Pengalihan arus 2 tahap ini dilakukan saat sang artis check sound dan persiapan musik utama yakni pukul 12.00 WIB dan 16.00 WIB,"" kata Kompol Suparti saat dihubungi, Sabtu (15/11/2014).
Untuk pengalihan tahap kedua pukul 17.00 WIB, kata dia, yakni Gubernur Suryo dan Pemuda menuju Yos Sudarso dialihkan ke Panglima Sudirman, Ngemplak menuju Ondomohen atau Walikota Mustajab dialihkan melalui Simpang Dukuh. Undaan menuju Ngemplak dilakukan buka tutup atau dialihkan lewat Ambengan.
""Sedangkan Raya Ambengan dan Undaan menuju Jaksa Agung ditutup total semua, arus lalu lintas diluruskan dari Undaan ke Jalan Ambengan, Ngemplak atau Undaan. Lalu ke Jalan Wijaya Kusuma menuju Jimerto ditutup dialihkan ke Gubeng Pojok atau Grand City,"" tambahnya.
The diversion of the flow of this stage 2 done when the artist check sound and music preparation main 12 pm and 4 PM, "" Kompol Suparti said when contacted Saturday (15/11/2014).For the transfer of the second stage at 17:00 GMT, he said, namely the Governor Suryo and youth towards Yos Sudarso transferred to Commander Sudirman, toward Ondomohen or Mayor Ngemplak Efficacious redirected through Simpang Dukuh. Urgent towards Ngemplak done open the lid or redirected via Ambengan."" While the Kingdom Ambengan and Urgent toward the Attorney General closed a total of all, the flow of traffic from the Roads to the Urgent straightened Ambengan, Ngemplak or Urgent. Then down the road towards Jimerto Kusuma Wijaya closed transferred to Gubeng Corner or a Grand City, "he added.

2 phase flow diversion is done when the artist sound check and the preparation of the main music 12.00 pm and 16.00 pm, '"said Commissioner Suparti when contacted on Saturday (15/11/2014). For the transfer of the second stage at 17:00 pm, he said , the Governor Suryo and Youth towards Yos Sudarso transferred to Panglima Sudirman, Ngemplak towards Ondomohen or Mayor Mustajab routed through Simpang Dukuh. Undaan towards Ngemplak performed open closed or diverted through Ambengan. "" The Kingdom Ambengan and Undaan to the Attorney General shut down a total of all, traffic flow straightened from Undaan to Jalan Ambengan, Ngemplak or Undaan. Then to Jalan Wijaya Kusuma towards Jimerto closed or transferred to Gubeng Corner Grand City, "" he added.