Ceritain Dikit juga Motivasi dibentuknya penjagal2 Metal ditubuh PLASM翻訳 - Ceritain Dikit juga Motivasi dibentuknya penjagal2 Metal ditubuh PLASM英語言う方法

Ceritain Dikit juga Motivasi dibent

Ceritain Dikit juga Motivasi dibentuknya penjagal2 Metal ditubuh PLASMOPTYSIS, sebuah pertanyaan yang membosankan, lumayan Buat lebih mengenal PLASMOPTYSIS Semata sebagai New Comer Death metal sehingga kalian semua juga tertarik menggunakan nama PLASMOPTYSIS, Menurut kalian apa itu arti kata PLASMOPTYSIS ??
Sandro: hmm oke singkatnya Plasmoptysis dibentuk tahun 2006 di Bandung awalnya ide dari Dedy yang mengajak Sandro dan Saenk buat band band an, awalnya namanya bukan Plasmoptysis, tapi Mannequin. Setelah berkali-kali gonta ganti personil akhirnya kita nemuin formasi yg udah solid banget. Yaitu formasi yang sekarang ini nih, dan pada bulan Maret 2008 kita rekaman buat yang album Promo 2008 itu, terus pas sekitar bulan Oktober 2008 kemaren karena beberapa sebab akhirnya kita ganti nama jadi Plasmoptysis. Kalo masalah nama sih si Saenk yang ngerti!hahaha
Saenk: Waduh! Hmm kalo buat nama sih awalnya kita rundingin mau nama yang kyk gimana, terus nyari2 bahan di buku2 dan internet. Dan akhirnya setelah beberapa kali penyaringan akhirnya nyangkutnya di Plasmoptysis. Kalo artinya apa ya?

ditanya konsep musik yang kalian mainkan, its Keep Brutal Death metal adopsi perpaduan style -nya Disgorge, Devourment , Brodequin, Incestuous juga Condemned, en gw juga ngerasa ada sentuhan Indonesian Death metal-nya yang khas, bisa kasih definisi Komplit tentang yang satu ini??
Sandro: hmmm iya ya?haha Tanya bang dedy deh kalo soal begituan!
Saenk : Yoi!
Dedy : Kalo buat konsep lagu sih kita lebih ngambil dari Deeds of Flesh, Disgorge, dan Hour of Penance, ya mungkin ditambah dengan karakter death metal kita sendiri yang bersifat Indonesia juga kali ya? Makanya jadi ada sentuhan Indonesia.haha

apakah hampir dipastikan konsep Musik PLASMOPTYSIS akan tetep tampil ngebut ato Justru main berubah nantinya??
Dedy: kalo konsep sih untuk sementara kayaknya bakal gitu dulu, ya kita maen seadanya aja disesuaikan dengan materi yang ada.hehe

Untuk promo 2008, apakah PLASMOPTYSIS udah merasa maksimal serta Puas dengan Ending-nya begitu dipublikasikan ke kancah metal? ngomong2 dimana PLASMOPTYSIS merekamnya??
Sandro: wah jujur sih kalo buat sekarang sih kita belom puas, ya karena manusia tidak pernah ada puas puasnya kan.hahaha buat recording kemaren kita percayain buat recording di Funhouse Recording di Bandung, soalnya selain bagus dari segi kualitas, orang-orang di dalemnya juga masih teman-teman kita juga.hehe

apakah Ada kepuasan tersendiri memainkan Konsep Musik yang super Hingar Bingar ini, mengingat anak2 metal ngeband saat ini juga memiliki Tujuan2 lain, kayak dapetin fans cewek, Superstar he he he, en apakah ini adalah sebuah pilihan yang tepat untuk kalian mainkan sampai Bosan ato just mengalir dengan Booming Death metal aja??
Sandro: Wah justru puas sekali nih soalnya cocok aja kyknya musik kyk gini buat kita. Kalo tujuan2 lain, hmm kalo dapet cewe sih siapa yg gamau!hahah kita bakal maenin musik kayak gini mungkin sampe kakek kakek kali ya! XD

