Pada penghujung tahun 2005, Oddie Octaviadi, frontman dari band industrial rock, Sic Mynded, kembali ke tanah air setelah kurang lebih 15 tahun tinggal dan bermusik di Amerika Serikat. Sebuah event organizer di Jakarta menawarkan acara untuk Sic Mynded, namun Oddie malah melemparkan tawaran tersebut ke teman-teman Getah yang sudah lama vakum dari penampilan live. Getah yang saat itu tidak mempunyai frontman akhirnya mencoba untuk berlatih dengan dibantu oleh Oddie sebagai vokalis. Acara live show itu sendiri batal dilaksanakan, tapi ikatan batin dan chemistry antara Getah dan frontman barunya ini telah tercipta. Dari saat itu, Getah berikrar untuk bangkit kembali dengan frontman yang baru.
At the end of 2005, Oddie Octaviadi, frontman of the band industrial rock, Sic Mynded, returned to the motherland after more or less 15 years living and music in United States. An event organizer in Jakarta offers events for Sic Mynded, but instead threw the offer Oddie to friends long vacuum Sap from live performances. SAP now has no frontman was eventually tried for practicing assisted by Oddie as vocalist. Live event show itself cancel implemented, but the inner bonding and chemistry between SAP and its new frontman has been created. From that moment on, the SAP berikrar to bounce back with a new frontman.

At the end of 2005, Oddie Octaviadi, frontman of the industrial rock band, Sic Mynded, returned to their homeland after more than 15 years living and music in the United States. An event organizer in Jakarta offers events for Sic Mynded, but Oddie instead threw the offer to friends who had long latex vacuum of a live performance. Sap that time did not have the frontman finally try to practice assisted by Oddie as a vocalist. Event live show itself was aborted, but the bond and chemistry between the sap and has created a new frontman. From that moment, Gum vowed to bounce back with a new frontman.