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akarta, CNN Indonesia -- Kementeria

akarta, CNN Indonesia -- Kementerian Perindustrian (Kemenperin) mengatakan akan meninjau kembali urgensi pembangunan pabrik pupuk oleh PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero) di Teluk Bintuni, Papua Barat demi menyerap gas dari Tangguh Train III yang dikelola BP Berau Ltd.

Pasalnya, persediaan pupuk masih terbilang melimpah, sehingga pemerintah khawatir penyerapannya tidak maksimal.

Direktur Industri Kimia Dasar, Direktorat Jenderal Industri Kimia, Tekstil, dan Aneka (IKTA) Kementerian Perindustrian Muhammad Khayam menuturkan, suplai urea saat ini sebesar 8 juta ton per tahun.

Produksi ini diperkirakan akan cukup hingga 2040. Sehingga, untuk meningkatkan penyerapan pupuk, pemerintah akan meninjau kembali daerah-daerah apa saja yang belum mendapatkan pupuk di lokasi lain di Indonesia.

Namun, jika suplainya sudah mencukupi, menurutnya tak perlu lagi menambah pabrik pupuk baru. "Kalau memang semua daerah sudah mendapat alokasi pupuk, ya sudah tambah saja di Bintuni," tutur Khayam saat ditemui di kantornya, kemarin.

Khayam melanjutkan, opsi terbaik bagi Pupuk Indonesia adalah membangun pabrik metanol sebagai bahan baku olefin. Karena menurutnya, saat ini olefin lebih banyak diimpor. Selain itu, produksi olefin saat ini baru dihasilkan oleh PT Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk, sehingga pasokan dari domestik benar-benar dibutuhkan untuk membuat produksi petrokimia dalam negeri lebih efisien.

Di samping itu, Khayam menyebut jika Ferrostaal GmbH juga sudah siap untuk mengembangkan produk berbasis metanol.

"Semakin ke depan, kebutuhan akan metanol semakin banyak. Ada dua rute nanti jadinya, berbasis gas dan melalui naphtha cracker untuk mendapatkan olefin. Indonesia memang harus mulai menggunakan bahan baku dalam negeri," tuturnya.

Sembari mencari pengganti pabrik pupuk, Kemenperin juga telah meminta Inpex Corporation mengalokasikan gas Masela untuk Pupuk Indonesia sebesar 240 MMSCFD, yang bisa digunakan untuk proyek Bintuni maupun pabrik baru di dekat blok Masela.

Alokasi ini, jelasnya, adalah satu dari tiga perusaahan yang direkomendasikan menerima gas Masela. Dua perusahaan lainnya adalah PT Kaltim Methanol Industry dengan alokasi 130 MMSCFD dan PT Elsoro Multi Pratama dengan alokasi 100 MMSCFD.

Masih Bimbang

Sementara itu, Head of Corporate Communication Pupuk Indonesia Wijaya Laksana menjelaskan, perusahaannya belum tahu jenis pabrik apa yang akan dibangun di Teluk Bintuni demi menyerap gas BP.

Ia mengaku, tadinya perusahaan memang akan membangun pabrik pupuk. Namun melihat persediaan urea dunia yang oversupply, maka rencana ini ditimbang ulang.

"Kondisi pasar urea dunia saat ini sudah oversupply sehingga harga komoditinya kurang bagus. Selain itu,harga gas juga jd faktor penyebab msh perlunya kajian ulang. Karena dengan harga gas Bintuni yang US$8 per MMBTU, sangat tidak ekonomis untuk bangun pabrik pupuk," jelasnya kepada CNNIndonesia.com, Rabu (30/11).

