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Band ini berasal dari kota Bandung, Jawa Barat. JIHAD sendiri dibentuk pada tahun 1999. Band ini bergenre Death Metal. Pada saat itu berline-upkanTatto pada posisi Guitar, Jibril pada posisi Vokal, Ablay pada posisi Bass, dan Veby pada posisiDrum. Tetapi pada bulan November 2001 sang Guitaris Tatto, keluar dari JIHAD setelah menggarap 10 lagu dari album “Besok Kiamat” (Belum dirilis). Pada sekitar bulan Desember 2001, JIHAD mendapatkan 2 Guitaris baru, dan merubah line-up mereka menjadi Jibril pada posisi Vokal, Irja pada posisiGuitar, Tommy pada posisi Guitar,Ablay pada Bass, Veby pada posisi Drum. Akan tetapi, masuknya 2 Guitaris ini membuatkonsep JIHAD menjadi berbeda, merekapun membetulkan kembaliline-up mereka, line-up yang ketiga ini berformasi Jibril pada posisi Vokal, Veby pada posisi Guitar, Tommy pada posisi Guitar,Ablay pada posisi Bass, dan Irja pada posisi Drum. Line-up yang ketiga ini membuat JIHAD berhasil membuat sebuah konsepDeath Metal yang baru.
Pada April 2002, JIHAD masuk Recording pertama mereka yaitu di WorkHouse studio di daerah Bandung, dan prosses Mastering lagu mereka dikerjakan oleh Adyth (DISINFECTED). Pada bulan April 2003, JIHAD berhasil merilis album pertama mereka “Besok Kiamat” yang dirilis oleh EXTREMESOUL PRODUCTION yang berisi 9 lagu didalamnya. Setelah album pertama mereka dirilis, JIHAD menggunakan Bassis baru dia adalah Rully yang menggantikan posisisi Ablay. Pada bulan Mei 2003, JIHAD mengeluarkan Tommy karena ada masalah internal pada JIHAD, dan line-up kelima mereka menjadi Jibril padaVokal, Veby pada Guitar, Rully pada Bass, dan Irja pada posisi Drum. Pada bulan Juli 2004 JIHAD mendapat Guitaris baru karena ada masalah internal pada JIHAD. Jadi line-up berubah lagi menjadi Jibril pada Vokal, Oce pada Guitar,Rully pada Bass, dan Veby pada Drum.
Pada bulan November 2007 JIHADmendapat guitar baru menggantikan Oce, karena ada masalah internal, Rully juga keluar pada saat itu dikarenakan menikah. Line-up terakhir merekaadalah Jibril pada posisi Vokal, Rony pada posisi Guitar, dan Veby pada Drum. Selama November sampai Desember 2004 sampai bulan Januari 2005 masuk pada Recording kedua mereka untuk album “Strategi Setan” di Okta Digital Recording Studio dan Dialog Studio, sedangkan proses mixer dan mastering dilakukan di Bintang 41 Studio pada bulan Agustus 2005. Pada bulan November 2005 JIHAD mengeluarkan album kedua mereka “Strategi Setan” featuring Addy gembel dan Toteng dari Forgotten.
Itu adalah sekilas rentetan perjalana JIHAD. Dan sekarang JIHAD sudah mempunyai Label Rekaman RECLUSE PRODUCTION Singapore. Dan kita doakan agar tetap bisa mengisi musik bawah tanah di Indonesia, amin.
