Tempat beras (rice box), perabot-perabot rumah, cermin-cermin, bingkai gambar, benda-benda (yang tidak termasuk dalam ===las lain) dari kayu, gabus, rumput, buluh, rotan, tanduk, tulang, gading, balein, kulit kerang, amber, kulit mutiara, tanah liat magnesium dan bahan-bahan penggantinya, atau dari plastik
where rice (rice box), furniture-furniture, mirrors, picture frames, objects (which are not included in the other welding ===) of wood, cork, grass, reed, rattan, horn, bone, ivory, balein, shells, amber, pearl shell, clay and magnesium replacement materials, or of plastics
Place rice (rice box)-home furnishings, furniture, mirrors, picture frames, objects (which are not included in another welding ===) of wood, Cork, Reed, grass, rattan, Horn, bone, ivory, balein, shells, amber, pearls, Clay skin magnesium materials and his successor, or of plastics