en gimana kalo ditanya tentang Metode Proses penciptaan lagu, apakah harus ada Penyempurnaan sebelum dimainkan diatas Panggung ato harus dimainkan dulu baru diadakan Evaluasi tersendiri atas kekurangan2 yang ada??
Dedy: hmm kalo buat penciptaan lagu sih, biasanya kita ngerekam sendiri dulu pattern gitar buat lagu yang baru di komputer. Terus didengerin ke tiap personil, kalo setuju ya langsung dicoba, tp kalo ada yang kurang ya dirobah lagi dikit-dikit. Gitu doang sih!hehe

tentang rencana pembuatan album Full apakah juga menjadi Motivasi utama buat terus eksis, kapan mulai dilakukan mengingat saat ini pasti PLASMOPTYSIS udah memiliki Amunisi yang siap dilepaskan dari senjata-nya.
Sandro: rencananya kita bakal mulai recording buat full-length album sekitar bulan Januari 2009, materi juga sekarang lagi sibuk-sibuknya di rombak sana sini buat persiapan bulan Januari nanti.
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Ceritain Little penjagal2 Metal catalysts for the Motivation also ditubuh PLASMOPTYSIS, a question that is boring, quite to know more PLASMOPTYSIS Purely as New Comer Death metal so that all of you are also interested in using the name PLASMOPTYSIS, did you guys what is the meaning of the word PLASMOPTYSIS?Sandro: hmm okay in short Plasmoptysis was formed in 2006 in Bandung was originally an idea of the invited Dedy Sandro and Saenk create a band band, originally the name was not Plasmoptysis, but the Mannequin. After repeated mutually replace personnel finally we nemuin yg udah banget solid formation. I.e. formation is now the nih, and in March 2008 we are recording for the album Promo 2008 that, keep fit around October of 2008 yesterday due to some because finally we rename so Plasmoptysis. Kalo problem name hell si Saenk who understand! hahahaSaenk: Whoa! Hmm reply created the name hell initially we rundingin want the name kyk gimana, keeps materials on nyari2 books and the internet. After a few times and finally ended up in the nyangkutnya filtering Plasmoptysis. Kalo means what?asked do you guys play music concept, its Brutal Death metal Keep adoption his blend of style, Devourment, Disgorge Brodequin, Incestuous also Condemned, en gw also feel there is a touch of Indonesian Death metal to its typical, can Complete definition of love about this one??Sandro: hmmm yeah ya? haha Ask bang dedy deh kalo reserved begituan!Saenk : Yoi!Dedy : Kalo buat konsep lagu sih kita lebih ngambil dari Deeds of Flesh, Disgorge, dan Hour of Penance, ya mungkin ditambah dengan karakter death metal kita sendiri yang bersifat Indonesia juga kali ya? Makanya jadi ada sentuhan Indonesia.hahaapakah hampir dipastikan konsep Musik PLASMOPTYSIS akan tetep tampil ngebut ato Justru main berubah nantinya??Dedy: kalo konsep sih untuk sementara kayaknya bakal gitu dulu, ya kita maen seadanya aja disesuaikan dengan materi yang ada.heheUntuk promo 2008, apakah PLASMOPTYSIS udah merasa maksimal serta Puas dengan Ending-nya begitu dipublikasikan ke kancah metal? ngomong2 dimana PLASMOPTYSIS merekamnya??Sandro: wah jujur sih kalo buat sekarang sih kita belom puas, ya karena manusia tidak pernah ada puas puasnya kan.hahaha buat recording kemaren kita percayain buat recording di Funhouse Recording di Bandung, soalnya selain bagus dari segi kualitas, orang-orang di dalemnya juga masih teman-teman kita juga.heheapakah Ada kepuasan tersendiri memainkan Konsep Musik yang super Hingar Bingar ini, mengingat anak2 metal ngeband saat ini juga memiliki Tujuan2 lain, kayak dapetin fans cewek, Superstar he he he, en apakah ini adalah sebuah pilihan yang tepat untuk kalian mainkan sampai Bosan ato just mengalir dengan Booming Death metal aja??Sandro: Wah justru puas sekali nih soalnya cocok aja kyknya musik kyk gini buat kita. Kalo tujuan2 lain, hmm kalo dapet cewe sih siapa yg gamau!hahah kita bakal maenin musik kayak gini mungkin sampe kakek kakek kali ya! XDen gimana kalo asked about the process of creating the song, whether there should be a refinement of prior played onstage ato must first played recently held its own Evaluations over the existing kekurangan2??Cheryl: hmm kalo buat creation song anyway, usually we own ngerekam used to create guitar pattern the new songs on the computer. Continue to didengerin to each personnel, kalo agree Yes immediately tried, tp kalo ada less Yes dirobah again little-little. Doang Gitu sih! heheabout the plan of making a Full album will also be the main Motivation created continue to exist, when starting to do given the current PLASMOPTYSIS've definitely has the ammunition ready is released from his weapon.Sandro: the plan we would start recording create full-length album sometime in January 2009, the material is also now more sibuk-sibuknya in "destroy there start here preparation later in January.