Dalam pengelolaan penampilan live perform band ini, DJIWO sengaja diko翻訳 - Dalam pengelolaan penampilan live perform band ini, DJIWO sengaja diko英語言う方法

Dalam pengelolaan penampilan live p

Dalam pengelolaan penampilan live perform band ini, DJIWO sengaja dikonsep untuk menghindari ekspos wajah asli personil inti dan merahasiakan identitas pribadi mereka, bahkan kesan misterius ini akan diperkuat karena fanpage, kontak band dengan segala alamat situs yang merujuk kepada keterangan tempat akan diserahkan kepada pihak-pihak mereka percayakan sebagai pengampu kepentingan seperti halnya record label, media yang telah terverifikasi atau beberapa kolega distributor merchandise. Dan hingga profil band ini ditulis, mereka hanya menyediakan (1) satu kotak pos surat, (1) nomer kontak via telepon seluler dan (1) satu alamat surat eletronik. Ini dimaksudkan dengan tujuan bahwa DJIWO adalah mesin propaganda dan hanyalah corong visioner semata. Ini adalah model disiplin permurnian mereka menyebutnya. Sebab nantinya apa yang disuarakan dan diperjuangakan di tiap buah hasil karya bermusiknya akan terlepas jauh dari kepentingan pribadi, kelompok atau bahkan ter-kooptasi oleh kekuatan asing diluar dirinya. Ia ada, terlahir dari buah pemikiran yang memerdekakan, menjadi wahana sang pembebas mental-moral-budak yang bertudung atas nama kebenaran dan kesucian semu serta mengambil sikap-jalur yang berseberangan dengan setiap pergerakan yang mengarah kepada penjajahan baru atas nama keyakinan dan institusi iman.
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
In the management of this band perform live performances, DJIWO deliberately conceived to avoid the exposed face of the original core personnel and the secret of their personal identity, even this mysterious impression will be reinforced because fanpage, band contacts with all address sites that refers to the description of the place will be submitted to the parties they trust as pengampu interests as with any record label, media which has been verified or some colleagues distributor merchandise. And until the band profiles are written, they only provide (1) a postal letter box, (1) number of contacts via cell phones and (1) one eletronik mailing address. It is intended with the purpose that the DJIWO is a machine of propaganda and is just over a mere visionary. This is the model permurnian they call it discipline. Because later what is voiced and diperjuangakan in each of the fruit of the work of music will be detached away from personal interests, groups or even ter-kooptasi by foreign powers beyond himself. He was there, was born from the fruit of liberty thought the Liberator spacecraft, into a mental-moral-bertudung slaves on behalf of truth and holiness of the artificial as well as take a stance opposing lines with every movement that led to the new colonialism on behalf of belief and faith institutions.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
In the management of live performances perform this band, DJIWO deliberately drafted to avoid exposing the real face of the core personnel and keep their personal identity, even a sense of mystery will be strengthened because fanpage, contact band with all the website address which refers to information places will be submitted to the parties they are entrusted as stakeholders as well as record labels, media verified or colleagues merchandise distributor. And up to the band's profile was written, they only provide (1) a postal mail box, (1) via a mobile phone contact number and (1) an electronic mail address. It is intended with the aim that DJIWO is just a mouthpiece and propaganda machine merely visionary. This is a model of discipline they call purification. Because later what is voiced and diperjuangakan in each piece of musical work will be detached away from personal interests, group or even ter-optation by a foreign power outside himself. He is, born from the fruit of liberty of thought, became a vehicle for mental-moral liberator-hooded slaves in the name of truth and purity pseudo-path and take a stand opposite to each movement that leads to a new occupation in the name of belief and faith institutions.
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