TRIBUNJATENG.COM, SEMARANG- Mencengangkan. Uang Pemkot Semarang dalam bentuk deposito di bank hilang alias raib. Deposito sebanyak Rp 22 miliar tiba-tiba raib tinggal sisa Rp 80 juta saja.
TRIBUNJATENG.COM, SEMARANG-Astounding. Semarang City Government in the form of money deposits in banks lost a.k.a. vanished. Deposits as much as Rp 22 billion suddenly worth staying the remaining Rp 80 million only.Chronology:
TRIBUNJATENG.COM, Semarang astonishing. Semarang city government money in the form of deposits in banks lost alias disappeared. Deposits of Rp 22 billion suddenly gone live the rest of USD 80 million. Chronology: