Menimbang : a. bahwa Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945 mengamanatkan negara menjamin kemerdekaan tiap-tiap penduduk untuk memeluk agamanya masing-masing dan untuk beribadah menurut agamanya dan kepercayaannya itu; b. bahwa untuk menjamin setiap pemeluk agama untuk beribadah dan menjalankan ajaran agamanya, negara berkewajiban memberikan pelindungan dan jaminan tentang kehalalan produk yang dikonsumsi dan digunakan masyarakat; c. bahwa produk yang beredar di masyarakat belum semua terjamin kehalalannya; d. bahwa pengaturan mengenai kehalalan suatu produk pada saat ini belum menjamin kepastian hukum dan perlu diatur dalam suatu peraturan perundang-undangan; e. bahwa berdasarkan pertimbangan sebagaimana dimaksud dalam huruf a, huruf b, huruf c, dan huruf d perlu membentuk Undang-Undang tentang Jaminan Produk Halal; Mengingat : Pasal 20, Pasal 21, Pasal 28H ayat (1), Pasal 28J, dan Pasal 29 ayat (2) Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945;
Dengan . . .
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Pasal 1
Dalam Undang-Undang ini yang dimaksud dengan: 1. Produk adalah barang dan/atau jasa yang terkait dengan makanan, minuman, obat, kosmetik, produk kimiawi, produk biologi, produk rekayasa genetik, serta barang gunaan yang dipakai, digunakan, atau dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat. 2. Produk Halal adalah Produk yang telah dinyatakan halal sesuai dengan syariat Islam. 3. Proses Produk Halal yang selanjutnya disingkat PPH adalah rangkaian kegiatan untuk menjamin kehalalan Produk mencakup penyediaan bahan, pengolahan, penyimpanan, pengemasan, pendistribusian, penjualan, dan penyajian Produk. 4. Bahan adalah unsur yang digunakan untuk membuat atau menghasilkan Produk. 5. Jaminan Produk Halal yang selanjutnya disingkat JPH adalah kepastian hukum terhadap kehalalan suatu Produk yang dibuktikan dengan Sertifikat Halal.
6. Badan . . .
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6. Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Produk Halal yang selanjutnya disingkat BPJPH adalah badan yang dibentuk oleh Pemerintah untuk menyelenggarakan JPH. 7. Majelis Ulama Indonesia yang selanjutnya disingkat MUI adalah wadah musyawarah para ulama, zuama, dan cendekiawan muslim. 8. Lembaga Pemeriksa Halal yang selanjutnya disingkat LPH adalah lembaga yang melakukan kegiatan pemeriksaan dan/atau pengujian terhadap kehalalan Produk. 9. Auditor Halal adalah orang yang memiliki kemampuan melakukan pemeriksaan kehalalan Produk. 10. Sertifikat Halal adalah pengakuan kehalalan suatu Produk yang dikeluarkan oleh BPJPH berdasarkan fatwa halal tertulis yang dikeluarkan oleh MUI. 11. Label Halal adalah tanda kehalalan suatu Produk. 12. Pelaku Usaha adalah orang perseorangan atau badan usaha berbentuk badan hukum atau bukan badan hukum yang menyelenggarakan kegiatan usaha di wilayah Indonesia. 13. Penyelia Halal adalah orang yang bertanggung jawab terhadap PPH. 14. Setiap orang adalah orang perseorangan atau badan hukum. 15. Menteri adalah menteri yang menyelenggarakan urusan pemerintahan di bidang agama.
Pasal 2 . . .
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Pasal 2
Penyelenggaraan JPH berasaskan: a. pelindungan; b. keadilan; c. kepastian hukum; d. akuntabilitas dan transparansi; e. efektivitas dan efisiensi; dan f. profesionalitas.
Pasal 3
Penyelenggaraan JPH bertujuan:
a. memberikan kenyamanan, keamanan, keselamatan, dan kepastian ketersediaan Produk Halal bagi masyarakat dalam mengonsumsi dan menggunakan Produk; dan
b. meningkatkan nilai tambah bagi Pelaku Usaha untuk memproduksi dan menjual Produk Halal.
