Pada akhir tahun 2014, total kredit yang disalurkan BTPN sebesar Rp 49,44 triliun, dibanding pada akhir 2013 yang sebesar Rp 44,75 triliun. Tingkat rasio kredit macet kotor, atau gross non-performing loan, dapat dipertahankan persis sama di angka 0,67 persen pada akhir tahun 2014 dan 2013.
Sebelumnya, Anika Faisal selaku Direktur Kepatuhan BTPN, menyatakan tahun 2015 BTPN menargetkan pertumbuhan kredit sebesar 15-17 persen atau sama dengan proyeksi rentang pertumbuhan Bank Indonesia.
By the end of 2014, the total credit disbursed SHORT BTPN amounting to Rp 49,44 trillion, rather than at the end of 2013, which amounted to Rp 44,75 trillion. The level of bad debts ratio, gross or gross non-performing loans, can be maintained in exactly the same numbers 0.67 percent at the end of 2014 and 2013. Previously, Anika Faisal as Director of compliance, said SHORT BTPN 2015 SHORT BTPN target loan growth of 15-17 percent or equal to projected growth of Bank Indonesia ranges.

At the end of 2014, the Bank's total loans amounted to Rp 49.44 trillion, compared to the end of 2013 which amounted to Rp 44.75 trillion. The ratio of gross non-performing loans, or gross non-performing loans, can be maintained exactly the same in the figure of 0.67 per cent by the end of 2014 and 2013. Previously, as Director of Compliance Anika Faisal Bank, declared 2015 the Bank is targeting loan growth of 15-17 percent or equal to the projected growth range of Bank Indonesia.