4. Tata cara memperoleh Sertifikat Halal diawali dengan pengajuan perm翻訳 - 4. Tata cara memperoleh Sertifikat Halal diawali dengan pengajuan perm英語言う方法

4. Tata cara memperoleh Sertifikat

4. Tata cara memperoleh Sertifikat Halal diawali dengan pengajuan permohonan Sertifikat Halal oleh Pelaku Usaha kepada

BPJPH. Selanjutnya, BPJPH melakukan pemeriksaan kelengkapan dokumen. Pemeriksaan dan/atau pengujian kehalalan Produk

dilakukan oleh LPH. LPH tersebut harus memperoleh akreditasi dari BPJH yang bekerjasama dengan MUI. Penetapan kehalalan

Produk dilakukan oleh MUI melalui sidang fatwa halal MUI dalam bentuk keputusan Penetapan Halal Produk yang ditandatangani

oleh MUI. BPJPH menerbitkan Sertifikat Halal berdasarkan keputusan Penetapan Halal Produk dari MUI tersebut.
5. Biaya sertifikasi halal dibebankan kepada Pelaku Usaha yang mengajukan permohonan Sertifikat Halal. Dalam rangka

memperlancar pelaksanaan penyelenggaraan JPH, Undang-Undang ini memberikan peran bagi pihak lain seperti Pemerintah melalui

anggaran pendapatan dan belanja negara, pemerintah daerah melalui anggaran pendapatan dan belanja daerah, perusahaan,

lembaga sosial, lembaga keagamaan, asosiasi, dan komunitas untuk memfasilitasi biaya sertifikasi halal bagi pelaku usaha

mikro dan kecil.
6. Dalam rangka menjamin pelaksanaan penyelenggaraan JPH, BPJPH melakukan pengawasan terhadap LPH; masa berlaku Sertifikat

Halal; kehalalan Produk; pencantuman Label Halal; pencantuman keterangan tidak halal; pemisahan lokasi, tempat dan alat

pengolahan, penyimpanan, pengemasan, pendistribusian, penjualan, serta penyajian antara Produk Halal dan tidak halal;

keberadaan Penyelia Halal; dan/atau kegiatan lain yang berkaitan dengan JPH.
7. Untuk menjamin penegakan hukum terhadap pelanggaran Undang-Undang ini, ditetapkan sanksi administratif dan sanksi


Pasal 1
Cukup jelas.
Pasal 2
Huruf a
Yang dimaksud dengan asas “pelindungan” adalah bahwa dalam menyelenggarakan JPH bertujuan melindungi masyarakat muslim.
Huruf b
Yang dimaksud dengan asas “keadilan” adalah bahwa dalam penyelenggaraan JPH harus mencerminkan keadilan secara

proporsional bagi setiap warga negara.
Huruf c
Yang dimaksud dengan asas “kepastian hukum” adalah bahwa penyelenggaraan JPH bertujuan memberikan kepastian hukum

mengenai kehalalan suatu Produk yang dibuktikan dengan Sertifikat Halal.
Huruf d
Yang dimaksud dengan asas “akuntabilitas dan transparansi” adalah bahwa setiap kegiatan dan hasil akhir dari kegiatan

penyelenggaraan JPH harus dapat dipertanggungjawabkan kepada masyarakat sebagai pemegang kedaulatan tertinggi negara sesuai

dengan ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan.
Huruf e
Yang dimaksud dengan asas “efektivitas dan efisiensi” adalah bahwa penyelenggaraan JPH dilakukan dengan berorientasi pada

tujuan yang tepat guna dan berdaya guna serta meminimalisasi penggunaan sumber daya yang dilakukan dengan cara cepat,

sederhana, dan biaya ringan atau terjangkau.
Huruf f
Yang dimaksud dengan asas “profesionalitas” adalah bahwa penyelenggaraan JPH dilakukan dengan mengutamakan keahlian yang

berdasarkan kompetensi dan kode etik.
Pasal 3
Cukup jelas.
Pasal 4
Cukup jelas.
Pasal 5
Cukup jelas.
Pasal 6
Cukup jelas.
Pasal 7
Huruf a
Kementerian dan/atau lembaga terkait antara lain kementerian dan/atau lembaga yang menyelenggarakan urusan pemerintahan di

bidang perindustrian, perdagangan, kesehatan, pertanian, standardisasi dan akreditasi, koperasi dan usaha mikro, kecil dan

menengah, serta pengawasan obat dan makanan.
Huruf b
Cukup jelas.
Huruf c
Cukup jelas.
Pasal 8
Bentuk kerja sama BPJPH dengan kementerian yang menyelenggarakan urusan pemerintahan di bidang perindustrian misalnya dalam

