i.com) - Volcanic ash Mount roar caused international airport Ngurah Rai must undergo open the lid. A number of passengers could not be served well due to open and close a few days the effect of volcanic ash Mt roar. Minister of Tourism, said Arief Yahya, from the report of PT Angkasa Pura I International Airport I Gusti Ngurah Rai, there are 41 thousand passengers were impaired as a result of the eruption of the volcano, located on the border Banyuwangi-Situbondo, East Java. "His position was reported to be about 41 thousand. If the rule of time this airport serves 10 thousand passengers per day, "Arief said after reviewing the crisis center at the international airport Ngurah Rai, Tuesday, August 5, 2015. If closed for a full day, he continued, the potential loss of as many passengers served at the airport Bali is the largest, 10 thousand passengers. "If it is closed all day, the rule of his time we will lose 10 thousand tourists. Moreover, on-peak season, it can be up to 14 thousand passengers, "he said. According to Arief, of a total of 41 thousand passengers unserved, if multiplied by USD1.000, there will be a loss of USD40 million. "If this were a business, really uncomfortable talking about business. But multiply that by USD1.000. Thus, approximately $ 40 million, "said Arief. BOB-MB