PDB Lapangan Usaha (Seri 2010)A. Pertanian, Kehutanan, dan Perikanan1.翻訳 - PDB Lapangan Usaha (Seri 2010)A. Pertanian, Kehutanan, dan Perikanan1.英語言う方法

PDB Lapangan Usaha (Seri 2010)A. Pe

PDB Lapangan Usaha (Seri 2010)

A. Pertanian, Kehutanan, dan Perikanan
1. Pertanian, Peternakan, Perburuan dan Jasa Pertanian
a. Tanaman Pangan
b. Tanaman Hortikultura
c. Tanaman Perkebunan
d. Peternakan
e. Jasa Pertanian dan Perburuan
2. Kehutanan dan Penebangan Kayu
3. Perikanan
B. Pertambangan dan Penggalian
1. Pertambangan Minyak, Gas dan Panas Bumi
2. Pertambangan Batubara dan Lignit
3. Pertambangan Bijih Logam
4. Pertambangan dan Penggalian Lainnya
C. Industri Pengolahan
1. Industri Batubara dan Pengilangan Migas
2. Industri Makanan dan Minuman
3. Industri Pengolahan Tembakau
4. Industri Tekstil dan Pakaian Jadi
5. Industri Kulit, Barang dari Kulit dan Alas Kaki
6. Industri Kayu, Barang dari Kayu dan Gabus dan Barang Anyaman dari Bambu, Rotan dan Sejenisnya
7. Industri Kertas dan Barang dari Kertas; Percetakan dan Reproduksi Media Rekaman
8. Industri Kimia, Farmasi dan Obat Tradisional
9. Industri Karet, Barang dari Karet dan Plastik
10. Industri Barang Galian bukan Logam
11. Industri Logam Dasar
12. Industri Barang Logam; Komputer, Barang Elektronik, Optik; dan Peralatan Listrik
13. Industri Mesin dan Perlengkapan
14. Industri Alat Angkutan
15. Industri Furnitur
16. Industri Pengolahan Lainnya; Jasa Reparasi dan Pemasangan Mesin dan Peralatan
D. Pengadaan Listrik dan Gas
1. Ketenagalistrikan
2. Pengadaan Gas dan Produksi Es
E. Pengadaan Air, Pengelolaan Sampah, Limbah dan Daur Ulang
F. Konstruksi
G. Perdagangan Besar dan Eceran; Reparasi Mobil dan Sepeda Motor
1. Perdagangan Mobil, Sepeda Motor dan Reparasinya
2. Perdagangan Besar dan Eceran, Bukan Mobil dan Sepeda Motor
H. Transportasi dan Pergudangan
1. Angkutan Rel
2. Angkutan Darat
3. Angkutan Laut
4. Angkutan Sungai Danau dan Penyeberangan
5. Angkutan Udara
6. Pergudangan dan Jasa Penunjang Angkutan; Pos dan Kurir
I. Penyediaan Akomodasi dan Makan Minum
1. Penyediaan Akomodasi
2. Penyediaan Makan Minum
J. Informasi dan Komunikasi
K. Jasa Keuangan dan Asuransi
1. Jasa Perantara Keuangan
2. Asuransi dan Dana Pensiun
3. Jasa Keuangan Lainnya
4. Jasa Penunjang Keuangan
L. Real Estate
M,N. Jasa Perusahaan
O. Administrasi Pemerintahan, Pertahanan dan Jaminan Sosial Wajib
P. Jasa Pendidikan
Q. Jasa Kesehatan dan Kegiatan Sosial
R,S,T,U. Jasa lainnya
ソース言語: インドネシア語
ターゲット言語: 英語
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
GDP Field Ventures (2010 Series)A. agriculture, forestry, and fishing1. Agriculture, livestock, hunting and Agricultural Servicesa. food plantsb. Plant Horticulturec. Crop Plantationd. Farme. Services of agriculture and Hunting2. Forestry and Logging3. FisheriesB. mining and Excavation1. Mining, oil, Gas and geothermal2. Mining of coal and Lignite3. Mining of metal ores4. Mining and Excavation OtherC. Processing Industry1. The coal industry and the oil and gas Refining2. Food and Beverage Industry3. The tobacco processing industry4. Textile and Apparel Industry5. Leather industry, leather goods and Footwear6. Wood industry, goods from wood and Cork and Woven from bamboo, rattan and the like7. Industrial Paper and articles of paper; Printing and Record Medium Reproduction8. The chemical industry, pharmaceuticals and traditional medicines9. Rubber Industry, Plastic and Rubber goods10. Industrial Minerals nonmetallic Items11. Basic Metal Industries12. Metal Goods Industry; Computers, Electronics, Optics; and electrical equipment13. Industrial Machinery and equipment14. Transportation Tools