Pasal 4
Produk yang masuk, beredar, dan diperdagangkan di wilayah Indonesia wajib bersertifikat halal.
Bagian Kesatu
Pasal 5
(1) Pemerintah bertanggung jawab dalam menyelenggarakan JPH.
(2) Penyelenggaraan . . .
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(2) Penyelenggaraan JPH sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1) dilaksanakan oleh Menteri.
(3) Untuk melaksanakan penyelenggaraan JPH sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (2), dibentuk BPJPH yang berkedudukan di bawah dan bertanggung jawab kepada Menteri.
(4) Dalam hal diperlukan, BPJPH dapat membentuk perwakilan di daerah.
(5) Ketentuan mengenai tugas, fungsi, dan susunan organisasi BPJPH diatur dalam Peraturan Presiden.
Bagian Kedua
Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Produk Halal
Pasal 6
Dalam penyelenggaraan JPH, BPJPH berwenang:
a. merumuskan dan menetapkan kebijakan JPH;
b. menetapkan norma, standar, prosedur, dan kriteria JPH;
c. menerbitkan dan mencabut Sertifikat Halal dan Label Halal pada Produk;
d. melakukan registrasi Sertifikat Halal pada Produk luar negeri;
e. melakukan sosialisasi, edukasi, dan publikasi Produk Halal;
f. melakukan akreditasi terhadap LPH;
g. melakukan registrasi Auditor Halal;
h. melakukan pengawasan terhadap JPH;
i. melakukan pembinaan Auditor Halal; dan
j. melakukan kerja sama dengan lembaga dalam dan luar negeri di bidang penyelenggaraan JPH.
Pasal 7 . . .
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Pasal 7
Dalam melaksanakan wewenang sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 6, BPJPH bekerja sama dengan:
a. kementerian dan/atau lembaga terkait;
b. LPH; dan
c. MUI.
Pasal 8
Kerja sama BPJPH dengan kementerian dan/atau lembaga terkait sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 7 huruf a dilakukan sesuai dengan tugas dan fungsi kementerian dan/atau lembaga terkait.
Pasal 9
Kerja sama BPJPH dengan LPH sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 7 huruf b dilakukan untuk pemeriksaan dan/atau pengujian Produk.
Pasal 10
(1) Kerja sama BPJPH dengan MUI sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 7 huruf c dilakukan dalam bentuk:
a. sertifikasi Auditor Halal;
b. penetapan kehalalan Produk; dan
c. akreditasi LPH.
(2) Penetapan kehalalan Produk sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1) huruf b dikeluarkan MUI dalam bentuk Keputusan Penetapan Halal Produk.
Pasal 11 . . .
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Pasal 11
Ketentuan lebih lanjut mengenai kerja sama sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 7, Pasal 8, Pasal 9, dan Pasal 10 diatur dengan atau berdasarkan Peraturan Pemerintah.
Bagian Ketiga
Lembaga Pemeriksa Halal
Pasal 12
(1) Pemerintah dan/atau masyarakat dapat mendirikan LPH.
(2) LPH sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1) mempunyai kesempatan yang sama dalam membantu BPJPH melakukan pemeriksaan dan/atau pengujian kehalalan Produk.
Pasal 13
(1) Untuk mendirikan LPH sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 12, harus dipenuhi persyaratan:
a. memiliki kantor sendiri dan perlengkapannya;
b. memiliki akreditasi dari BPJPH;
c. memiliki Auditor Halal paling sedikit 3 (tiga) orang; dan
d. memiliki laboratorium atau kesepakatan kerja sama dengan lembaga lain yang memiliki laboratorium.
(2) Dalam hal LPH sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1) didirikan oleh masyarakat, LPH harus diajukan oleh lembaga keagamaan Islam berbadan hukum.
