Nutrifood didirikan pada bulan Februari 1979, merupakan perusahaan swasta nasional yang bergerak dalam bidang industri makanan dan minuman, khususnya makanan dan minuman yang memberikan manfaat untuk kesegaran, kesehatan, dan penampilan. Dengan jaringan distribusi yang luas, produk Nutrifood tidak hanya dipasarkan di dalam negeri, namun telah berhasil diterima dengan baik di pasaran ekspor, khususnya di negara-negara berkembang.
Nutrifood founded in February 1979, is a national private companies engaged in food and beverage industry, particularly food and beverages that provide benefits to health, freshness, and appearance. With a vast distribution network, product Nutrifood not only marketed in the country, yet it has managed well received on the market exports, particularly in developing countries.

Nutrifood established in February 1979, is a national private company engaged in the food and beverage industry, especially food and beverages that provide benefits for freshness, health and appearance. With a wide distribution network, Nutrifood products are not only marketed in the country, but has been successfully received well in export markets, particularly in developing countries.