PT Bank J Trust Indonesia is ready to make the effort of the law of resistance if the District Court of Surakarta using related execution authority ruling over the customer lawsuit PT Antaboga Delta Securities Tbk.The power law of PT Bank J Trust Indonesia Mahendradatta said the Middle waiting for execution of State Court of Surakarta to indemnify customer Antaboga Rp41 billion worth. The filing back's effort (PK) also dikandaskan by the Supreme Court."We feel more confident in the face of these problems related remedy because it's already getting a verdict favorable civil and criminal," said Mahendradatta told reporters, Wednesday (27/8/2015).It recognizes the remedy at is done in a hurry because a few moments later the Central Jakarta District Court convicting guilty Robert Tantular. The owner of the proven Antaboga had committed the crime of money laundering (TPPU) and fraud against its customers.However, he continued, as the Court's verdict has not used those powers to perform a execution. If that is done, Bank Indonesia is ready to Trust J do third-party opposition.It claimed to have a strong legal basis in addition to the ruling of the matter Robert Tantular. Central Jakarta District Court also convicted disconnected one of the cronies of Robert i.e. Anton Tantular on August 6, 2015.Bank Indonesia Trust plan J will also use the verdict of the South Jakarta District Court that won his clients against customer Antaboga. The Tribunal judges assess the securities firm that has done the deed against the law.Mahendradatta revealed his client had faced 11 similar lawsuits after actions taken by Robert. However, only the Court of Surakarta and Yogyakarta State Court to win customer Antaboga.If a law already in Surakarta, Yogyakarta while still in the stage of appeals.Team power law firm that formerly Bank Mutiara (Gays) have also been reported on the marketing team that helps the marketing of mutual funds Antaboga. As many as 6 people residing in Solo and Yogyakarta have been entered in the police report No. 842/X/2013/DIY/Ditreskrim since October 31, 2013.Meanwhile, the power law in Surakarta Antaboga clients Mark has yet to respond to a phone call or text message request responses sent to the business.