapat menyadarkan kalian untuk segera bangkit dan mencari jalan keluar dari kegelapan yang membelenggu. Mencoba melepaskan diri dari kematian yg siapa merenggut. Nah disinilah bagaimana musik mereka bisa membalut tema lagu dengan baik. Selipan2 melodi dan erangan suara Ghigox cukup untuk membuat gw sadar bahwa gw sungguh menikmati lagu yg satu ini wink emotikon Dan gw yakin elo juga akan merasakan yg sama…MILES TO ANDROMEDAIngin mendapatkan ending album yg berkesan…??? You can find on this RAGENAISSANCE album. Instrument dengan melodi gitar yg harmonis ala Heavy Metal sesaat membuat kalian akan kembali pada realita setelah dicemari dengan track2 sebelumnya grin emotikon . Closing Instrument yg Dahsyat…!!!CONCLUSIONOke, 10 Track yg mereka kemas dalam satu titel RAGENAISSANCE, terdiri dari 4 lagu berlirik kan bahasa Indonesia dan 5 lagu berlirik bahasa Inggris, gw rasa layak banget untuk kalian dengarkan. Keberanian Parau untuk menyelipkan beberapa suara Choir dan Piano membuat track by track mereka gag terpaku pada beat kencang alias gag Monoton. Memang secara keseluruhan album ini adalah album ‘Ngebut’ yang tetap menonjolkan karakter mereka dalam bermusik ala Parau dan berolah vocal ala Ghigox. Meski ditelinga gw sedikit asing ketika Ghigox melantangkan lirik bahasa Inggris dalam album ini, tapi itu tidak mengurangi makna dan kekuatan RAGENAISSANCE. Satu album Epic Monster yg di – Visualisasikan melalui instrument musik dan tema lagu.Buat elo yg gag gampang dengerin 9 lagu Ngebut ala Parau, elo harus beli Album ini…! Dan buat elo yg udh terbiasa dengan dentuman2 musik keras, elo musti Play terus lagu2 mereka di album ini…. RECOMANDED ALBUM…!!! Dan jangan lupa request lagu2 nya ya saat Host nya On Air wink emotikonGood Job buat Parau, semoga sukses dengan album ke 3 i
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Metal troops back from Bali reinforces their existence hard discene Indonesia to launch their third album titled RAGENAISSANCE that, right at the end of April 2014. Four years after they spawn somatoform albums and eight years since their debut album HEAVEN DISASTER vomited, husky looks more mature in capturing one by one of their songs [...] Force Metal from Bali back reinforces their existence hard discene Indonesia to launch their third album titled RAGENAISSANCE that, right at the end of April 2014. Four years after they were spawned albums and eight somatoform years since their debut album HEAVEN DISASTER vomited, husky looks more mature in capturing one by one of their songs on their third album this. Their maturity is not only through action and hours of flying, but also from a musical composition that they bring today reinforces the power of reason lovers of loud music that raucous able to fill out a special place in the hearts of Metalhead Indonesia. Album RAGENAISSANCE, we can say as album Epic Monster raucous reply worthy for consumption. Overall, both from the cultivation of the cover and the song material, the feel of Epic already looks and sounds real. Visually we can get on the cover of their album. No exaggeration not ... ??? wink emoticon Well, then on the times IRS will discuss thoroughly the album. Previous due gw gw review of what is heard and what i absorb. Yet filter our ears and recharge our brains are not the same, so the difference in the results of what I'm review with which you review itself is a thing commonplace smile emoticon difference is Beautiful fellow rock ... wink emoticon REVIEW PACKAGE RAGENAISSANCE packed in Hard Case Jewel for 1 cd pieces. COVER This is the beginning of the last i say EPIC MONSTER ALBUM. Yes, husky make our eyes momentarily stupefied with the cover display as if in show one time where when there was war between distinguished with vanity, or that vanity with vanity that for the sake of personal pleasure. Skull knight sword depicted struggling with Monster Skull Stone intangibles as well. Diperlengkap with bakcground stones and coffin that in my opinion his own thick with suasa Epic Age antiquated grin emoticon With cover illustration in such a way, I'm sure the audience gag will are reluctant to buy a CD of the wink emoticon ... BACK COVER: The back cover still depicts illustrations as cover next. Track only added to the existing contents such as: Blood Menoreh History Cemetery & Black Crow Malicious Throne Strive Against The Storm Diabolic Vendetta Authority Apathy Without Label Torture Without Reprieve exhaling Despair Miles To Andromeda inlay COVER There are six pieces of inlay presented in this album. As usual initial dilembar2 raucous siapa2 clarify who was behind the making of this RAGENAISSANCE album. And it will in turn make you know anyone who has contributed to the release of the album. Well, the next Sheet2 you will be spoiled with full lyrics of 9 tracks that exist. 