Previously, I want to Thank him for his help yesterday we could discuss issues and problems Distributor DF BII PT.Masa Beautiful, but as we discuss in our existing Internal Surabaya Branch Opinion as follows:
1. We want to talk first with PT.Masa Beautiful with the goal of how cooperation with PT ASI for this for mutual benefit. (Win-Win solusion).
2. We want to talk with PT.Masa Indah about wanting Opinion of Branch Surabaya, what if still wear DF BII using Fasiltas of PT.ASI ie with payment terms of 12 days (In accordance with our agreement) does not use facilities Top of DF BII (+ 30 day) for the reason that the sales of our products in PT Ajinomoto Masa Indah by Cash sale (item arrived 3 days already so money), so there is no longer any reason to facilities provided by PT.ASI 12 days, supposedly with this facility would not exist problems with payments to PT. ASI.
3. If PT. Beautiful period not want to use our facilities BII will return to the Facility BG (Bank Guarantee) or DF with other banks (BCA) because we wanted to PT. Beautiful period should be more focus to product We are therefore in the PT. Beautiful period there are several products (+/- 5 products) using DF BII, with this situation we feel disadvantaged because between 5 products held by PT. Beautiful period only Ajinomoto products that can make a financial contribution in PT.Masa Beautiful, so basically we do not want money from the sale of our products in use to the payment of other products (especially the less salable product), because DF facilitate BII 5 Principal products.
Approxi- This guess we will talk with the Distributors in this week and the results of our talks we will immediately inform Mr. And then we will be information about the results of BII Meeting with yesterday's problem DF no particular input to our thinking HO bag.FA to need to be considered especially problem PT.Masa beautiful because we think it looks like we are in manfa'atkan by BII and also the distributor PT.Masa Beautiful on the sale of our products utilized for the payment of other products and even parties PT.Masa Beautiful and BII not prioritize payments to PT. ASI whereas according BII product sales PT.ASI the fastest, with a time of 3 days only enter the finished product cash in PT. Beautiful period (Due to the sale of our products especially in PT. Masa Indah doing by Cash) and I at least sutuju (no request or the request of the BII in order PT.ASI not decide the issue of cooperation DF using BII This issue that we need to equally careful), if our thinking seems in cooperation with BII DF especially with PT.Masa Beautiful that Benefit the BII and PT.Masa Beautiful but the PT.ASI very disadvantaged in particular relation to Surabaya Branch and generally the safety we also need to be careful when working with BII DF which hold some of the products in our Distributor. (Example cooperation with BII to PT.Masa Beautiful DF). And also if it continues we will further cooperation with DF BII especially in PT.Masa Indah we should have a deal or agreement to use the TOP of PT. ASI either BII with PT.Masa Beautiful (By the time 12 day / per agreement PT.ASI and PT.Masa Beautiful) and BII BII must approve if the parties can not approve any reason we need to consider. So our response roughly about Meeting results yesterday with the BII and also I thank you for your help during this time but once again we also please keep helping us feedback, so and thank you.