Jakarta-Batik asal China banyak ditemui di toko-toko atau pasar di Indonesia. Batik juga banyak dikembangkan di Malaysia sebagai sebuah produk unggulan mereka.
Hal ini ditanggapi oleh pengusaha sekaligus Ketua Umum Partai Golkar Aburizal Bakrie, sebagai Nominator Batik Indonesia kepada UNESCO, Ical mengatakan batik yang ada di seluruh dunia yang asli hanyalah buatan Indonesia. Pasalnya batik Indonesia sudah diakui dunia internasional lewat UNESCO.
""Kalau batik itu kita lihat jelas diakui oleh UNESCO sebagai satu peninggalan sejarah tak benda. Itu asal Indonesia,"" kata Ical di sela menghadiri acara Deklarasi Busana Indonesia masa kini dan mendatang, di Balai Kartini, Jakarta, Kamis (6/3/2014).
Jakarta-original Batik China many found in shops or markets in Indonesia. Batik is also widely developed in Malaysia as a superior product to them.It is taken by the employers at the same time General Chairman Aburizal Bakrie, the Golkar Party as Nominee Batik Indonesia to UNESCO, Ical says batik that exists around the world that the original is just artificial Indonesia. Because batik Indonesia internationally recognized through UNESCO."" If we see batik obviously recognized by UNESCO as a heritage not objects. It is the origin of Indonesia, "said Ical on the sidelines attending Fashion Indonesia's Declaration of the present and future, in Balai Kartini, Jakarta, Thursday (6/3/2014).

Jakarta-Chinese Batik easily found in stores or markets in Indonesia. Batik is also developed in Malaysia as their flagship product. It is taken up by a businessman and Chairman of Golkar Party Bakrie, as nominee Batik Indonesia to UNESCO, Ical said batik worldwide original only made in Indonesia. Because of Indonesian batik has been recognized internationally through UNESCO. "" If we see clearly that batik was recognized by UNESCO as an intangible historical heritage. It was from Indonesia, "" Ical said on the sidelines of attending the Indonesian Clothing Declaration present and future, at Balai Kartini, Jakarta, Thursday (06/03/2014).