Pasal 14 . . .
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Pasal 14
(1) Auditor Halal sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 13 huruf c diangkat dan diberhentikan oleh LPH.
(2) Pengangkatan Auditor Halal oleh LPH sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1) harus memenuhi persyaratan:
a. warga negara Indonesia;
b. beragama Islam;
c. berpendidikan paling rendah sarjana strata 1 (satu) di bidang pangan, kimia, biokimia, teknik industri, biologi, atau farmasi;
d. memahami dan memiliki wawasan luas mengenai kehalalan produk menurut syariat Islam;
e. mendahulukan kepentingan umat di atas kepentingan pribadi dan/atau golongan; dan
f. memperoleh sertifikat dari MUI.
Pasal 15
Auditor Halal sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 14 bertugas:
a. memeriksa dan mengkaji Bahan yang digunakan;
b. memeriksa dan mengkaji proses pengolahan Produk;
c. memeriksa dan mengkaji sistem penyembelihan;
d. meneliti lokasi Produk;
e. meneliti peralatan, ruang produksi, dan penyimpanan;
f. memeriksa pendistribusian dan penyajian Produk;
g. memeriksa sistem jaminan halal Pelaku Usaha; dan
h. melaporkan hasil pemeriksaan dan/atau pengujian kepada LPH.
Pasal 16
Ketentuan lebih lanjut mengenai LPH diatur dalam Peraturan Pemerintah.
BAB III . . .
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Bagian Kesatu
Pasal 17
(1) Bahan yang digunakan dalam PPH terdiri atas bahan baku, bahan olahan, bahan tambahan, dan bahan penolong.
(2) Bahan sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1) berasal dari:
a. hewan;
b. tumbuhan;
c. mikroba; atau
d. bahan yang dihasilkan melalui proses kimiawi, proses biologi, atau proses rekayasa genetik.
(3) Bahan yang berasal dari hewan sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (2) huruf a pada dasarnya halal, kecuali yang diharamkan menurut syariat.
Pasal 18
(1) Bahan yang berasal dari hewan yang diharamkan sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 17 ayat (3) meliputi:
a. bangkai;
b. darah;
c. babi; dan/atau
d. hewan yang disembelih tidak sesuai dengan syariat.
(2) Bahan yang berasal dari hewan yang diharamkan selain sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1) ditetapkan oleh Menteri berdasarkan fatwa MUI.
Pasal 19 . . .
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Pasal 19
(1) Hewan yang digunakan sebagai bahan Produk wajib disembelih sesuai dengan syariat dan memenuhi kaidah kesejahteraan hewan serta kesehatan masyarakat veteriner.
(2) Tuntunan penyembelihan sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1) dilaksanakan sesuai dengan ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan.
Pasal 20
(1) Bahan yang berasal dari tumbuhan sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 17 ayat (2) huruf b pada dasarnya halal, kecuali yang memabukkan dan/atau membahayakan kesehatan bagi orang yang mengonsumsinya.
(2) Bahan yang berasal dari mikroba dan bahan yang dihasilkan melalui proses kimiawi, proses biologi, atau proses rekayasa genetik sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 17 ayat (2) huruf c dan huruf d diharamkan jika proses pertumbuhan dan/atau pembuatannya tercampur, terkandung, dan/atau terkontaminasi dengan bahan yang diharamkan.
