Bahkan hingga tepat pukul 12.00 WIB, Presiden belum juga tiba. Meski sudah mulai gelisah, para pengungsi tidak juga meninggalkan ruangan besar itu. Makan siang belum juga disediakan dan air minum juga tidak diberikan.
Sekitar pukul 13.00 WIB, anak-anak semakin gelisah. Beberapa di antara mereka memberanikan diri ke luar ruangan. Sebelumnya, pintu utama ruangan tersebut tertutup rapat. Bahkan, seorang balita terserang sesak nafas dan harus dilarikan ke rumah sakit (RS).
Pukul 13.30 WIB, kegelisahan anak-anak menular ke orang dewasa. ""Jadi datang ataundak sih?"" ujar Sukasih, seorang pengungsi. Pertanyaannya itu diajukan hampir setiap 10 menit.
Pukul 14.00 WIB, sekelompok pengungsi tambahan kembali datang. Salah satu di antara mereka mengaku datang dari posko pengungsian di Desa Pojok, Kecamatan Wates.
Even right up until 12 pm, the President has not yet arrived. Even though it has started to fidget, the refugees did not leave the room it's great. Lunch has not also provided drinking water and also not given.At around 1 pm, the kids are getting restless. Some of them ventured out of the room. Previously, the main door of the sealed Chamber. In fact, a toddler stricken with shortness of breath and had to be rushed to the Hospital (RS).At 13.30 BST, anxiety infectious children to adults. "" So come ataundak the hell? ' "said Sukasih, a refugee. The question it asked questions almost every 10 minutes.At 14.00 GMT, a bunch of additional refugee returns. One of them claimed to come from the evacuation command post in the village of Wates Subdistrict, Corner.

Even up promptly at 12.00 am, the president had not yet arrived. Although already getting restless, the refugees are not also left the hall. Lunch is not provided and the drinking water was also not given. Around 13:00 pm, kids are getting restless. Some of them ventured to the outdoors. Previously, the main door of the room closed. In fact, a toddler stricken with shortness of breath and had to be rushed to the hospital (RS). At 13.30 pm, the anxiety of children transmitted to adults. "" So come ataundak anyway? '"Said Sukasih, a refugee. The question was posed almost every 10 minutes. At 14:00 pm, a group of additional refugees coming back. One of them claimed to come from the post evacuation in the Village Corner, District Wates.