Agree Yek !! If we have a principle, org and sustenance that ngejar2 us !!!
That I always say to my family
Sayaka! Thank you! FBnya Sayaka what?
My students also help, he met this blog
Gue agreed project!
If we have a principle, we always plasticity 100% ready (mind, liver and appearance) and bener2 plasticity assured to receive sustenance!
Although .... had the principle that initially susceptible trials and we so easily sad and lonely ... I'm still in the bully if lg feel sad ato feel lonely because ngikutin conscience ato holding principles, methods with entertaining yourself! But I consoled myself and said: "C'mon Dessy! Darling! You can do it!" "You can kick ass, baby!" "Lo Lo adek2 bayarin college!" "Lo Adek Ramos Lo bayarin the committee his career in Singapore and Vietnam! Lo bayarin PT her in jkt! Cost marital also Lo bantuin! " "Adek the Rosa dah Lo Lo bayarin melalang traveling to Europe!" "Family, Lo bring berkali2 to Japan jalan2" "Great family ampe ponakan2 Lo vacation routine set to Medan, Bali, Yogyakarta, to Singapore, to Thailand!" "Cataract surgery ampe father Lo bayarin three times, hundreds of millions of abis!" "Lo create a happy mum, have land and houses in the village! " "Lo educate yourself a trip to bbrp 40 countries in the world! Ngambil sertifikat2 " "When all around Lo pd cewe2 plasticity happy to have a partner, and each malem Lo cry flooding ngadu to God because guns have a partner. But can smile again next Lo, plain temenan cowo2 ama ama bitterness and guns have a guy! In fact, all the energy that should have been discharged because of a sense of disappointment, Lo manipulation For For busy using that committee PT in .jpg !! " "You are AMAZING !!" "You are a true princess of God!