Pemerintah sedang mengkaji cost recovery atau pengembalian biaya operasi yang sudah dikeluarkan Inpex Corporation di Blok Masela waktu mengajukan skema pembangunan kilang di laut (FLNG). Kajian ini sejalan dengan rencana revisi Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 79 Tahun 2010 tentang cost recovery dan pajak di hulu migas.
Pelaksana Tugas Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan mengatakan salah satu pembahasan revisi aturan pemerintah itu adalah mengenai cost recovery. Dalam pengkajian, muncul pertanyaan seputar biaya-biaya yang boleh masuk cost recovery. (Baca: Pemerintah Beri Insentif Melalui Revisi Aturan Cost Recovery).
Salah satu pertanyaan tersebut adalah mengenai proyek Blok Masela. “Inpex kemarin datang ke saya, mereka sudah mengeluarkan US$ 1,2 miliar untuk studi. Dengan mengubah aturan ini, apa itu bisa masuk cost recovery,” kata Luhut usai rapat PP Nomor 79 Tahun 2010, di Jakarta, Selasa, 6 September 2016.
Menurut Luhut, pemberian cost recovery akan tergantung kasus per kasusnya. Yang jelas, pemerintah tidak ingin investor merugi jika berinvestasi di Indonesia.
Bahkan, dia mengatakan tingkat pengembalian investasi (IRR) kalau bisa mencapai 15 persen sehingga investor tertarik di Indonesia. “Karena ada beberapa lapangan yang project IRR-nya 4 hingga 5 persen. Jadi dia tidak tertarik,” kata dia.
Sementara itu, manajemen Inpex Corporation tidak membantah jika ada permintaan untuk mengembalikan dana studi di Blok Masela. Juru bicara Inpex Usman Slamet mengatakan masih membicarakannya secara intensif dengan Kementerian Energi dan SKK Migas agar proyek Abadi dapat segera dimulai. (Baca: Insentif Proyek Masela, Inpex Minta Porsi Bagi Hasil 50-60 Persen).
Usman mengatakan sampai saat ini semangat pemerintah dan Inpex Corporation masih sama. “Yaitu bagaimana proyek ini bisa cepat terlaksana dalam koridor hukum yang berlaku dan memberi manfaat sebesar besarnya kepada Indonesia,” kata dia kepada Katadata.
Seperti diketahui, Presiden Joko Widodo memutuskan pengolahan gas untuk blok yang berada Laut Arafura tersebut menggunakan skema darat (onshore). Ada dua pertimbangan yang mendasari keputusan ini.
Pertama, pemerintah ingin perekonomian daerah dan nasional bisa terimbas dari pembangunan proyek Blok Masela. Kedua, dengan proyek ini wilayah sekitar regional Maluku juga bisa ikut berkembang pembangunannya.
Keputusan Presiden berbeda dengan usulan yang diajukan oleh Inpex Corporation. Kontraktor itu mengajukan proposal pengembangan Blok Masela dengan membangun kilang di laut (offshore). (Baca: Seteru di Balik Kisruh Pengembangan Blok Masela).
Dalam proposal yang diajukan pada September 2015, Inpex mengubah kapasitas pengolahan (FLNG) dari 2,5 juta ton per tahun selama 30 tahun menjadi 7,4 juta ton per tahun selama 24 tahun. Perubahan kapasitas FLNG ini terjadi karena cadangan yang ditemukan lapangan tersebut meningkat dari proposal awal sebesar 6,05 triliun kaki kubik (tcf) menjadi 10,3 tcf.
