KOMPAS.com ---Memperingati bulan suciRamadhandan menyambut hari raya Idul Fitri, Plaza Indonesia menggelar sebuah festival bazar dan pergelaran busana dalam acaraRamadhan Elegance(03/07/2015) yang dihadirkan difunction hall, Plaza Indonesia lantai dua. Koleksi empat label busana yaitu Ahava Fashion, Natalia Liu, Tenun Gaya dan Lenny Collection, hadir untuk memberi inspirasi tampilan di Hari Raya.
"Plaza Indonesia ingin memberi inspirasi gaya terkini pada pengunjung setia di bulanRamadhandengan cara padu padan busana yang elegan selama perayaan Idul Fitri," ujar Zamri Mamat, General Manager Marketing Dept. PT. Plaza Indonesia Realty, Tbk, disela-sela acaraRamadhan Elegance.
dok.plazaindonesiaKoleksi menarik dipresentasikan dengan apik lewat pilihan busana seperti kaftan, kebaya tunik dan motif tradisional dari label busana Indonesia.
Ragam koleksi menarik dipresentasikan dengan apik lewat pilihan busana seperti kaftan dari Ahava Fashion, kebaya tunik dan motif tradisional dari Natalia Liu, tunik nuansa cerah dari Lenny Collection, dan sentuhan etnik tenun modern dari label busana Tenun Gaya. Pilihan busana Hari Raya pun semakin bervariasi.
Selain pergelaran busana, Plaza Indonesia juga menggelarRamadhan Bazaaryang diramaikan oleh desainer dan label Indonesia Deden Siswanto, Inne Butik, Rumaila Butik, Dorren Mallory, Paxton London, PunQ, aromaterapi Yankee Candle hingga penyedia aneka makanan ringan seperti Dulce de Lece, Infinite Delight dan Snack In The Jar.
KOMPAS.com---commemorating the Moon suciRamadhandan welcome the Idul Fitri, Plaza Indonesia staged a festival craft fair and a fashion Festival in acaraRamadhan Elegance (03/07/2015) which are performed difunction hall, the second floor of Plaza Indonesia. A collection of four fashion labels i.e. Ahava Fashion, Natalia Liu, Weaving style and Lenny Collection, present for inspiring look at the feast."Plaza Indonesia wanted to give the current style inspiration on faithful visitors in bulanRamadhandengan how to mix and match the elegant fashion during the feast of Eid al-Fitr," said Zamri from Mamat, General Manager of Marketing Dept. pt. Plaza Indonesia Realty Tbk, the aim acaraRamadhan Elegance.dok. plazaindonesiaKoleksi beautifully presented through interesting options like Couture caftan tunic and kebaya, a traditional motif of the fashion label of Indonesia.Variety of interesting collections presented with passing fashion choices like Caftans of Ahava Fashion kebaya, a traditional motif tunic and Natalia Liu, bright shades of Lenny tunic Collection, and a touch of modern weaving from ethnic fashion label Weaving style. Selection of fashion Feast more varied.In addition to the entry for clothing, Plaza Indonesia also menggelarRamadhan Bazaaryang diramaikan by designers and labels Deden Siswanto, Indonesia Inne Boutique, the boutique Rumaila, Dorren Mallory, Paxton London, Yankee Candle, aromatherapy PunQ to providers of snacks such as Dulce de Lece, Infinite Delight and a Snack In The Jar.

KOMPAS.com --- Commemorating months suciRamadhandan welcome Idul Fitri, Plaza Indonesia held a bazaar festival and fashion show in acaraRamadhan Elegance (03/07/2015) presented difunction hall, Plaza Indonesia the second floor. Collection of four fashion labels that Ahava Fashion, Natalia Liu, Weaving Style and Lenny Collection, present to inspire the look at the Feast.
"Plaza Indonesia wants to inspire the style of the latest on the faithful visitor in bulanRamadhandengan how to mix and match elegant fashion during Eid celebrations, "Zamri said Mamat, General Manager of Marketing Dept. PT. Plaza Indonesia Realty Tbk, on the sidelines acaraRamadhan Elegance. Dok.plazaindonesiaKoleksi attractive presentation with slick passing fashion choices such as kaftans, tunics and kebaya traditional motifs of Indonesian fashion label. Variety fascinating collection presented with a slick through the choice of clothing such as caftans of Ahava Fashion, kebaya tunic and traditional motifs of Natalia Liu, tunics bright shades of Lenny Collection, and the ethnic touch of modern weaving Weaving Style fashion label. Clothing choices Hari Raya became more varied. In addition to the fashion show, Plaza Indonesia also menggelarRamadhan Bazaaryang enlivened by designers and labels Indonesia Deden Siswanto, Inne Boutique, Rumaila Boutique, Dorren Mallory, Paxton London, PunQ, aromatherapy Yankee Candle to providers of snacks such as Dulce de lece, Infinite Delight and Snack In The Jar.