Without the existence of the torment of the grave feels entering the age to 18 years on the mark with his 7th Album. Age does not short for Prolific SK bore Masterpiece after passing through a difficult and long Period since 1996. The album, titled "the torment of the grave" or "VII" this is evidence of Musical Idealism SK from time Kewaktu, which incidentally also gw is one of Observer tommyimage and the Band's career from the beginning. Although the current SK became the formation for the 2nd generation (because the first generation of SK is up and Vocalist Japra is the last missing from the Lineups now) with Frontman and guitarist Alex Tiranda as Drafter of the material the Band since "army of Red blood" brought a renewal of the Musicality of the Band which is quite significant, when Former Drummer SK, Andyan Gorust should bring the concept of the Band Bentukannya at his new Home at DeadSquad. Possible while enjoy the most Gress that SK release independently Through his own Creations Label, Podium Music, SK tried to the umpteenth time (again) his new formations for the Album, "VII". Let's Go! ..... "Cruel" became the Opening Track as usual into the Super Hot Foreplay SK offered his 7th Masterpiece. keep with the beat of fast-paced Music tempo and Explosiveness, Attitude SK apparently tetep Powerfully! Introducing the New Vocalist, Rudi Harijanto that distinctly different characters with Vocalist Septian Maulana or even Japra, though so too such as SK Concentration against the Musicality of the instrument Band, so the presence of Vocalist here only as a complement. The dueling riffing Dramatic Andre Marora Tiranda Baken with Nainggolan still play Dark n Roll dueling Riffing Style since the Red Army material "blood", in which the distortion of the Sound into the concept of "Fresh" in the DECREE since without the presence of Drummer Andyan Gorust. and then the appearance of Baken Nainggolan increasingly melodic touches through Solo-solo Briliannya. Then Beats powerfully Drummer Adhitya Mighty mighty se-indeed his name to give a fixed paced Blow off. Then the influence Style Blackened Death Metal In The Vein of Hate Eternal, Behemoth and Nile are believed to be toxic "Shifted" its concept of SK became more savage sound without much Dynamic color let go before. " "It's dead I still show off a fast-paced attacking Punch volley with his Maximum level be Torture. Dissecting the individual riffs is certainly and most of them slide up and down the Phrygians dominant scale, occasionally tacking on a little melodic tail or fluttering tremolo section on the end. without know the tempo slows down then "Smirk" Hedonist remains Thin give space to breathe a sigh of relief with the complexity of the fast Death Metal band Savage and his IMHO tetep beringas remind konsepsial SK Red Army era "blood" and "St. Kristo". Despite not doing much different Arrangement, Lick the composition of the material was born in this time still Harm! The blast beats and guitar riffs make this song a listen, formidable and a clean pair of pants is needed after this one. The technicality of the guitars is mainly showcased a beast of a track Keep a genius in complexity. Powerful lyrics with Central Sarcasm dissatisfaction into a language that Impressed the wild to their Koarkan here, and require extensive Thought to be able to digest what they Please. and "Honay" became a song dedicated to our brothers and sisters on Earth Papua presents Vocal Spoken/Poem of MC Morgue Vanguard Reveals Atrocity that occurred on Earth Papua there. The Epic feel of the Very terasakan once on the Anthemic Track this provocative to stir the adrenaline Rebel listeners. Other interesting lyrics to we contemplate the next as "Sonata Insomnia, Nirvana in the glass as well as Hardiness". That moment was certainly one of the most significant experiences of my metal-listening career. Needless to say, I was blown away, but not necessarily in a good way. and that is interesting is when SK rendition of "Choose Your Death" its Thrash Metal Veterans belonging to Italy, Necrodeath in SK gives the space its own Coolness when Senses are hearing we are too tired of digempur with the rhythm of the Blastbeat fast, Coz SK still composes Original Style Track complete with the Harsh Middle Scream Rudi Harijanto mengkesampingkan Growling his Character. Perhaps the overall record of Gw complement, this is still a musical Quality SK 2nd generation though this moment For Gw, character Vocals Rudi Harijanto is still not sound forced and impressed his Attitude really can replace Characters Japra and Septian Though Rudi still has Style growl is different. The hard work of Prime for former Drummer Bloody Gore, Sony brokers BLI to mengerjakaan his great work in 3 Jenggo Ranch on the process of Mixing & Mastering him after SK recorded it in the Studio & EC3 Linkga Recording Chamber With Bebi & Linkga, consequently forming character as brokers BLI Sony Sound New SK thicker though Guitarist Baken Nainggolan kinda Protest as stated on his List Thanxs. Then enjoy the Graphical Artwork this CD we seemed to come back considering the Packaging Simpler Era of the first popular CD, it feels like we're Reminiscing Art image of Phenomenal from the legend of Queen of the Era of "Bohemian Rhapsody" Cover tau Himself khan? Death Metal releases were not identical to Artwork that is creepy and gory became the core as well as the perception of SK this time packing her differently. as the sound is actually a fairly clear continuation from that record, though the tone and overall delivery is decidedly quite different and much more aggressive is now an emancipated from the one dimensional sound that most of the death metal genre is filled with.