(3) Bahan yang diharamkan sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1) dan ay
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
A COPY OF THELAW OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIANUMBER 33 by 2014ABOUTASSURANCE OF HALAL PRODUCTSWITH THE GRACE OF GOD ALMIGHTYTHE PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA,Considering: a. that the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia in 1945, mandates the State guarantees the independence of each population to embrace his religion and to worship according to his religion and beliefs that; b. to ensure that any religions to worship and conduct religious teaching, the State shall be obliged to provide a shield cover and guarantees about the halal products are consumed and used by the public; c. that the products marketed in the community have all ensured kehalalannya; d. that the setting of a halal products at this time not yet guarantee the legal certainty and the need to set up a legislation; e. that based on considerations as referred to in letter a, letter b, letter c, letter d and need to establish laws on the assurance of Halal Products; Remember: Chapter 20, article 21, article 28 h subsection (1), article 29 and article 28J, paragraph (2) of the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia in 1945;With ...- 2 -Together with the approval of the HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES of the REPUBLIC of INDONESIA and the PRESIDENT of the REPUBLIC of INDONESIA HAS DECIDED: setting: law on the GUARANTEE of the PRODUCT is HALAL.CHAPTER IGENERAL PROVISIONSArticle 1In this Act the definition of: 1. the product is the goods and/or services related to food, beverages, medicines, cosmetics, chemical products, biological products, products of genetic engineering, as well as prevent items worn, used, or used by the community. 2. Halal Products are products that have been declared lawful in accordance with the Islamic Shari'a. 3. the process of Halal Products hereinafter abbreviated as PPH is a series of activities to ensure the halal Products include the provision of material, processing, storage, packaging, distribution, sale, and the presentation of the product. 4. materials are the items used to make or deliver products. 5. Guarantee Halal Products hereinafter abbreviated JPH is legal certainty with respect to the halal product as evidenced by the Halal certificate.6. body ...- 3 -6. the governing body Guarantee Halal Products hereinafter abbreviated to BPJPH is a body formed by the Government to hold the JPH. 7. the Assembly further shortened the Indonesia Ulema MUI is a container of deliberation the scholars, zuama, and muslim scholar. 8. the Agency's next Kosher Inspectors abbreviated LPH is an institution conducting inspection and/or testing of halal products. 9. Halal Auditor is a person who has the ability to perform inspection of halal products. 10. the halal Halal certificate is a recognition of a product issued by BPJPH based on the fatwas issued by written halal MUI. 11. Labelling of Halal halal is the mark of a product. 12. Trade is the individual or business entity is shaped not legal entities or legal entities conducting business activities in the territory of Indonesia. 13. The Kosher Supervisor is the person who is responsible for the PPH. 14. Each person is an individual or a legal entity. 15. the Minister is the Minister of the organizing Affairs of the Government in the field of religion.Chapter 2 ...- 4 -Article 2JPH implementation is based on: a. the shield cover; b. Justice; c. legal certainty; d. accountability and transparency; e. effectiveness and efficiency; and f. professionalism.Article 3Organizing the JPH aims:a. provide comfort, security, safety, and certainty of availability of Halal Products for the public in consuming and using the product; andb. increase added value to the perpetrators of the Attempt to produce and sell Halal Products.Article 4Products that enter, supply, and traded in the region of Indonesia is obligatory certified halal.CHAPTER IITHE ORGANIZERS GUARANTEE HALAL PRODUCTSPart OneGeneralArticle 5(1) the Government shall be responsible for organizing JPH.(2) Organizing the ...- 5 -(2) organizing the JPH referred to in subsection (1) is exercised by the Minister.(3) to carry out implementation of JPH referred to in subsection (2), created BPJPH based at the bottom and is responsible to the Minister.(4) in case required, BPJPH can form a representative in the region.(5) the provisions concerning the tasks, functions, and organization BPJPH is set in the Regulation of the President.The Second PartHalal Products Guarantee Organizer BodyArticle 6In organizing the JPH, BPJPH authorities:a. formulating and setting policy JPH;b. set the norms, standards, procedures, and criteria JPH;c. issuing and revoking the certificate of Halal and Kosher Labels on products;d. register Halal certificate in the product abroad;e. did the socialization, education, and publication of Halal Products;f. conducting accreditation of LPH;g. perform Halal Auditor registration;h. conduct surveillance against JPH;i. perform Halal Auditor training; andj. conduct of cooperation with domestic and foreign institutions in the field of organizing JPH.Article 7 ...