Starting in April 2014, we have sent several types of lenses to the PK翻訳 - Starting in April 2014, we have sent several types of lenses to the PK日本語言う方法

Starting in April 2014, we have sen

Starting in April 2014, we have sent several types of lenses to the PKC,
For the evaluation and improvement in our company, there are any things that we want to ask:
1. Regarding the quality of each type of lens, whether all included in the acceptable standard?
2. Is there a flaw that allowed more loosely than we ever sent? if there are please tell us the type of defect , This will greatly help increase the delivery to PKC.
3. We had a problem with color coating to the lens K-4741 and K-4742, when the coating process the machine there are problem so that the coating color is not as usual.
Now we still hold that lens , we want you to help, whether with color lenses like this you can receive as a special item? For consideration for you, we send the image for the lens condition there are problem with the coating. please open the attachment.
We are waiting for your answer, if OK we will immediately be doing to cementing and send the lenses to you

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結果 (日本語) 1: [コピー]
2014 年 4 月以降、我々 のレンズのいくつかの種類を送りました、CCP
2。我々 はこれまで送信よりも緩く許可される欠陥はありますか?欠陥の種類を教えてくださいがある場合これは、大幅に CCP。 配信を増やすに役立つ
3。カラー コーティング レンズ K 4741 4742 に問題を持っていた、K ととき、コーティング処理が機械問題外装色がいつものようにしないようにします
今私たちはまだそのレンズを保持、我々 たい、特別な項目として受け取ることができますこのような色のレンズを持つかどうかですか?。あなたのための考察のため我々 はそこにレンズの条件は、コーティングの問題のために画像を送る。開いてください添付ファイル
[ok] を我々 はすぐに、ことになるセメントにあなたに、レンズを送信する場合、あなたの答えを待っている

結果 (日本語) 2:[コピー]
Starting in April 2014, we have sent several types of lenses to the PKC,
For the evaluation and improvement in our company, there are any things that we want to ask:
1. Regarding the quality of each type of lens, whether all included in the acceptable standard?
2. Is there a flaw that allowed more loosely than we ever sent? if there are please tell us the type of defect , This will greatly help increase the delivery to PKC.
3. We had a problem with color coating to the lens K-4741 and K-4742, when the coating process the machine there are problem so that the coating color is not as usual.
Now we still hold that lens , we want you to help, whether with color lenses like this you can receive as a special item? For consideration for you, we send the image for the lens condition there are problem with the coating. please open the attachment.
We are waiting for your answer, if OK we will immediately be doing to cementing and send the lenses to you

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