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BandungFacebook Twitter MySpace The band originated in the city of Bandung, West Java. JIHAD itself was formed in 1999. The band played Death Metal genre. At that point the berline-upkanTatto on Guitar, Gabriel's position on the position of the vocal, Bass position Ablay and Veby at posisiDrum. But in November 2001 the Guitarist Tatto, out of JIHAD after the execution of the 10 songs from the album "Doomsday is tomorrow" (not yet released). In about December of 2001, JIHAD get 2 new Guitarist, and changed their line-up a Gabriel on vocals, Irja position on posisiGuitar, Tommy in the position of Guitar, Ablay Veby on Bass, on the position of the Drum. However, the inclusion of this Guitarist 2 membuatkonsep JIHAD be are different, they correct their kembaliline-up, the third line-up this berformasi Jibril on the position of vocals, Guitar, at position Veby Tommy on the position of the Guitar, the Bass position, Ablay and Irja on the position of the Drum. The third line-up makes JIHAD succeeded in making a new Metal band konsepDeath.In April 2002, their first Recording entrance JIHAD at WorkHouse studios in Bandung, and Mastering their song prosses carried out by Adyth (DISINFECTED). In April 2003, the JIHAD was successfully released their first album "Apocalypse Tomorrow" which was released by EXTREMESOUL PRODUCTIONS which contains 9 songs in it. After their first album was released, JIHAD using new Bassist he is a succeeding Rully Ablay posisisi. In May 2003, the JIHAD issue a Tommy because there are internal problems in the JIHAD, and their fifth line-up a Gabriel Veby padaVokal, on Guitar, Jo on Bass, and Drum positions Irja. In July 2004, JIHAD got a new Guitarist since there are internal problems in the JIHAD. So the line-up changed again become Gabriel on vocals, Oce on Guitar, Rully Veby on Bass and on drums.In November 2007 a new guitar replaces the Oce JIHADmendapat, because there is an internal problem, Jo also came out at the time due to be married. Last line-up merekaadalah Gabriel on the position of the vocal, Rony on Guitar, and position Veby on drums. During November to December 2004 until January 2005 to sign in on the Recording of their second album "strategy of Satan" in the Okta Digital Recording Studio and the Studio Dialog, while the process of mixers and mastering done at Star Studio 41 in August 2005. In November 2005 their second album JIHAD "strategy of Satan" featuring Addy snot and Forgotten from Toteng.It is a glimpse of the sequence of the travel JIHAD. And now the JIHAD already have record Label RECLUSE PRODUCTION Singapore. And we pray to keep underground music can fill in Indonesia, Amen.Related Bands:

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Myspace band is derived from the city of Bandung, West Java. Jihad itself was formed in 1999. The band Death Metal genre. At that time BERLINE-upkanTatto the Guitar position, Gabriel on vocals position, Ablay the position of Bass, and Veby on posisiDrum. But in November 2001 the Guitaris Tatto, out of JIHAD after working on 10 songs of the album "Apocalypse Tomorrow" (not yet released). At around December 2001, JIHAD get 2 new Guitaris, and change the line-up they become Gabriel on vocals position, Irja on posisiGuitar, Tommy the Guitar position, Ablay on Bass, Drum Veby in position. However, the inclusion of 2 Guitaris is membuatkonsep JIHAD be different, they fix kembaliline-up their line-up this third berformasi Gabriel at the position Vocal, Veby the position Guitar, Tommy at the position Guitar, Ablay the position of Bass, and Irja on position Drum. The third line-up makes JIHAD konsepDeath Metal managed to make a new one. In April 2002, JIHAD Recording their first entry that is in the Workhouse studio in Bandung, and prosses Mastering their song performed by Adyth (DISINFECTED). In April 2003, JIHAD successfully released their first album "Apocalypse Tomorrow" released by EXTREMESOUL PRODUCTION containing 9 songs in it. After their first album was released, JIHAD using new bassist who replaced him is Rully posisisi Ablay. In May 2003, Jihad issued a Tommy because there is an internal problem in the jihad, and the fifth line-up they become Jibril padaVokal, Veby on Guitar, Rully on Bass, and Irja the Drum position. In July 2004 JIHAD gets new Guitaris because there is an internal problem in the jihad. So the line-up changed again to Gabriel on vocals, Oce on Guitar, Rully on Bass, and Veby on Drums. In November 2007 replaced the Oce JIHADmendapat new guitar, because there is an internal problem, Rully also came out at that time due to get married. Line-up last merekaadalah Gabriel on vocals position, Rony on the position of Guitar and Drum Veby on. During November to December 2004 until January 2005 to get in on their second recording for the album "Devil Strategy" in Okta Digital Recording Studio and Studio Dialog, while the mixer and mastering done at Star 41 Studio in August 2005. In November 2005 issued JIHAD Their second album "Devils Strategy" featuring Addy trash and Toteng of the Forgotten. It is a glimpse of a series of perjalana JIHAD. And now JIHAD already have Recluse Record Label PRODUCTION Singapore. And we pray that can still fill the underground music in Indonesia, amen. Band Related: