Excavations at the site of dam material that cannot be used againdumped on spoil banks, and the results of minerals that can stillused for main dam heap of stones and buildingsconscientious upstream (cofferdam), deposited in the stockpile.Excavations and materials at the site of the dam cannot be used againdumped on spoil banks, and the results of minerals that can stillused for Main Dam and a heap of randomA dam upstream of Conscientious (cofferdam), deposited in the stockpile.-Soil Pile back and urugan the land could be taken away from anydugouts on the work in the field. This material will be stored inStockpile.-Urugan for a variety of portions of the dam is obtained froma variety of source material.-Material Pile impervious Core (zone 1) obtained from the Borrow Areaon u.s. Dams upstream (volume available = 1,576,251.81 m3), VolumePile impervious Core (zone 1) estimated at 529.910.00 m3(the cover of the main Dam and the Cofferdam).