Industry15. Industrial Furniture16. Other processing industry; Service Repair and installation of machinery and equipmentD. provision of electricity and Gas1. Ketenagalistrikan2. Procurement of Gas and Ice ProductionE. provision of water, waste management, waste and recyclingF. ConstructionG. Major Trade and retail; Car and motorcycle repair1. Perdagangan Mobil, Sepeda Motor dan Reparasinya2. Perdagangan Besar dan Eceran, Bukan Mobil dan Sepeda MotorH. Transportasi dan Pergudangan 1. Angkutan Rel2. Angkutan Darat3. Angkutan Laut4. Angkutan Sungai Danau dan Penyeberangan5. Angkutan Udara6. Pergudangan dan Jasa Penunjang Angkutan; Pos dan KurirI. Penyediaan Akomodasi dan Makan Minum1. Penyediaan Akomodasi2. Penyediaan Makan MinumJ. Informasi dan KomunikasiK. Jasa Keuangan dan Asuransi1. Jasa Perantara Keuangan2. Asuransi dan Dana Pensiun3. Jasa Keuangan Lainnya4. Jasa Penunjang KeuanganL. Real EstateM,N. Jasa PerusahaanO. Administrasi Pemerintahan, Pertahanan dan Jaminan Sosial WajibP. Jasa PendidikanQ. Jasa Kesehatan dan Kegiatan SosialR,S,T,U. Jasa lainnyaA. NILAI TAMBAH BRUTO ATAS HARGA DASARB. PAJAK DIKURANG SUBSIDI ATAS PRODUKC. PRODUK DOMESTIK BRUTO
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Business Sector GDP (Series 2010) A. Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries 1. Agriculture, Livestock, Hunting and Agriculture Service a. Food Crops b. Horticultural crops c. Plantation Crops d. Ranch e. Agricultural services and Hunting 2. Forestry and logging 3. Fisheries B. Mining and Quarrying 1. Mining Oil, Gas and Geothermal 2. Mining of Coal and Lignite 3. Metal Ore Mining 4. Mining and Quarry C. Processing industry 1. Coal and Oil and Gas Refining Industry 2. Food and Beverage Industry 3. Tobacco Processing Industry 4. Textile and Garment 5. Leather, leather goods and footwear 6. Industrial Wood, Articles of Wood and Cork and Goods Woven from bamboo, rattan and the like 7. Industry Paper and Paper Products; Printing and Reproduction of Recorded Media 8. Chemical, Pharmaceutical and Traditional Medicine 9. Industrial Rubber, Rubber and Plastics Manufactures of 10. Industrial Goods Metal Minerals not 11. Basic Metal Industries 12. Metal Goods Industry; Computers, Electronics, Optics; and Electrical Equipment 13. Industrial Machinery and Equipment 14. Industrial Transport 15. Furniture industry 16. Other Manufacturing Industry; Services Repair and Installation of Machinery and Equipment D. Procurement Electricity and Gas 1. Electricity 2. Gas Procurement and Production Es E. Water Supply, Waste Management, Waste and Recycling F. Construction G. Wholesale and Retail; Car and Motorcycle Repair 1. Trade Cars, Motorcycles and reparation 2. Wholesale and Retail, Not Cars and Motorcycles H. Transportation and Warehousing 1. Rail freight 2. Land Transport 3. Sea transport 4. Transport River Lake and Ferry 5. Air Transport 6. Warehousing and Transportation Support Services; Post and Courier I. The provision of accommodation and Eat Drink 1. Provision of Accommodation 2. Provision Eat Drink J. Information and Communication K. Financial Services and Insurance 1. Financial Intermediary Service 2. Insurance and Pension Funds 3. Other Financial Services 4. Supporting Services Financial L. Real Estate M, N. Company services O. Administration, Defence and Compulsory Social Security P. Education Services Q. Health services and Social Activities R, S, T, U. Other services A. GROSS VALUE ADDED TO THE BASIC PRICE B. Minus TAX SUBSIDIES TO THE PRODUCT C. GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT

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