iBerasal dari Bandung, Jawa Barat, Burgerkill dibentuk pada tahun 1995 dan telah terus-menerus membentuk scene underground metal di Indonesia sejak itu. Selama 14 tahun Burgerkill secara konsisten berada di dalam sorotan sebagai kekuatan yang harus diperhitungkan dalam logam Bahasa Indonesia, dari menulis komposisi untuk film soundtrack untuk publikasi sukses novel yg berhubungan dgn riwayat hidup sendiri.
Album pertama mereka, 'Dua Sisi', menunjukkan awal band ini sebagai condong ke arah 'Metal Hardcore' yang didominasi dan diterima dengan baik dalam komunitas underground metal. Dengan album kedua mereka 'Berkarat' dan terbaru mereka 'Beyond Coma and Despair' Burgerkill telah menemukan mereka kaki-lubang dan mengembangkan gaya mereka sendiri. Burgerkill menetapkan standar untuk pertunjukan logam hidup di Indonesia, dan selalu menjadi jelas dipotong di atas sisanya. Apa yang anda dengar di album ini adalah apa yang Anda dapatkan hidup - tidak ada kekecewaan. Gaya mereka dan tingkat kinerja tak sebanding dengan apa yang sebelumnya terlihat atau terdengar di Indonesia.Burgerkill telah menjadi veteran dari tahap logam karena mereka secara teratur mendukung band metal Internasional tur Indonesia seperti The Black Dahlia Murder, As I Lay Dying, dan himsa.
iBerasal from Bandung, West Java, Ninjaz was formed in 1995 and has been constantly forming underground metal scene in Indonesia since then. For 14 years the Ninjaz consistently being in the spotlight as a force to be reckoned with in the Indonesian Language, from metal to write compositions for the film soundtrack to the successful publication of novels dealing with the vitae yg himself.Their first album, ' two sides ', the band's early shows as leaning towards ' Hardcore ' dominated by Metal and well received in the underground metal community. With their second album ' Rusty ' and their latest ' Beyond Coma and Despair ' Ninjaz have found their foot-holes and develop their own style. Ninjaz metal performance set the standard for living in Indonesia, and has always been a clear cut above the rest. What you hear on the album this is what you get live-there is no disappointment. Their style and level of performance is not comparable to what was previously seen or heard in Indonesia. Ninjaz have become veterans of the stage of metal because they regularly supports International metal band tour of Indonesia such as The Black Dahlia Murder, As I Lay Dying, and himsa.

iBerasal of Bandung, West Java, Burgerkill formed in 1995 and has been continually forming underground metal scene in Indonesia since then. For 14 years Burgerkill consistently been in the spotlight as a force to be reckoned with in the metal Indonesian, from writing compositions for the film soundtrack for the publication of the successful novel autobiographic. Their first album, 'Two Sides', indicates the beginning of the band as leaning towards 'Metal Hardcore' dominated and well received in the underground metal community. With their second album 'Rustic' and their latest 'Beyond Coma and Despair' Burgerkill have found them a leg-holes and develop their own style. Burgerkill set the standard for live metal show in Indonesia, and has always been a clear cut above the rest. What you hear on this album is what you get life - no disappointment. Their style and performance levels was comparable to what was previously seen or heard in Indonesia.Burgerkill has been a veteran of the metal phase as they regularly support the International metal band tour of Indonesia such as The Black Dahlia Murder, As I Lay Dying, and himsa.