- 6 -Article 7In exercising the authority referred to in article 6, BPJPH worked with:a. ministries and/or related institutions;b. LPH; andc. MUI.Article 8BPJPH cooperation with ministries and/or related agencies referred to in article 7 letter a is performed in accordance with the duties and functions of the Ministry and/or related agencies.Article 9BPJPH cooperation with LPH as referred to in article 7 letter b conducted for inspection and/or testing of the product.Article 10(1) cooperation BPJPH with the MUI as referred to in article 7 letter c is done in the form of:a. certification Halal Auditor;b. determination of the halal products; andc. accreditation LPH.(2) the determination of the halal Products as referred to in paragraph (1) letter b issued MUI Halal Designation Decision, in the form of products.Article 11 ...- 7 -Article 11Further provisions concerning the cooperation referred to in article 7, article 8, article 9 and article 10 arranged by or based on government regulations.The Third PartInstitution Of Kosher InspectorsArticle 12(1) the Government and/or the community can establish the LPH.(2) LPH as mentioned on paragraph (1) have the same opportunity in helping BPJPH make checks and/or testing the halal products.Article 13(1) to establish the LPH as stipulated in article 12, shall be fulfilled requirements:a. has his own Office and equipment;b. have accreditation from BPJPH;c. have the Halal Auditor at least three (3) persons; andd. has a laboratory or an agreement of cooperation with other institutions which have a lab.(2) in the case referred to in paragraph LPH (1) was established by the community, must be submitted by LPH Islamic religious law incorporated.Clause 14 of the ...- 8 -Article 14(1) the Halal Auditor as stipulated in article 13 the letter c is appointed and dismissed by LPH.(2) the appointment of the Auditor by the Halal LPH referred to in subsection (1) must meet the requirements:a. citizen of Indonesia;b. Muslim;c. the lowest degree educated strata 1 (one) in the field of foodstuff, chemical, biochemical, biological, industrial engineering, or pharmacy;d. understand and have extensive knowledge about halal products according to Islamic jurisprudence;e. give precedence to interests of the people above personal interests and/or group; andf. obtaining certificates from MUI.Article 15Halal auditor as stipulated in article 14 on duty:a. inspect and examine the materials used;b. inspect and examine the process of processing products;c. examining and reviewing the system of slaughter;d. examine the location of products;e. examine equipment, production, and storage spaces;f. check the distribution and presentation of the product;g. check the system guarantee of lawful Trade; andh. reporting inspection results and/or test the LPH.Article 16Further provisions regarding the LPH provided for in government regulations.CHAPTER III ...- 9 -CHAPTER IIIMATERIALS AND PROCESS OF HALAL PRODUCTSPart OneMaterialsArticle 17(1) materials used in PPH consist of raw materials, processed materials, supplementary materials, and helper.(2) the material referred to in subsection (1) comes from:a. animals;b. plant;c. microbes; ord. materials produced through chemical processes, biological process, or the process of genetic engineering.(3) the materials derived from animals referred to in paragraph (2) letter a basically lawful, unless that is haraam according to sharee'ah.Article 18(1) derived from animals prohibited as stipulated in article 17 paragraph (3) include the following:a. carcasses;b. blood;c. pigs; and/ord. an animal that is slaughtered not in accordance with the Shari'a.(2) material originating from animals that are prohibited other than as referred to in subsection (1) is determined by the Minister based on MUI.Article 19 [...]-10-Article 19(1) an animal that is used as an ingredient of the product must be slaughtered in accordance with Islamic law and satisfy the rules of animal welfare and veterinary public health.(2) Guidance of slaughter as referred to in paragraph (1) was carried out in accordance with the provisions of the legislation.Article 20(1) Materials derived from plants as referred to in article 17, paragraph (2) letter b basically lawful, unless that is intoxicating and/or harm to health for people who are mengonsumsinya.(2) Ingredients derived from microbes and materials produced through chemical processes, biological process, or the process of genetic engineering as mentioned in article 17, paragraph (2) Letter c and d are forbidden if the growth process and/or manufacturing mixed, contained, and/or contaminated with prohibited substances.(3) prohibited Substances referred to in subsection (1) and VV.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
NUMBER 33 OF 2014
Considering: a. that the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia of 1945 mandates that the state guarantees the independence of each resident to embrace their religion and to worship according to the religion and belief; b. that to ensure each faiths to worship and practice her faith, the state is obliged to provide protection and assurance of halal products consumed and used by the people; c. that the products circulating in society is not all guaranteed halal; d. that regulation of halal products at this time does not guarantee legal certainty and the need to be regulated in a legislation; e. that based on the considerations set forth in paragraphs a, b, c, and d is necessary to establish the Law of Halal Product Guarantee; Given: Article 20, Article 21, Section 28H (1), Article 28J, and Article 29 paragraph (2) of the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia Year 1945;
With. . .