Ia melanjutkan, sebetulnya perusahaannya juga ingin mengganti pabrik pupuk dengan petrokimia demi mengurangi ketergantungan impor. Di samping itu, Pupuk Indonesia juga ingin menyesuaikan lini bisnis ke arah petrokimia.
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
akarta, Indonesia-CNN-Ministry of industry (Kemenperin) said it will revisit the fertilizer factory building of urgency by PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero) in the Bay of Bintuni Straits, West Papua for the sake of absorbing gas from Tough Train III run BP Berau Ltd.The reason, supplies of fertilizer is still relatively abundant, so the Government is worried not absorption maximum.The Director of the chemical industry base, Directorate General of chemical industries, textiles and light Industry Ministries (IKTA) Muhammad Khayam said, the current supply of urea by 8 million tons per year.This production is estimated to be enough until 2040. So, to increase the absorption of fertilizer, the Government will revisit any areas that have yet to get fertilizer in other locations in Indonesia.However, if suplainya is already sufficient, he thought no need to add a new fertilizer plant. "If it's all the areas have got the allocation of fertilizer, it is added only in the Bintuni Straits," said Khayam when found in his Office, yesterday.Khayam continued, the best option for Fertilizer Indonesia is building a factory of methanol as raw olefin. Because according to him, currently imported more alkenes. In addition, the current new olefin production produced by PT Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk, so domestic supplies from the really needed to make the domestic petrochemical production more efficient.In addition, Khayam mentions if Ferrostaal GmbH is also ready to develop a methanol-based products."Getting ahead, the needs of a growing number of methanol. There are two routes that later came to be, based on gas and naphtha cracker to get through olefin. Indonesia should start using domestic raw materials, "he said.While looking for a replacement plant fertilizer, Kemenperin also has asked Inpex Masela gas allocated for fertilizer Indonesia amounted to 240 MILLION, which could be used for new factory nor Bintuni Straits near the Masela block.This allocation, he explained, is one of three the company recommended accepting the Masela gas. Two other companies are PT Kaltim Methanol Industry with allocation of 130 MILLION and PT Multi Elsoro Pratama with the allocation of 100 MILLION.Still WaveringMeanwhile, Head of Corporate Communication Fertilizer Indonesia Wijaya Governance explains, the company does not yet know what kind of plant will be built in the Bay of Bintuni straits in order to absorb the BP gas.He admitted the company had indeed, will build a plant fertilizer. But look at the world of an oversupply of urea in inventory, then this plan is weighted."The market conditions of urea world today is already an oversupply so prices komoditinya less good. In addition, the price of gas also jd cause factor msh need study. Because with the price of gas the Bintuni Straits US $8 per MMBTU, not very economical to build a fertilizer factory, "he explained to CNNIndonesia.com, Wednesday (30/11).He continued, in fact his company also wanted to replace the plant fertilizer with petrochemicals for the sake of reducing the dependence of imports. In addition, Indonesia also wanted to adjust the Fertilizer business lines towards the petrochemicals.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
akarta, CNN Indonesia - Ministry of Industry (Ministry of Industry) said it will review the urgency fertilizer plant by PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero) in Bintuni Bay, West Papua in order to absorb the gas from Tangguh Train III is managed by BP Berau Ltd.

reason, supplies of fertilizer is still fairly abundant, so the government is worried absorption is maximized.

Director of Basic Chemical Industry, the Directorate General of Chemical, Textile and Miscellaneous (IKTA) Ministry of Industry Muhammad Khayam said supply urea at this time amounted to 8 million tons per year.

Production is expected to be sufficient to 2040. Thus, to increase the absorption of fertilizers, the government will review any areas that have not received fertilizer at other locations in Indonesia.

However, if the supply is sufficient, he said no need to add a new fertilizer plant. "If indeed all regions had received an allocation of fertilizer, so be added only in Bintuni," Khayam said when met at his office yesterday.

Khayam proceed, the best option for Pupuk Indonesia is building a methanol plant as raw material olefin. Because according to him, is now more imported olefins. In addition, the production of olefins is currently only produced by PT Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk, so the supply of domestic really needed to make the production of petrochemicals in the country more efficiently.

In addition, Khayam call if Ferrostaal GmbH is also ready to develop products based on methanol .

"the future, the need for methanol is growing. There are two routes later become, based gas and through a naphtha cracker to obtain olefins. Indonesia must start using domestic raw materials," he said.

While looking for a replacement for fertilizer factories, the Ministry of Industry also has asks Inpex Masela allocate gas to Pupuk Indonesia amounted to 240 MMSCFD, which can be used for the project in Bintuni and a new plant near Masela block.

this allocation, he explained, is one of three perusaahan recommended accept Masela gas. Two other companies are PT Kaltim Methanol Industry with the allocation of 130 MMSCFD and PT Elsoro Multi Pratama with the allocation of 100 MMSCFD.

Still Wavering

Meanwhile, Head of Corporate Communication Pupuk Indonesia Wijaya Laksana explains, his company do not yet know the type of plant what will be built in the Bay in order BP gas absorbs.

He admitted, once the company is going to build a fertilizer plant. But look at the supply of urea worldwide oversupply, then this plan reconsideration.

"The market conditions of urea world today is already an oversupply so that the price of the commodity is less good. In addition, gas prices also jd factors causing msh need to review it. Because the price of gas Bintuni US $ 8 per MMBTU, it is not economical to build new plant fertilizer, "he told CNNIndonesia.com, Wednesday (30/11).

He continued, actually his company also wanted to replace the petrochemical fertilizer plant in order to reduce dependence on imports. In addition, Indonesia also wants to adjust the fertilizer business lines towards petrochemicals.
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