Band yang dibentuk tahun 2009 ini pada awalnya memainkan musik Death G翻訳 - Band yang dibentuk tahun 2009 ini pada awalnya memainkan musik Death G英語言う方法

Band yang dibentuk tahun 2009 ini p

Band yang dibentuk tahun 2009 ini pada awalnya memainkan musik Death Grind yang berkiblat pada Misery Index. Puncaknya saat sang inspirasi bertandang ke Jogjakarta, Deadly Weapon berkesempatan untuk membuka konser mereka. Seiring berjalannya waktu, Deadly Weapon mengubah warna musiknya kearah Grindcore, yang terinspirasi pada Rotten Sound. And hell yes, lagi-lagi Unit Grindcore ini berkesempatan bermain bersama satu inspirasi bermusik mereka lagi dalam Obscene Extreme Festival, yang akan berselang 6-7 April 2013 ini. Berikut wawancara kami bersama Deadly Weapon yang dijawab oleh gitaris mereka, Made.

Pertama, seperti biasa, bagaimana persiapan menuju panggung Obscene Extreme Festival?

Persiapan seperti biasa saja layaknya kita mengikuti event-event yang lain. Hanya latihan rutin dan menjaga kesehatan masing-masing tiap personil.

Sebagai band beraliran Grindcore, tentunya Deadly Weapon tak asing lagi dan mungkin memiliki ambisi tampil di Obscene Extreme Festival, sebuah festival musik ekstrim Internasional dengan nafas grindcore yang dominan. Sepakat?

Yap. Kami memang pernah berangan-angan untuk bisa bermain di OEF yg berada di Ceko, sampai saya (Made) pernah iseng mengirimkan demo melalui email kepada Curby di sekitar tahun 2012 awal. Ya siapa tahu dia kecantol gitu. Namun, siapa sangka tahun ini Curby membawa OEF ke Asia dan kami bisa tampil?

Lalu memang apakah sejauh ini Obscence merupakan panggung terbesar atau bahkan pencapaian baru dalam karir kalian?

Tiap stage, tiap pertemuan dengan teman-teman baru adalah pencapaian terbesar bagi kita. Panggung terbesar untuk kita adalah panggung yang di mana para penonton dapat bermoshpit ria bersama kita.

Akan ada ribuan pemuda berbaju hitam yang liar, tanpa barikade, tanpa pembatas panggung. Bagaimana tanggapan kalian dengan konsep panggung festival ini?

Sepertinya kami memang lebih cocok dan suka dengan konsep panggung tanpa barikade dan stage yg tidak tinggi. Karena kita sendiri juga suka ‘pencilakan’ ke sana kemari hehehe? hanya berdiri di atas panggung itu membosankan, bermain instrumen sambil ikut bermoshpit ria bersama teman-teman yang menonton kita itu menyenangkan

Pada wawancara Warning dengan Curby beberapa waktu yang lalu. Deadly Weapon merupakan salah satu yang dinanti penampilannya. Siap menjawab ekspektasinya?

Kita semua berharap pada sebuah sambutan yang menyenangkan dari teman-teman sekalian.

Salah satu headline Obscene ini adalah Rotten Sound, satu aksi yang kerap kalian sebut sebagai influence utama gemuruh musik Deadly Weapon. Ada antusias khusus tentunya kan?

Antusias selalu ada. Dahulu (formasi lama) kami bermain Death Grind dengan inspirasi besar dari Misery Index dan menjadi pembuka mereka saat tour mereka di Yogyakarta, dan pada formasi sekarang kami melakukan perombakan musik dengan mengacu kepada musik grindcore yang straight to the point seperti Rotten Sound. Rasanya sangat menyenangkan dapat berada pada satu flyer event dengan band-band yang memberi influence musik kepada kita.

Kembali ke Jogja, gimana sih scene grindcore jogja dewasa ini?

Scene grindcore di Jogja tidak terlalu besar seperti kota lain, seperti Jakarta, Bandung, Malang, dll, tetapi scene grindcore di Jogja terus berkembang dengan adanya beberapa band baru yang mulai bermunculan, meskipun ada beberapa yang tidak murni grindcore.