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Article 1
In this Act referred to as: 1. Products are goods and / or services related to food, beverage, medicine, cosmetics, chemical products, biological products, products of genetic engineering, as well as the use of used goods, used, or used by the community. 2. Halal products are products that have been declared lawful in accordance with Islamic law. 3. The process of Halal Products, hereinafter called PPH is a series of activities to ensure the halal products include the provision of materials, processing, storage, packaging, distribution, sales, and product presentation. 4. Materials are the elements used to create or produce a product. 5. Halal Product Guarantee hereinafter abbreviated JPH is legal certainty for a product that is proven halal halal certificate.
6. Agency. . .
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6. Halal Products Security Agency, hereinafter abbreviated BPJPH is a body established by the Government for the JPH. 7. The Indonesian Ulema Council, hereinafter called MUI is consensus of the scholars container, zuama, and Muslim scholars. 8. Audit Institutions Halal hereinafter abbreviated as LPH is an institution which conducts inspection and / or testing of halal products. 9. Auditor Halal is a person who has the ability to carry out the examination of halal products. 10. Certificate Halal is an acknowledgment of halal products issued by BPJPH based fatwa issued a written halal by the MUI. 11. halal Halal Label is a sign of a product. 12. Business communities is an individual or business entity is a legal entity or non-legal entity conducting business activities in Indonesia. 13. Supervisor Halal is the person responsible for PPH. 14. Every person is an individual or legal entity. 15. Minister is the minister who held government affairs in the field of religion.
Article 2. . .
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Article 2
Implementation JPH is based on: a. protection; b. justice; c. legal certainty; d. accountability and transparency; e. effectiveness and efficiency; and f. professionalism.
Article 3
Implementation of JPH aims:
a. provide comfort, security, safety, and certainty of availability of Halal products for people to consume and use a product; and
b. increase the added value for the business communities to produce and sell Halal Products.
Article 4
The products that enter, circulate, and traded in the territory of Indonesia shall be certified kosher.
Part One
Article 5
(1) The Government is responsible for organizing the JPH .
(2) Implementation. . .
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(2) The JPH referred to in paragraph (1) shall be implemented by the Minister.
(3) To carry out the implementation of JPH as referred to in paragraph (2), formed BPJPH are under and is responsible to the Minister.
(4) If necessary, BPJPH can form a representative in the area.
(5) The duties, functions, and organizational structure BPJPH stipulated in Presidential Decree.
Part Two
Halal Product Security Agency
Article 6
In the implementation of the JPH, BPJPH authorities:
a. formulate and establish policies JPH;
b. establish norms, standards, procedures, and criteria JPH;
c. issue and revoke the Halal Certificate and Halal Label on the product;
d. Halal Certificate registration on foreign products;
e. socialization, education, and publications Halal Products;
f. accreditation of the LPH;
g. Halal Auditor registration;
h. to supervise the JPH;
i. conduct training Halal Auditor; and
j. cooperation with domestic and foreign institutions in the field of organizing JPH.
Article 7. . .