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Ceritain Dikit also penjagal2 Metal Motivation establishment PLASMOPTYSIS body, a boring question, passable Create more familiar PLASMOPTYSIS Solely as New Comer Death metal so that you all also interested in using the name PLASMOPTYSIS, do you think what is the meaning of the word PLASMOPTYSIS ??
Sandro: hmm okay for short Plasmoptysis formed in 2006 in Bandung was originally the idea of inviting Dedy Sandro and Saenk create the band's band, originally the name is not Plasmoptysis, but Mannequin. After repeated mutually exchange personnel we finally nemuin formation that is already very solid. The formation of the present ya, and in March 2008 we are recording for the album Promo 2008's, continues to fit around the month of October 2008 ended yesterday for some reason we change the name so Plasmoptysis. If the problem does the name Saenk who understand! Hahaha
Saenk: Uh oh! Hmm if for the name anyway rundingin first we want to name kyk how, continue nyari2 buku2 and materials on the internet. And finally after several filtering finally nyangkutnya in Plasmoptysis. If that means what? Asked the concept of music you play, its adoption Keep Brutal Death metal blend his style Disgorge, Devourment, Brodequin, Incestuous also Condemned, en I also feel there is a touch of Indonesian Death metal its unique, can give a definition Complete about this one ?? Sandro: hmmm iya ya? haha Ratings bang dedy deh kalo about begituan! Saenk: Yoi! Dedy: if for the concept of the song anyway we would take some of the Deeds of Flesh, Disgorge, and Hour of Penance, yes maybe plus with the character of our own death metal that is Indonesia also times huh? So so there is a touch Indonesia.haha is almost certain concepts PLASMOPTYSIS Music will perform speeding tetep ato ?? Quite remarkably changed later Dedy: if the concept of hell for a while I think would be so first, yes we maen aja roughing adapted to the material ada.hehe For promo 2008, whether PLASMOPTYSIS already feel optimally and Ending Satisfied with her ​​so published to the metal scene? ngomong2 where PLASMOPTYSIS record ?? Sandro: wah honest anyway if for now anyway we belom satisfied, yes because the man never existed satisfied satisfied kan.hahaha for recording yesterday we percayain created in Funhouse recording Recording in Bandung, because other than good in terms of quality, people in dalemnya still our friends juga.hehe whether There is a certain satisfaction plays Music concept super frenetic, given the current ngeband anak2 metal also has another Goal2, kayak dapetin girl fans, Superstar he he he, en whether this is a choice that is right for you to play until bored ato just oozing with Booming Death metal aja ?? Sandro: Well actually satisfied because suitable nih aja kyk gini kyknya music for us. If another Goal2, hmm if dapet girl on whom you gamau hell! Hahah we would like this music maenin possible until grandfather grandpa times yes! XD en what if asked about the song creation process method, whether there should be played on the Stage Completion before ato be played first and Evaluation held its own over the existing kekurangan2 ?? Dedy: hmm if for the creation of the song anyway, usually our own ngerekam used to create pattern guitar the new songs on the computer. Continue didengerin to every personnel, if to agree, then be directly tested, tp if something is missing ya little bit to be changed again. So doang heck! Hehe about the plan of the album Full is also a major motivation for continue to exist, when to do given this time would PLASMOPTYSIS already have ammunition that is ready to be released from her weapons. Sandro: the plan we will start recording for full-length album around January 2009, the material is also now again in full swing in preparation for the Rombak here and there in January.

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