* Ashes Of The Burning Sky : dengan membaca nya kita sudah mendapatkan翻訳 - * Ashes Of The Burning Sky : dengan membaca nya kita sudah mendapatkan英語言う方法

* Ashes Of The Burning Sky : dengan

* Ashes Of The Burning Sky :
dengan membaca nya kita sudah mendapatkan sebuah gambaran sebuah situasi dimana langit disiang hari yang gelap tertutup awan hitam jelaga, kota yang hancur, dan sisa2 dari apapun yang terbakar diatas sana puing2nya akan jatuh kebumi tak berdaya melawan gravitasi. imajinasi yang tertangkap setelah menonton national geography channel tentang kota Hiroshima dan Nagasaki yang luluh lantah setelam bom Atom AS mendarat dan membumi hanguskan kota tersebut. bagaimana hari2 setelah ledakan itu sendiri adalah the worst moment for them radiasi yang menghantui beberapa generasi selanjutnya. invasi kejam militer jepang ke berbagai daerah menjadi bumerang bertenaga nuklir yang menghancurkan tanah airnya sendiri
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
* Ashes Of The Burning Sky: by reading her we already get a description of a situation where the sky dark days closed disiang a black cloud of soot, a town destroyed, and sisa2 from any burning above there puing2nya will fall kebumi helpless against gravity. imagination was caught after watching national geography channel on the city of Hiroshima and Nagasaki who persuaded U.s. atomic bomb setelam lantah land and grounded hanguskan. How day2 after the explosion itself is the worst moment for them to radiation that haunt generations to come. the Japanese military invasion of ruthless to backfire nuclear-powered that destroyed his homeland himself
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
* Ashes Of The Burning Sky:
by reading it we've got a picture of a situation where the daytime sky dark black soot cloud cover, the ruined city, and sisa2 of any burning up there puing2nya will fall to earth helpless against gravity. that caught the imagination of the national geography after watching a channel on the city of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were melted lantah After his US Atomic bomb landed and scorched earth of the city. how day2 after the explosion itself was the worst moment for them radiation that haunts some of the next generation. cruel invasion of the Japanese military to various areas of nuclear-powered backfire destroys their home country
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