Bukan tanpa alasan jika akhirnya nama Impish kemudian Reinkarnasi menjelma menjadi WARKVLT, sebuah nama yang sudah dipersiapkan secara matang mungkin pada album terakhir Impish pada masa Transisi-nya. masih mengusung genre Black Metal, salah satu veteran Blacker band terbaik tanah air kini memulai karir baru dengan nama barunya. dengan mengusung konsep War Metal yang kemudian Band ini mengklaim tetap Konsep-nya sebagai " Nusantara War Metal ", tema Peperangan telah berubah dari tema Kelam jelas tergambarkan sebagai Kultur Pemberontakan melalui musik, meski gw tidak banyak mengetahui kapan munculnya konsep ini pada awalnya. sejak mengganti nama menjadi Warkvlt, Gencatan perang pertama dikobarkan menjadi bentuk baru dari Album " Warkvlt " (sebelumnya menggunakan nama Impish) yang dirilis secara Independent menyusul Split CD dengan Black Metal asal Kediri, Sereignos bertajuk " Blasphemous Alliance " via Ludah Productions Tahun 2014 disela Kesibukan promo dan Penampilan Panggungnya, Warkvlt Melepas materi pemanasan Full Album Ke-2 nya dengan melepas lebih dulu EP " Maju, Serbu, Serang, Hancurkan !!! " yang memuat 1 lagu baru serta Video Live Perform lengkap dengan 2 Video Clipnya. cukup menjanjikan mereka bersiap Melepas Full Album " Merdeka " nya. tetap Konsis mengusung Konseptual War Metal yang Intens dan Cepat, Warkvlt Masih menjadi salah satu Band yang sangat diperhitungkan digenre-nya saat ini. Some people may interpret only noise and say that it is a musical aberration. It may be, but for an unknown cause it still sends chills down my spine for its insane, and cryptic atmosphere. If you expect musical virtuosism look anywhere else and how could you possibly make a song more perfectly chaotic and aggressive than the fore mentioned. Ya seperti menjadi pernyataan band sendiri, Secara konsep musik jelas berbeda dari Konsep Impish, Warkvlt mengedepankan dinamika tempo di tiap lagu nya dengan konsep riff lebih mirip pada swedish black metal dengan pengaruh kuat riff Dissection, Marduk, kemudian dibuat lebih 'groovy' untuk sengaja lepas dari pattern baku konsep musik blackmetal pada umumnya dan kali ini lebih bereksplorasi untuk memasukkan konsep thrash metal lawas yang juga kadang banyak disebut proto blackmetal sehingga lagu lagu Warkvlt kebanyakan berdurasi lebih pendek serta langsung tepat pada sasaran, tanpa adanya kesan basa basi. Well cukup menggambarkan sekali Materi di Album " Merdeka " ini. Masih penasaran Banget mungkin bagaimana Materi didalamnya? only for the serenity to cease once those heavy power chords hit and the wicked tremolos return.
Not without reason if finally the name Impish then Reincarnation transformed into WARKVLT, a name that is already being prepared are ripe may at last album Impish in his transition period. still carrying the Black Metal genre, one of the Veterans the best band Blacker homeland now start a new career with his new name. with the concept of War Metal Band that later claimed the remains of his Concept as "Nusantara" War Metal ", the theme of the war has turned from Dark theme obviously breakfast buffet as the Rebellion Culture through music, although I don't much know when the emergence of this concept at first. since renamed to become Warkvlt, the first war waged under Truce into a new form of the Album "Warkvlt" (previously used the name Impish) which was released independently following the Split CD with original Black Metal Kediri, Sereignos entitled "Alliance" Blasphemous via Saliva Productions 2014 interrupted the bustle of her stage Appearance, promos and Warkvlt warming material take off 2nd full-length Album with his first EP "Assault advanced, , Attack, Destroy!!! "which contains 1 new song and Video Live to Perform complete with 2 Video Clipnya. is promising them preparing to unleash the Full Album "Independent". fixed Konsis Conceptual War brings an intense and fast Metal, Warkvlt is still one of the Band's very calculated his current digenre. Some people may interpret only noise and say that it is a musical aberration. It may be, but for an unknown cause it still sends chills down my spine for its insane, and cryptic atmosphere. If you expect musical virtuosism look anywhere else and how could you possibly make a song more perfectly chaotic and aggressive than the fore mentioned. Ya like to be band's own statement, conceptually clear music is different from the concept of the Impish, Warkvlt emphasis on the dynamics of the tempo of each song with the concept is more like a riff on the swedish black metal band with strong influence of Marduk, Dissection riff, then made more ' groovy ' to deliberately separated from the raw music concept blackmetal pattern in General and this time more exploration to incorporate the concept of the old thrash metal which is also sometimes called proto-blackmetal so Warkvlt songs mostly shorter duration as well as direct right on target, without any impression of stale base. Well enough describing all the material on the Album "Independent". Still curious how the material might be Really in it? only for the serenity to cease once those heavy power chords hit and the wicked tremolos return.

Not without reason if eventually the name impish then transformed into WARKVLT Reincarnation, a name that is well-prepared as possible on the last album impish during his transition. still carrying the genre Black Metal, one of the best bands Blacker veteran homeland is now starting a new career with a new name. with the concept of War Metal band later claimed his remains concepts as "Nusantara War Metal", the theme of warfare has changed from the Dark theme clearly portrayed as a culture of rebellion through music, even though i do not much know when the emergence of this concept at first. since changed its name to Warkvlt, Truce first war waged become a new form of album "Warkvlt" (previously used the name impish) were released Independent followed Split CD with Black Metal from Kediri, Sereignos titled "Blasphemous Alliance" via Saliva Productions 2014 interrupted flurry promos and Her stage appearances, Warkvlt Removing material heating 2nd full-length album with the release of his first EP "Forward, Attack, Attack, Destroy !!!" containing one new song and video Live Perform complete with 2 Video Clipnya. promising them getting Removing Full Album "Freedom" her. Konsis still carries Conceptual War Metal Intense and Fast, Warkvlt still be one band that is calculated digenre her today. Some people may interpret only the noise and say that it is a musical aberration. It may be, but for an unknown cause it still sends chills down my spine for its insane, and cryptic atmosphere. If you expect musical virtuosism look anywhere else and how could you possibly make a song more perfectly chaotic and aggressive than the fore Mentioned. Yes like being a statement his own band, The concept of music is clearly different from the concept of impish, Warkvlt emphasizes the dynamics of tempo in each of her songs with the concept of riff is more similar to the swedish black metal with strong influences riff Dissection, Marduk, then made more 'groovy' to deliberately loose of raw pattern blackmetal music concept in general and this time more to explore to incorporate the concept of thrash metal long which is also sometimes called proto blackmetal so many songs Warkvlt mostly shorter duration as well as directly on target, without any strings attached impression. Well quite describe all material on the album "Freedom" is. Banget probably still wondering how the material in it? only for the serenity to cease once Reviews those heavy power chords and the wicked tremolos hit return.