Jasa asistensi, nasehat, dan rekomendasi
mengenai arsitektural dan hal-hal yang
terkait dengan arsitektural. Termasuk
didalamnya melaksanakan kajian
pendahuluan tentang isu-isu seperti site
philosopi, tujuan dari pembangunan,
tinjauan lingkungan dan iklim, kebutuhan
hunian, batasan biaya, analisa pemilihan
lokasi, penjadwalan pelaksanaan konstruksi,
dan isu lain yang mempengaruhi desain dan
konstruksi dari suatu proyek. Jasa ini
meliputi tidak hanya proyek konstruksi yang
baru namun dapat meliputi nasihat
mengenai metode dalam melaksanakan
perawatan, renovasi, restorasi, atau
recycling dari bangunan, atau penentuan
nilai dan kualitas dari bangunan atau nasihat
arsitektural lainnya.
Assisting services, advice, and recommendationsabout architectural and thingsassociated with the architectural. Includingtherein carry out studiesintroduction about issues such as sitephilosopi, the goal of development,a review of environmental and climate needsoccupancy, limitation of cost, election analysislocation, scheduling the execution of construction,and other issues that affect the design andconstruction of a project. This serviceincludes not only construction projectsrecently however may include adviceconcerning the method of implementingmaintenance, renovation, restoration, orrecycling of buildings, or the determination ofthe value and quality of buildings or adviceother architectural.

Assistance service, advice, and recommendations
regarding architectural and matters
related to architecture. Included
therein carry out a study
preliminary on issues like site
philosophical, the purpose of development,
the environmental review and the climate, the need for
shelter, limit costs, analysis of election
locations, scheduling construction,
and other issues affecting the design and
construction of a project. These services
include not only construction that are
new but may include advice
on methods in carrying out the
maintenance, renovation, restoration or
recycling of buildings, or the determination of
the value and quality of the building or counsel
other architectural projects.