* The Number Of Companies Increased By Three MoreBANDA ACEH-Organizing exchange of work (job fair) lived a few days longer. For the people of Aceh who are looking for jobs, there is probably no harm in harnessing the opportunities at this event. Entrance ticket specified the penyelengara amounting to Rp 30,000.According to Dr. Farid Mulana MEng, Chairman of the Career Development Centre (CDC) Director as organizers, Rp 30,000 tickets were valid for only one day. With these tickets, free job seekers apply to companies that demand as well as the following seminars for free."With that ticket, a free society and a free entrance out threw lamarannya to companies that open up the jobs," he said to the foyer, on Wednesday (4/3).In the same occasion, Farid said, this time the jobfair followed 17 national and local companies will recruit the workforce on the interview on the spot.These companies include Bank Mandiri, Bank Syariah SHORT BTPN, Paragon Technology Inovation, the Wing Group, Generali, Sun, Alfamart, Mandala, Suzuya, Syariah Bank Mandiri, Arista, FIF Honda Group, Centre for Creative Industry of Syiah Kuala University, and several others.In addition there is also a Department of labor and the mobility of the population (Disnakermobduk) of Aceh who will recruit graduates to be educated again and ready to work abroad and within the country."It's been available 17 area job fair booth Unsyiah. The 17th this each booth will be filled by the companies who participated in the job fair, "sebutnya.As reported earlier, the Career Development Centre (CDC) Syiah Kuala University (Unsyiah) again held a job fair or job fair. The event took place over two days, Saturday and Sunday (7-8/3), housed in the building of the AAC Dayan Dawood, Darussalam, Banda Aceh. This activity is supported by Serambi Indonesia, jobStreet.com, theglobejournal.com and OZ FM 102.8 Banda Aceh as a media partner.(avi)