Kami melihat, kuantitas band grindcore di Jogja sangat sedikit, kira-kira kenapa begitu?

Sejujurnya kami tidak tahu hahaha. Mungkin dengan adanya pengaruh tren musik yang terus berubah dan sepertinya sampai saat ini grindcore adalah musik yang un-trend di Jogja sehingga peminatnya sedikit. Padahal sebenarnya, bermain musik grindcore sangat menyenangkan sekali. Kita bebas bereksperimen untuk mengembangkan musik kita kemanapun.

Sampai kapan mau main grindcore?

Sampai orgasme hahaha.

Beralih ke “Disillusional Blurs” sudah sejak lama berita mengenai momen perilisan, tapi hingga sekarang belum terealisasi. Ada hambatankah di level perilisan?

Yap, sebenarnya kami sudah selesai melakukan proses studio record pada bulan Oktober 2012. Namun, sepertinya ada sedikit kendala dari label di mana kita bernaung. Ditunggu saja hehehe.

Mengapa memilih record label, Rottrevore?

Sebenarnya, Rottrevore yang pertama jatuh cinta dan memilih kerjasama dengan kita. Semua berawal pada saat kehadiran almarhum Rio Gendatz di Jogja pada tahun 2009 silam dan melihat formasi lama kami bermain. Sejak itu kami mulai membicarakan tentang kontrak label. All hail to Rio Rottrevore!

Sempat melihat video behind the scene pembuatan album kalian, sepertinya bukan lagu-lagu yang mudah dimainkan ya?

Kita mencoba sebisa mungkin untuk dapat memainkan hal yang mudah menjadi terlihat ‘agak’ ekstrim, dengan kata lain, memaksimalkannya. Jika kalian mau menyimak, sebetulnya apa yang kita mainkan tidak terlalu sulit. Saya yakin masih banyak band grindcore lain yang mampu memainkan lagu-lagu yang lebih sulit. Kami tidak memaksakan apa yang tidak nyaman untuk kami sendiri, percuma memainkan apa yang tidak/belum mampu kita mainkan dan memaksakannya di studio dengan editing dimana-mana pada hasil akhirnya tetapi tidak mampu kita mainkan pada saat live. Tanggung jawab saat melakukan live dengan apa yang kita ciptakan di studio pada saat rekaman sangat kita pertimbangkan.

Di album baru nanti, unsur-unsur musik apa saja yang akan kalian padukan untuk memperkosa telinga pendengar?

Perpaduan dari berbagai formula musik punk, crusty, hardcore, noise yang kita gabungkan menjadi swedish grindcore yang straight to the point.

Seandainya album kalian sudah lebih dulu beredar, tentunya Obscene Extreme Festival dapat menjadi momen yang tepat untuk mempromosikan track-track baru kalian. Ada kekecewaan?

Kurang lebih seperti itu, kami berharap bahwa OEF mampu untuk menjadi ajang promosi untuk full length pertama kita. Saat ini kami hanya berharap bahwa tidak akan terjadi banyak delay tanggal rilis lagi

Oke, pertanyaan terakhir, deskripsikan album kalian dengan 3 kata

Gra – In – Kor!

