SURABAYA, Seorang kepala dusun diamankan panitia pengawas pemilu karena membuka kotak suara dan mencoblos 55 lembar kertas suara, sebelum waktu pencoblosan dimulai.
Menurut Kepala Bidang Humas Polda Jawa Timur Kombes Awi Setiyono, HP (48) yang merupakan Kepala Dusun Sugihan, Desa Pojok, Kecamatan Garum, Kabupaten Blitar, ini membuka kota suara di TPS 19, sekitar pukul 01.30 WIB.
Surabaya, head of the village Committee election is secured as it opens the ballot box and cast 55 sheets of paper votes, before the pencoblosan begins.According to the head of the East Java Police Publicist Kombes Awi Setiyono, HP (48) who is the Head of the village, the village Corner Sugihan, Garum, Blitar Regency, it opens the city votes in the polling stations 19, at around 01:30 pm.

SURABAYA, --- A village head secured the election supervisory committee for opening the ballot box and cast their ballot paper sheet 55, prior to the time the voting begins. According to the Head of East Java Police spokesman Sr. Awi Setiyono, HP (48) which is the village head Sugihan, Village Corner, District Garum, Blitar, this open ballot at the polling station 19, at around 01.30 pm.