Bahkan Kimung berani menyebut album ‘Eleven Heroes’ sebagai salah satu pencapain tertinggi Beside. “Sebagai band, mereka telah melewati rintangan yang sangat berat. Kalau hanya kasus gonta-ganti personel, band lain pun banyak yang mengalami. Tapi mereka pernah dihadapkan pada kejadian pelik, yakni Tragedi AACC, yang efeknya sangat luas buat skena musik bawah tanah Bandung. Dan album ‘Eleven Heroes’ boleh kita sebut sebagai manifestasi kesuksesan mereka melewati semua rintangan itu,” imbuh Kimung.
Sementara itu, Ebenz Burgerkill menyebut ‘Eleven Heroes’ sebagai album yang sangat wajib dimiliki. “Dengan membeli album ini, kalian bukanya menukar duit untuk sekeping CD. Tapi lebih dari itu, dengan membeli album ini berarti juga kalian telah membeli sejarah sebuah band besar di kota ini. Dan sejarah itu mahal harganya,” ucap Ebenz yang juga jadi pembicara.
Kimung even dared to call the album ' Eleven Heroes ' as one of the highest pencapain Jamica. "As a band, they have passed a very heavy obstacles. If it's just a case of mutually personnel, much of the other bands who have experienced. But they are never faced with the strange occurrence, which is the tragedy of the AACC, which in effect create vast underground music scene. And the album ' Eleven Heroes ' should we refer to as a manifestation of their success through all obstacles, "imbuh Kimung.Meanwhile, Ebenz Ninjaz mentions ' Eleven Heroes ' as the album very mandatory. "By buying this album, you guys are generally exchanging money for a CD. But more than that, by buying this album means also you have a history of buying big band in the city. And history is expensive price, "said Ebenz who is also so the speaker.

Kimung even dare to call the album 'Eleven Heroes' as one of the highest achievement Beside. "As a band, they have passed a very severe obstacle. If it's just a case of mutually personnel, other bands too much experience. But they never faced with complicated events, the tragedy of the AACC, the effect is very large for underground music skena Bandung. And the album 'Eleven Heroes' we may call as a manifestation of their success go through all the barriers, "said Kimung. Meanwhile, Ebenz Burgerkill call 'Eleven Heroes' as the album is very must-have. "By buying this album, you open it to exchange money for a CD. But more than that, by buying this album also means you have to buy a big band in the history of this city. And history is expensive, "said Ebenz who was also a speaker.