Trima kasih, sampai ketemu di Obscene Extreme Fest.
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
The band formed in 2009 it was originally played Death Grind that is used on the Misery Index. The peak time of the inspiration going to Jogjakarta, Deadly Weapon had the opportunity to open their concerts. As time passes, the Deadly Weapon change the color of the music towards the Grindcore, inspired on a Rotten Sound. And hell yes, again this opportunity to play Player Units together one of their musical inspiration again in the Obscene Extreme Festival, which will be a 6-7 April 2013. Following our interview along with Deadly Weapon are answered by their guitarist, Made.First, as always, how the preparatory stage towards the Obscene Extreme Festival?Preparation as usual just as we follow the other events. Only exercise routine and keep the health of each respective personnel.As a Grindcore band, certainly Deadly Weapon is not familiar and may have ambitions to perform in Obscene Extreme Festival, a music festival, the international extreme with the breath of the dominant player. Agreed?Yap. We never dreamed of being able to play in the OEF yg was in the Czech Republic, until I (Made) ever whim send a demo via email to Curby around early in 2012. Yes who knows he's so hooked. However, who would have thought this year Curby bring OEF to Asia and we can perform?Then indeed does so far is the biggest stage Obscence or even a new achievement in the career of you?Each stage, each meeting with new friends is the biggest achievement for us. The biggest stage for us is the stage in which the audience can bermoshpit RIAs with us.There will be thousands of youths dressed in black who was wild, with no barricades, without the limiting stage. How do you guys response to the concept stage this festival?It seems like we are more suitable and love the concept of the stage without barricades and stage yg is not high. Because we also like ' pencilakan ' to and fro hehehe? just standing on the stage it was boring, play instruments while join bermoshpit ria with friends who watched us it was funIn an interview with Curby Warning some time ago. Deadly Weapon is one of the highly anticipated appearance. Ready answer ekspektasinya?We all look forward to a pleasant greeting from friends all.One of the headlines it is Obscene Rotten Sound, one action that often you guys refer to as major influence music rumbling Deadly Weapon. There are of course special enthusiasm right?Enthusiasm is always there. In the past (the old formation) we play Death Grind with great inspiration from the Misery Index and into their opener when their tour in Yogyakarta, and in the formation of our now doing an overhaul of the music refers to music of grindcore that is straight to the point like Rotten Sound. It feels very pleasant can reside on a single flyer event with the bands musical influence that gave to us.Back to Jogja, gimana sih grindcore scene Yogyakarta nowadays?Grindcore scene in Yogyakarta is not too big like other cities, such as Jakarta, Bandung, Malang, etc., but the grindcore scene in Yogyakarta continued to flourish with the presence of some new band that started popping up, although there are some who are not pure grindcore.We see grindcore band, the quantity of very little in Yogyakarta, about why is that?To be honest we don't know hahaha. Perhaps with the influence of the ever-changing music trends and seems to date the grindcore music is un-trend in Yogyakarta so that devotees are a bit. When in fact, playing the music of grindcore is very nice. We are free to experiment to develop our music wherever you are.Until when is the player want to play?Until orgasm hahaha.Switch to "Disillusional Blurs" already since a long time news about the moment of release, but until now have not been realized. There are hambatankah in the level of the release?Yep, actually we have already finished the studio record in October 2012. However, there seems to be little constraint from the label where we take shelter. Awaited course hehehe.Why choose record label, Rottrevore?Actually, Rottrevore's first falling in love and choosing a partnership with us. All started at the time of the presence of the late Rio Gendatz in Yogyakarta earlier in 2009 and see the old formation we play. Since then we started talking about the contract label. All hail to Rio Rottrevore!!!Got to see a video of behind the scenes making of the album, it seems not easy tunes played huh?We try as much as possible to be able to play an easy thing being seen ' bit ' extreme, in other words, memaksimalkannya. If you guys want to hear, for that matter what we play is not too difficult. I'm sure there are still many other grindcore bands that are able to play songs that are more difficult. We do not impose what is not convenient for our own, free to play what we play and tidak/belum was able to force it in the studio with editing everywhere on the end result but are not able to live at a time when we play. Responsibility when performing live with what we create in the studio at the time of recording very we consider.In the new album, elements of what music would you guys combine for raping the ears of listeners?The combination of various musical formula, crusty punk, hardcore, noise which we combine into swedish grindcore that is straight to the point.If you guys have more albums used to be circulating, certainly Obscene Extreme Festival may be the right moment to promote the track-new track you guys. There is disappointment?More or less as it is, we hope that OEF is capable to be a promotional event for our first full length. Currently we are only hoping that won't happen much delay the release date againOkay, last question, describe the album you guys with 3 wordsGra – In – Kor!Trima love, see you at Obscene Extreme Fest.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
