8.Bank wajib mengungkapkan informasi yang lengkap, benar, transparan, tidak menyesatkan, serta memberikan informasi yang berimbang antara potensi manfaat dan risiko yang mungkin timbul kepada nasabah mengenai structured product.
9.Bank dilarang menawarkan dan melakukan transaksi Structured Product dengan Nasabah yang diklasifikasikan sebagai nasabah retail, kecuali untuk Structured Product yang disertai dengan proteksi penuh atas pokok dalam mata uang asal pada saat jatuh tempo.
10.Bank dilarang menawarkan Structured Product dengan Nasabah yang diklasifikasikan sebagai Nasabah eligible, apabila : a.Dapat menimbulkan potensi kerugian melebihi pokok yang ditanamkan Nasabah;
b.Structured Product yang merupakan penggabungan antara derivatif dan derivatif
8. The Bank is obliged to disclose information that is complete, true, transparent, not misleading, and provide information that is balanced between the potential benefits and risks that may arise to the customer regarding the structured product. 9. The Bank is prohibited from offering a Structured Product and conduct transactions with Clients who are classified as retail clients, except for Structured Product are accompanied by full protection over the staple in the original currency at maturity. 10. The Bank is prohibited from offering a Structured Product with the customer that the customer is classified as eligible, if: a. it may cause potential losses exceed the principal invested Client; b. Structured Product which is a merger between derivatives and derivatives

8.Bank required to disclose information that is complete, correct, transparent, not misleading, and provide impartial information between the potential benefits and possible risks to the customers on structured products.
9.Bank prohibited from offering and conducting transactions with the Customer Structured Product classified as retail clients, except for the Structured Product is accompanied with full protection of principal in original currency on maturity.
10.Bank prohibited from offering Structured Product with client customer classified as eligible if: a.Dapat potential losses exceed the principal invested Customers;
b.Structured Product, which is a merger between derivatives and derivatives