BOYOLALI, Keluarga Serka Sutrisno tidak kuasa menahan tangis saat mengetahui Sutrisno tewas dalam kecelakaan pesawat Hercules C-130 di Medan, Selasa (30/6/2015). Korban meninggalkan satu orang isteri dan dua anak yang masih balita.
Keluarga mengetahui Sutrisno tewas dari siaran berita di televisi. Sutrisno menjadi salah satu dari puluhan korban tewas saat kecelakaan maut pesawat Hercules C-130 pada hari Selasa (30/6/2015) kemarin di pusat kota Medan, Sulawesi Utara.
Sutrisno adalah warga Dusun Dilem, RT 1/RW 3, Desa Pojok, Boyolali, Jawa Tengah. Isteri korban, Erna, hanya bisa menangisi kepergian suaminya. Sambil memeluk kedua anaknya yang masih balita, Erna tidak percaya Sutrisno pergi begitu cepat.
BOYOLALI, Serka Sutrisno did not withstand the power of sorrow while knowing Sutrisno was killed in a plane crash of Hercules C-130 in Medan, Friday (30/6/2015). The sacrifice of leaving one man's wife and two children who are still toddlers.Families know Sutrisno died from news broadcasts on television. Sutrisno was one of dozens of victims killed when deadly crash C-130 Hercules aircraft on Tuesday (30/6/2015) yesterday in downtown Medan, North Sulawesi.Sutrisno is a citizen of the village Glued, RT 1/RW 3, village Corner, Boyolali, Central Java. The victim's wife, Erna, can only cry over the departure of her husband. While hugging his two sons who were still toddlers, Erna did not believe Sutrisno went so quickly.

BOYOLALI, Family sergeant Sutrisno not cry when I discovered Sutrisno was killed in a plane crash Hercules C-130 in Medan, Tuesday (30/06/2015). Victims leaving one wife and two children who are toddlers. Families know Sutrisno death from television news broadcasts. Sutrisno be one of dozens of victims killed when a deadly accident Hercules C-130 on Tuesday (06/30/2015) yesterday in downtown Medan, North Sulawesi. Sutrisno is a resident of Hamlet glued, RT 1 / RW 3, Village Corner, Boyolali, Central Java. The victim's wife, Erna, can only mourn the departure of her husband. Hugging two children are still toddlers, Erna did not believe Sutrisno go so fast.