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Article 7
In exercising the authority referred to in Article 6, BPJPH cooperate with:
a. ministries and / or institutions;
b. LPH; and
c. MUI.
Article 8
BPJPH cooperation with the ministries and / or institutions referred to in Article 7 letter a is performed in accordance with the duties and functions of ministries and / or institutions.
Article 9
BPJPH cooperation with LPH as referred to in Article 7 letter b done to inspection and / or testing of products.
Article 10
(1) Cooperation BPJPH with MUI as referred to in Article 7 letter c is done in the form of:
a. Halal Auditor certification;
b. determination of halal products; and
c. LPH accreditation.
(2) Determination of halal products as referred to in paragraph (1) letter b MUI issued in the form of Decisions Determination of Halal products.
Article 11. . .
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Article 11
Further provisions concerning cooperation referred to in Article 7, Article 8, Article 9, and Article 10 shall be regulated by or under Government Regulation.
Part Three
Halal Audit Institutions
Article 12
(1) The Government and / or the community can establish LPH.
(2) LPH as referred to in paragraph (1) shall have the same opportunity in helping BPJPH inspection and / or testing of halal products.
Article 13
(1) To establish LPH as referred to in Article 12, must be met requirements:
a. has its own office and equipment;
b. have accreditation from BPJPH;
c. have Halal Auditor at least three (3) persons; and
d. have laboratory or cooperation agreements with other institutions that have laboratories.
(2) In the case of LPH referred to in paragraph (1) established by the community, LPH must be submitted by the Islamic religious institutions are legal entities.
Article 14. . .
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Article 14
(1) Halal Auditor as referred to in Article 13 letter c is appointed and dismissed by the LPH.
(2) Appointment of Auditor Halal by LPH as referred to in paragraph (1) shall meet the following requirements:
a. Indonesian citizens;
b. Muslim;
c. least educated bachelor of 1 (one) in the field of food, chemical, biochemical, industrial engineering, biology, or pharmacy;
d. understand and have insight regarding halal products according to Islamic law;
e. place the interests of the people above personal and / or group; and
f. obtain a certificate from the MUI.
Article 15
Halal Auditor as referred to in Article 14, in charge of:
a. examine and assess the materials used;
b. examine and assess the processing of products;
c. examine and assess the slaughter system;
d. researching product locations;
e. researching equipment, production space, and storage;
f. examine the distribution and presentation of the product;
g. check halal assurance system business communities; and
h. reported the results of inspection and / or testing of the LPH.
Article 16
Further provisions concerning LPH Government Regulation.
- 9 -
Article 17
(1) Materials used in the PPH consists of raw materials, processed materials, supplementary materials and auxiliary materials.
(2) The material referred to in paragraph (1) derived from:
a. animals;
b. plant;
c. microbes; or
d. material produced through chemical processes, biological process, or the process of genetic engineering.
(3) The material of animal origin referred to in paragraph (2) letter a is basically kosher, unless prohibited by law.
Article 18
(1) Materials originating of animals were prohibited as referred to in Article 17 paragraph (3) shall include:
a. carcass;
b. blood;
c. swine; and / or
d. slaughtered animals are not in accordance with law.
(2) The materials of animal origin are prohibited other than those referred to in paragraph (1) shall be determined by the Minister by MUI.
Article 19. . .
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Article 19
(1) Animals are used as an ingredient product shall be slaughtered in accordance with the law and meet the standards of animal welfare and veterinary public health.
(2) Guidance slaughter as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be implemented in accordance with the provisions of the legislation .
Article 20
(1) material derived from plants as referred to in Article 17 paragraph (2) b is basically kosher, except that intoxicating and / or health hazard to people who eat them.
(2) material derived from microbial and materials produced through a chemical process, biological process, or the process of genetic engineering as referred to in Article 17 paragraph (2) letters c and d are forbidden if the process of growth and / or making mixed, contained, and / or contaminated with prohibited materials.
(3) Materials that are forbidden as referred to in paragraph (1) and v
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