Sebelumnya matajiwa sempat memperkenalkan diri melalui single pertama 翻訳 - Sebelumnya matajiwa sempat memperkenalkan diri melalui single pertama 英語言う方法

Sebelumnya matajiwa sempat memperke

Sebelumnya matajiwa sempat memperkenalkan diri melalui single pertama mereka yang berjudul “1” pada akhir tahun 2013, single ini bebas untuk diunduh tanpa harus membayar sepeserpun. Dan menjelang dirilisnya album part 2, matajiwa memilih lagu berjudul Semesta untuk medium perkenalan sekaligus penyampaian gagasan kepada khalayak sebelum acara rilis album yang (rencananya) akan dilaksanakan pada penghujung bulan Mei 2014.
Single kedua ini dipilih berdasarkan pertimbangan teman-teman terdekat, selain (tentunya) dua personel matajiwa yakni Anda Perdana (Guitar & Vocal) dan Reza Achman (Drumcussion). Meskipun karakter lagu ini cenderung lunak dan nyaman ditelinga, namun rupanya proses penggodokan lagu ini meninggalkan cerita tersendiri khususnya tumpang tindih argumentasi perkara aransemen dan string section.
Lagu yang memiliki durasi nyaris 6 menit ini dibuat oleh Anda sekitar tahun 2011 ketika ia memperhatikan dengan teliti situasi terdekatnya, Semesta di sini diasumsikan untuk hal yang sifatnya personal.
Saat ditanya perihal versi radio edit mengingat durasi lagu Semesta yang tergolong “tidak bersahabat” dengan radio radio konvensional, Anda menjawab ringan;
“Karena nanti messagenya berkurang [tertawa]Kalau misalnya nanti ada yang merasa lagu ini kepanjangan, ya dipotong aja sendiri.”
Jika disimak dengan saksama, lirik lagu Semesta yang dibuat oleh Anda dan Ario Barata ini layaknya menyimak mantra yang rapalannya diulang-ulang dengan tingkat pemahaman yang menyeleksi pendengarnya secara alami.
Bicara soal analogi matra dalam lagu Semesta dari matajiwa, sepertinya apa yang tertuang dalam buku “Yantra: The Tantric Symbol of Cosmic Unity”, Madhu Khanna bisa cukup menjelaskan:
Mantra-mantra, suku kata Sanskerta yang tertulis pada yantra, sejatinya merupakan ‘perwujudan pikiran’ yang merepresentasikan keilahian atau kekuatan kosmik, yang menggunakan pengaruh mereka dengan getaran suara.
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Earlier matajiwa had a chance to introduce themselves through their first single entitled "1" at the end of 2013, the single free to download without paying a continental Indonesia. And ahead of the release of the album part 2, matajiwa choose song titled the universe for idea submission at the same time the introduction of the medium to the audience before the release of the album (the plan) will be held at the end of the month of may, 2014.The second single was chosen based on consideration of the closest friends, in addition to (of course) two personnel matajiwa i.e. You Prime (Guitar & vocals) and Reza Achman (Drumcussion). Despite the song's characters tend to be soft and comfortable ditelinga, but apparently this song penggodokan the process of leaving its own particular stories overlap arguing the matter arrangement and a string section.The song has a duration of nearly 6 minutes was made by you around in 2011 when he noticed his situation carefully, the universe here is assumed for the of personal nature.When asked about the radio edit version of the song duration given Universe that belongs to "unfriendly" with conventional radio radio, you take lightly;"Because later reduced its message [laughs] if later anyone feels this song length, ya aja cut yourself."If listened to carefully, the lyrics of the universe created by you and this Friend as Ario listening rapalannya-repeated mantra that with the level of understanding of a select audience naturally.Speaking of the analogy of matra in the song of the universe of matajiwa, it looks like what is stated in the book "Yantra: The Tantric Symbol of Cosmic Unity", Madhu Khanna could quite explain:Mantras, the Sanskrit syllables inscribed on the yantra, PDC ' embodiment of mind ' which represents the deity or cosmic powers, who used their influence with the vibrations of sound.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Previous matajiwa briefly introduce themselves through their first single titled "1" at the end of 2013, this single free for download without paying a dime. And ahead of the release of the album part 2, matajiwa choose a song titled Universe to medium introduction to the audience at the same time the delivery of ideas before the album release event (the plan) will be held in late May 2014.
The second single is chosen based on considerations closest friends, in addition to (of course ) two personnel namely your matajiwa Prime (Guitar & Vocals) and Reza Achman (Drumcussion). Although the character of the song is inclined soft and comfortable ear, but apparently the process of formulation of this song left its own story in particular the case of overlapping arguments arrangement and string section.
The song which has a duration of nearly 6 minutes was made ​​by you about the year 2011 when he was concerned with the immediate situation carefully , the Universe is assumed to things that are personal.
When asked about the radio edit version of the song considering the duration of the Universe that are categorized as "hostile" to the conventional radio radio, you answered lightly;
"Because the ENTIRE message later reduced [laughs] If for example there will be the feeling This song stands, yes cut himself wrote. "
If listened intently, lyrics Universe created by you and Ario Barata is like listening rapalannya mantra repeated by selecting the level of understanding of the audience naturally.
Talk about analogies dimension in the song of the Universe of matajiwa, it looks like what is contained in the book "Yantra: The Tantric Symbol of Cosmic Unity", Madhu Khanna could quite explain:
mantras, Sanskrit syllables written on the yantra, is actually the 'manifestation of mind' that represents the deity or cosmic force , who use their influence to sound vibrations.
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