’’Ini saya beli satu per satu dari honor manggung,’’ ungkap lulusan Ju翻訳 - ’’Ini saya beli satu per satu dari honor manggung,’’ ungkap lulusan Ju英語言う方法

’’Ini saya beli satu per satu dari

’’Ini saya beli satu per satu dari honor manggung,’’ ungkap lulusan Jurusan Ilmu Administrasi Bisnis, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial Politik, Universitas Padjadjaran, itu.

Tidak banyak yang tahu bahwa dari kamar kos-kosan itulah telah lahir musisi internasional. Ya, Tesla tercatat telah mengeluarkan satu album internasional lewat studio asal New York, Moonjune Records. Dia juga sudah tiga edisi terakhir mengisi salah satu stage di Java Jazz Festival, ajang musik jazz terbesar di Indonesia saat ini.

Tesla mengakui bahwa dirinya tidak terlalu tenar di belantika musik Indonesia. ’’Musik saya memang terlalu rumit sehingga mungkin tidak banyak yang suka. Saya memilih aliran yang tidak biasa dan sangat segmented,’’ ujar lajang 27 tahun tersebut.
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
'' I bought one at a time of honor gig, '' said graduates majoring in the science of business administration, Faculty of social and Political Science, University of Padjadjaran, was.Not many know that the kos-kosan of the rooms that had been born of international musicians. Yes, Tesla recorded has issued one album internationally through New York studio, Moonjune Records. He also had the last three editions fill one stage at the Java Jazz Festival, the event's biggest jazz in Indonesia at the moment.Tesla admitted that he was not very famous in belantika music Indonesia. '' My music is indeed too complex so it may not much like. I chose the unusual flow and highly segmented, '' said Bachelorette 27 that year.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
'' This I bought one at a time of honor gig, '' said the graduate of the Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Padjadjaran, that. Not many know that from room boarding house that has been born international musicians. Yes, Tesla has released an album recorded internationally through the studio from New York, Moonjune Records. He also had three last edition fills one stage in the Java Jazz Festival, the largest jazz music event in Indonesia today. Tesla admitted that he was not too popular in the Indonesian music scene. '' My music is too complicated so it may not much like. I chose an unusual flow and highly segmented, '' said 27-year single.

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