Jakarta, KOMPAS.com — foreign citizens (FOREIGNERS) from Japan named Yoshimi Nishimura (28) was found dead in the apartment Casa Grande Tower Montreal, South Jakarta, Thursday (7/9/2015). He allegedly killed due to throttled. Kapolsek Metro Tebet Commissioner I Ketut Sudharma said, from the results of the examination, on the neck there is a wound hematoma Nishimura on the neck. When found, the woman's neck was swollen. (Read: WN Japan was found dead in the apartment Casa Grande Tower Montreal)"It is swelling in the neck, allegedly because of the stranglehold. In addition no. Cuts in the Agency's no. In General, the wound is not so severe, "said Ketut when contacted in Jakarta, Monday (7/9/2015). Ketut said, when found, Nishimura was in bed. The woman was only wearing a tank top and panties. His body covered by a blanket. "His position on her back with the neck of the Panhandle to the outside," said Ketut. Even though Nishimura was killed for allegedly strangled, the police still have to insure it by waiting for the autopsy results. Currently, the corpse of a woman working in one of the automotive company in Pulogadung, East Jakarta, was still undergoing the process of autopsy Cipto Mangunkusumo hospital. The corpse was discovered first by Nishimura parties agent apartments, driver, security officer and Nishimura, apartment.