PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) mengaku telah menurunkan tingkat bunga kredit sebesar 25 basis poin - 50 basis poin.
Achmad Baiquni, Direktur Keuangan BRI, mengatakan penurunan tingkat bunga diterapkan untuk seluruh segmen kredit, yakni korporasi, ritel, mikro, dan konsumen.
"Sekarang sudah berjalan (penurunan bunga), beberapa segmen sudah (turun), kita lihat pendekatan bunga berdasarkan risiko," jelasnya di Kantor Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK), Selasa (20/1/2015).
Penurunan bunga kredit dilakukan menyusul tingkat bunga deposito yang mengalami tren penurunan. Baiquni mengatakan bunga kredit bisa diturunkan lagi jika bunga deposito tetap mengalami tren penurunan.
Berdasarkan publikasi Suku Bunga Dasar Kredit (SBDK), bunga kredit BRI bervariasi antara 11%-19,25%. Bunga kredit korporasi dipatok terendah sedangkan bunga mikro dikenakan paling tinggi.
Sebelumnya, OJK mengimbau bank menurunkan bunga kredit, terutama bank besar. Nelson Tampubolon, Kepala Eksekutif perbankan, mengatakan penurunan bunga kredit perlu dicantumkan dalam Rencana Bisnis Bank (RBB).
"Kita akan minta upayakan dalam RBB-nya ada dukungan untuk menurunkan bunga kredit," jelasnya.
PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) claims to have lowered mortgage interest rates by 25 basis points to 50 basis points.Achmad Baiquni, financial Director of BRI, said the decrease in the interest rate applied to the whole credit segment, i.e. corporate, retail, micro, and consumers."Now it's running (decrease in interest), some segments have been (down), we see the interest rate risk based approach," he explained in the offices of the financial services authority (OJK), Tuesday (20/1/2015).Mortgage interest reduction is done following the interest rate of deposits that are experiencing declining trends. Baiquni says mortgage interest could be lowered again if deposit rates continued to experience a downturn trend.Based on the publication of Basic Credit interest rate (SBDK), mortgage interest BRI varying between 11%-19.25%. Corporate credit interest lowest while the rate pegged micro imposed the most high.Previously, the bank lowered the rates appealed OJK credit, especially the big banks. Nelson Tampubolon, the Chief Executive of banking, said the decline in mortgage interest need to be noted in the Bank business plan (RBB)."We will ask his strive in the RBB are support for lowering the interest rates on credit," he said.

PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) claimed to have lowered loan interest rate by 25 basis points - 50 basis points. Achmad Baiquni, Finance Director of BRI, said the decline in the interest rate applied to the entire credit segments, namely corporate, retail, micro, and consumers. " Now it is running (lowering of interest), some segments already (down), we see a risk based approach to flowers, "he explained in the Office of the Financial Services Authority (FSA), Tuesday (01/20/2015). The decline in lending is done following the deposit interest rate who experienced a downward trend. Baiquni said mortgage interest could be lowered again if the fixed deposit rates downward trend. Based on the publication Lending Rate (prime lending rate), BRI loan interest varies between 11% -19.25%. Corporate loan lowest interest pegged while micro charged the highest interest. Previously, the FSA urged banks to lower lending, especially the big banks. Nelson Tampubolon, Chief Executive of the bank, said the decline in mortgage interest should be included in the Business Plan Bank (RBB). "We're going to ask for his try in the RBB is no support to lower mortgage interest," he explained.