Tapi mereka memutuskan untuk mendokumentasikan Christmas Camel. Herry 翻訳 - Tapi mereka memutuskan untuk mendokumentasikan Christmas Camel. Herry 英語言う方法

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Tapi mereka memutuskan untuk mendokumentasikan Christmas Camel. Herry menjelaskan pada saya. “Terus terang, kami enggak pernah terpikir ke arah merilis album kala itu. Lagipula mana sempat kami mengirim demo rekaman door to door, kita udah keburu sibuk dengan yang baru kita mulai setelah kuliah. Tapi kami mikir saat itu kami harus mencatat apa yang telah kami lakukan. Kami merekam musik Christmas Camel and Company sebagai catatan atas apa yang telah kami capai,” katanya.
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
But they decided to document the Christmas Camel. Herry explained to me. "Frankly, we never thought the baseball toward the release of the album. And where had we sent a demo tape of door to door, we've been busy with a new trigger we started after college. But we're thinkers that time we should take note of what we have done. We record the music Christmas Camel and Company as a record of what we have achieved, "he said.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
But they decided to document the Christmas Camel. Herry explained to me. "Frankly, we never thought baseball towards releasing an album at the time. Moreover, where could we sent a demo tape door to door, we are already busy with a new trigger we started after the lecture. But we were thinking when we should take note of what we have done. We record music Christmas Camel and Company as a record of what we have achieved, "he said.
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