4 Track packed with Indonesian, while five other tracks in English. It will allow you to be able to sing along to follow his lafaz Ghigox. Moreover in Inner vocer the back was a picture of personnel with style Cool but still ferocious ... !!! SONG In this RAGENAISSANCE Album do hope you get that song pauses relaxed (except Track 10 , Instrument), because your ears will always be made ​​berkencang2 fun ...! BLOOD MENOREH HISTORY This song became one of the mainstays raucous and has released the first time before their album was released. As the promotion of the album, this song is right launched awal2 time. Because it shows how the more raucous RAGENAISSANCE them in an album. HISTORY OF BLOOD MENOREH not provide respite for your ears. The desire to revolt inside the pit moshing will immediately burn so the song is played. Blasting beat and of course the character of the guitar riff that became a hallmark of his raucous in each work. Ghigox able to process this song became the song that gives the message that history in any context, always standing on the Blood ... !!! tomb and crows Without pause, the second track directly hit your ears. It became one of the favorite songs gw and far into the songs that many in the request is also in IRS Network. Still thick on the blasting beats and riffs thick. Told how when the life, death and darkness go hand in hand. This song makes gw slightly closed as harmonious melody decorate the middle track. For hallucinations seemed to contribute to strengthening imagine life intrigue which jelas2 there in front of the eyes, but closed logic. Ending song ... ??? You hear yourself ... soft strains of Bass with a crow's wing terdenger clear ears gw wink emoticon ... GREAT SONG !!! malicious THRONE This time the track with English sung Ghigox. Hmm, for some reason there is little difference in the ear gw ya aura. That is, the more i can maximally enjoy Ghigox voice in the songs that speak Indonesian. Whether because of factors that are not too loose Ghigox in English lyrics or fired because of her strong character which is in the lyrics Indonesian. But, this song is nice ... !!! And fortunately wrote this song only lasted 2:55, so the ears i just reinforces his imagination on this album Epic Monster. Yes because this song illustrates how when the power is held by the Throne of Evil, only the minority who always victimized. STRIVE AGAINST THE STORM This song opens with the voice of Bobby Kool, YA ... is none other than guitarist once vocalists SID. Bobby can put this dilagu role well. Ghigox itself as the main voice can unite them both vocal character despite very different by naked ear yes wink emoticon. Songs with English lyrics describes about dissatisfaction and the will to fight the existing circumstances. Diabolic Vendetta Intro silent and touch guitar with sweet melodies english opening song as the album tracks to 5 RAGENAISSANCE. Quality raucous musical instrument no longer in doubt in this song. Coupled with Ghigox character who remains raucous though less so Plong for gw ear to listen to her English lyrics grin emoticon. Namn at least this was the work that still make heads husky gw "enjoy it". It tells the story of a cruel revenge. Revenge that always make an analogy with the term, paid Blood Blood, Debt paid die die ... AUTHORITIES APATHY song is an analogy of how human dissatisfaction against the leaders. The destruction of the moral, and the moral environment that triggered the hands of leaders who in the name of "Leader". Back Ghigox and rekan2 demonstrate their intensity in giving the songs that enjoy to enjoy. Thick, fast and Notice the Moral. NO LABEL Without Labels provide an intro which is not toned, relaxed but still characterized by the raucous musical instrument. Ghigox invites us to enjoy life, forget for a moment all the bustle and penatnya character who crowded world. LET'S HAPPY BROTHERS ... !!! Their music on this song can indeed invite us to dance in the style of Metal, without some menanungi all our excitement. TORTURE WITHOUT Reprieve world is filled with cruelty, which will never stop torture without pause. That picture flashes on track to 8 of them. Again, the concept of the lyrics they are packed well in this song. Masing2 personnel put their musical character with a clear and still sounds cruel ears gw. Exhaling Despair You are desperate ... ??? Want to die ... ??? Deserve to hear this one song. Soft piano intro that seemed to 'want' to deliver your final resting place. But only for a moment, thick guitar distortion instantly made ​​us a jolt, although occasionally reduce its beat but still thrilling chest. Yes, i think this is the raucous dilagu can awaken you to immediately get up and find a way out of the darkness shackles. Trying to escape from death that anyone claimed. Well this is how their music can bind theme song well. Selipan2 melody and groan Ghigox sound enough to make i realize that i really enjoy the songs that this one wink emoticon And I'm sure elo will also feel the same ... MILES TO ANDROMEDA Want to get a memorable ending that album ... ??? You can find on this album RAGENAISSANCE. Instrument with melodic guitar style of Heavy Metal harmonious moment makes you going back to reality after a tainted the previous Track2 grin emoticon. Closing Instrument reply Powerful ... !!! CONCLUSION OK, 10 Track which they pack in the title RAGENAISSANCE, consisting of 4 songs lyrical the Indonesian and English 5 lyrical song, i guess really feasible for you to listen. Courage to slip a few husky voice Choir and Piano made ​​a track by track them glued to beat tight gag gag alias Monotone. Indeed, overall this album is the album 'Speeding' which still highlight their character in music style and exercise husky vocal style Ghigox. Although a little gw foreign ears when Ghigox raise her English lyrics in this album, but that does not diminish the meaning and power of RAGENAISSANCE. One album Epic Monster antecedent - Visualize through instrumental music and theme songs. Create elo who gag easily listen to 9 tracks speeding raucous style, you've got to buy this album ...! And for that UDH elo dentuman2 accustomed to loud music, elo must continue lagu2 Play them on this album .... Recomanded ALBUM ... !!! And do not forget his request lagu2 yes when Host On Air wink emoticon Good Job create a husky, good luck with the album 3 i

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