The Government is currently reviewing cost recovery or refund of costs of operations that already expended in the block Inpex Masela time filing scheme construction of a refinery in the Sea (FLNG). This study is in line with the revised plans Government Regulation Number 79 in 2010 about cost recovery and taxation on upstream oil & gas.Acting Minister of energy and Mineral resources, Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan said one of the Government's rules revision discussion it is about cost recovery. In the study, appear questions about costs that may come as cost recovery. (Read: The Government Give Incentives Through The Revision Of The Rules Of The Cost Recovery).One of the questions was about the Masela Block project. "Inpex yesterday came to me, they've issued a US $ 1.2 billion for studies. By changing these rules, what it can get in cost recovery, "Luhut said after meeting PP Number 79 of the year 2010, in Jakarta, Tuesday, September 6, 2016.According to Luhut, delivery of cost recovery will be subject to a case-per-case. What is clear, the Government does not want investors would lose money if invested in Indonesia.In fact, he said the investment rate of return (IRR) if it can reach 15 percent until investors interested in Indonesia. "Because there are some field project IRR his 4 to 5 percent. So he's not interested, "he said.Meanwhile, the management of Inpex is not denied if there is a demand for the return of funds study on block Masela. Inpex spokesman Usman Slamet says still talking intensively with the Ministry of energy and oil and gas project in order to be Immortal SKK can start soon. (Read: Inpex Masela Project Incentives, Ask for the results portion of 50-60 per cent).' Uthman said to date the Government's spirit and Inpex Corporation is still the same. "That is how this project could be implemented quickly in the corridors of the law and give the benefit of the magnitude to Indonesia," said he to the Katadata.As is known, the President of Joko Widodo decided to block that gas processing is the Arafura Sea land use scheme (onshore). There are two considerations that underlie this decision.First, the Government wants to regional and national economy could have suffered from the development Block Masela. Second, with this project the area around the Maluku regional also could join the growing construction.The President's decision contrasts with the proposals put forward by Inpex. The contractor that submits the Masela Block development proposal by building the refinery at sea (offshore). (Read: the adversary behind the Chaotic development of the Masela Block).In the proposal presented by September 2015, Inpex change processing capacity (FLNG) of 2.5 million tons per year for 30 years be 7.4 million tons per year for 24 years. Changes the capacity of the FLNG this happens because the Court found reserves increased from the initial proposal of 6.05 trillion cubic feet (tcf) to 10.3 tcf.

The government is reviewing cost recovery or refund operating costs already incurred Inpex Masela Corporation at the time filed refinery construction scheme in the sea (FLNG). This study is in line with the planned revision of Government Regulation No. 79 Year 2010 regarding cost recovery and taxation in the upstream oil and gas.
Acting Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan said one of the government's deliberations on the rules it is about cost recovery. In the assessment, the question arises about the costs allowed in cost recovery. (Read: Government Incentives Through Rate Revised Rules of Cost Recovery).
One such question is the Masela project. "Inpex yesterday came to me, they've been issued a US $ 1.2 billion for the study. By changing these rules, what it could get cost recovery, "said Luhut after a meeting of Government Regulation No. 79 Year 2010, in Jakarta, Tuesday, September 6, 2016.
According to Luhut, the provision of cost recovery will depend case by case. Clearly, the government does not want investors lose money if you invest in Indonesia.
In fact, he said the investment rate of return (IRR) that can reach 15 percent, so investors are interested in Indonesia. "Because there are several fields that project IRR of 4 to 5 percent. So he was not interested, "he said.
Meanwhile, the management Inpex Corporation did not argue if there is demand for a refund of study in the Masela block. Inpex spokesman Usman Slamet said still talking intensively with the Ministry of Energy and Oil and Gas SKK order Abadi project can begin. (Read: Incentive Project Masela, Inpex Ask Portions 50-60 Percent Revenue Share).
Usman said that until now the government and Inpex Corporation spirit is still the same. "That is how the project can be quickly implemented within the laws that apply and benefit of magnitude to Indonesia," he told Katadata.
As is known, President Joko Widodo decided processing gas for blocks which are the Arafura Sea The scheme land (onshore). There are two reasons for this decision.
First, the government wants the local and national economy could be affected from the project development Masela. Secondly, with this project about regional Maluku region can also participate in developing the construction.
Decree of the President differs from the proposal submitted by Inpex Corporation. The contractor submitted a proposal Masela development by building a refinery in the sea (offshore). (Read: Behind Chaotic enemies Masela Development).
In the proposal submitted in September 2015, Inpex change processing capacity (FLNG) of 2.5 million tonnes per year for 30 years to 7.4 million tonnes per year for 24 years. FLNG capacity changes have occurred because the field discovered reserves increased from an initial proposal of 6.05 trillion cubic feet (tcf) to 10.3 tcf.