The band formed in 2009 initially to play death Grind are oriented to the Misery Index. Peak when the inspiration come to Jogjakarta, Deadly Weapon opportunity to open their concerts. Over time, Deadly Weapon change the color of the music towards Grindcore, inspired on Rotten Sound. And hell yes, again Grindcore Unit had the opportunity to play alongside one of their musical inspirations again in the Obscene Extreme Festival, which will criss 6 to 7 April 2013. Following our interview together Deadly Weapon answered by guitarist, Made. First, as always, how the preparation to the stage Obscene Extreme Festival? Preparations as usual just like us follow other events. Only regular exercise and maintain the health of every personnel respectively. As a Grindcore band, of course, Deadly Weapon familiar and may have the ambition to perform at Obscene Extreme Festival, a music festival with a breath International extreme grindcore dominant. Agree? Yep. We certainly never dreamed to be able to play at OEF reply was in the Czech Republic, until I (Made) once idly send demos via email to Curby around early 2012. Ya never know he was hooked so. However, who would have thought this year Curby bring OEF to Asia and we can perform? Then it is by far the biggest stage Obscence or even a new achievement in your career? Each stage, each meeting with new friends is the biggest achievement for us. The biggest stage for us is the stage where the audience can bermoshpit fun with us. There will be thousands of black-clad young men wild, without barricades, without limiting stage. How do you respond to the concept of this festival stage? It seems we are more suitable and like the concept stage without the barricade and the stage that is not high. Because we ourselves are like 'pencilakan' to and fro hehehe? just standing on stage was boring, playing instruments while participating bermoshpit fun with friends that we watch the fun In an interview Warning with Curby some time ago. Deadly Weapon is one of the highly anticipated appearance. Ready to answer the expectations? We all look forward to a pleasant welcome from my friends. One headline Obscene is Rotten Sound, an action that you often touted as a major influence Deadly Weapon jarring music. There is of course a special enthusiasm right? The enthusiasm is always there. In the past (the old formation) we played Death Grind with great inspiration from Misery Index and become their opener while their tour in Yogyakarta, and at present we do overhaul formations music refers to music grindcore that is straight to the point like Rotten Sound. It feels very exciting to be on the flyer event with bands that give musical influences us. Back to Jogja, how does the scene grindcore jogja today? Scene grindcore in Jogja is not too big like other cities, such as Jakarta, Bandung, Malang, etc, but the grindcore scene in Yogyakarta continues to expand with some new band began to emerge, although there are some that are not purely grindcore. We see, quantity grindcore band in Jogja very little, about why is that? To be honest we do not know hahaha. Perhaps with the influence of music trends are constantly changing and it seems to date grindcore music is un-trend in Jogja so little demand. When in fact, play music grindcore is very pleasant at all. We are free to experiment to develop our music anywhere. Until when you want to play grindcore? Until orgasm hahaha. Switch to "Disillusional blurs" has long been the news of the moment of the release, but until now has not been realized. There hambatankah at the release level? Yep, in fact we've finished the record studio in October 2012. However, there seems to be little constraint on the label where we take shelter. Hehehe just wait. Why choose a record label, Rottrevore? Actually, Rottrevore the first to fall in love and chose cooperation with us. All started at the time of the deceased's presence Rio Gendatz in Yogyakarta in 2009 ago and see the old formation we play. Since then we started talking about the label contract. All hail to Rio Rottrevore! Could see the video behind the scenes making of your album, it seems not the songs are easy to play huh? We try as much as possible to be able to play an easy thing becomes visible 'bit' extreme, in other words, maximize them. If you want to listen, really what we play is not too difficult. I am sure there are many other grindcore bands that can play songs that are more difficult. We do not impose what is not convenient to our own, useless to play what is not / has not been able we play and force it in the studio with editing everywhere on the end result but we are unable to play during live. Responsibility when performing live with what we create in the studio during the recording so we consider. On the new album later, elements of music what would you combine to rape the listener's ears? The combination of various formulas punk, crusty, hardcore, noise which we combine into swedish grindcore that is straight to the point. If your album were already in circulation, of course Obscene Extreme Festival may be the right moment to promote your new tracks. There was disappointment? Less is more like it, we hope that OEF was able to become a promotional event for our first full length. Currently we only hope that will not happen much delay the release date again Okay, last question, describe your album with three words Gra - In - Cor! Trima you, see you at the Obscene Extreme Fest.

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