hal pengaturan serta pembinaan dan pengawasan industri terkait dengan bahan baku dan bahan tambahan pangan yang digunakan

untuk menghasilkan Produk Halal.
Bentuk kerja sama BPJPH dengan kementerian yang menyelenggarakan urusan pemerintahan di bidang perdagangan misalnya dalam

pembinaan kepada Pelaku Usaha dan masyarakat, pengawasan Produk Halal yang beredar di pasar, serta perluasan akses pasar.
Bentuk kerja sama BPJPH dengan kementerian yang menyelenggarakan urusan pemerintahan di bidang kesehatan misalnya dalam hal

penetapan cara produksi serta cara distribusi obat, termasuk vaksin, obat tradisional, kosmetik, alat kesehatan, perbekalan

kesehatan rumah tangga, makanan, dan minuman.
Bentuk kerja sama BPJPH dengan kementerian yang menyelenggarakan urusan pemerintahan di bidang pertanian misalnya dalam hal

penetapan persyaratan rumah potong hewan/unggas dan unit potong hewan/unggas, pedoman pemotongan hewan/unggas dan

penanganan daging hewan serta hasil ikutannya, pedoman sertifikasi kontrol veteriner pada unit usaha pangan asal hewan, dan

sistem jaminan mutu dan keamanan pangan hasil pertanian.
Bentuk kerja sama BPJPH dengan lembaga pemerintah yang menyelenggarakan urusan pemerintahan di bidang standardisasi dan

akreditasi misalnya dalam hal persyaratan untuk pemeriksaan, pengujian, auditor, lembaga pemeriksa, dan lembaga sertifikasi

dalam sistem JPH sesuai dengan standar yang ditetapkan.
Bentuk kerja sama BPJPH dengan lembaga pemerintah yang menyelenggarakan urusan pemerintahan di bidang koperasi, usaha

mikro, kecil, dan menengah misalnya dalam hal menyiapkan Pelaku Usaha mikro dan kecil dalam sosialisasi dan pendampingan

sertifikasi kehalalan Produk.
Bentuk kerja sama BPJPH dengan lembaga pemerintah yang menyelenggarakan urusan pemerintahan di bidang pengawasan obat dan

makanan misalnya dalam hal pengawasan produk pangan, obat, dan kosmetik dalam dan luar negeri yang diregistrasi dan

disertifikasi halal.
Pasal 9
Cukup jelas.
Pasal 10
Cukup jelas.
Pasal 11
Cukup jelas.
Pasal 12
Ayat (1)
LPH yang didirikan pemerintah antara lain LPH yang didirikan oleh kementerian dan/atau lembaga atau LPH yang didirikan oleh

perguruan tinggi negeri.
Ayat (2)
Cukup jelas.
Pasal 13
Cukup jelas.
Pasal 14
Cukup jelas.
Pasal 15
Cukup jelas.
Pasal 16
Cukup jelas.
Pasal 17
Cukup jelas.
Pasal 18
Cukup jelas.
Pasal 19
Cukup jelas.
Pasal 20
Cukup jelas.
Pasal 21
Cukup jelas.
Pasal 22
Cukup jelas.
Pasal 23
Cukup jelas.
Pasal 24
Cukup jelas.
Pasal 25
Cukup jelas.
Pasal 26
Ayat (1)
Cukup jelas.
Ayat (2)
Yang dimaksud dengan “keterangan tidak halal” adalah pernyataan tidak halal yang merupakan bagian tidak terpisahkan dari

Produk. Keterangan dapat berupa gambar, tanda, dan/atau tulisan.
Pasal 27
Cukup jelas.
Pasal 28
Cukup jelas.
Pasal 29
Cukup jelas.
Pasal 30
Cukup jelas.
Pasal 31
Cukup jelas.
Pasal 32
Cukup jelas.
Pasal 33
Cukup jelas.
Pasal 34
Cukup jelas.
Pasal 35
Cukup jelas
Pasal 36
Cukup jelas.
Pasal 37
Cukup jelas.
Pasal 38
Cukup jelas.
Pasal 39
Cukup jelas.
Pasal 40
Cukup jelas.
Pasal 41
Cukup jelas.
Pasal 42
Cukup jelas.
Pasal 43
Cukup jelas.
Pasal 44
Ayat (1)
Cukup jelas.
Ayat (2)
Kriteria “usaha mikro dan kecil” didasarkan pada ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan yang mengatur bidang usaha mikro

dan kecil.
Yang dimaksud dengan “pihak lain” antara lain Pemerintah melalui anggaran pendapatan dan belanja negara, pemerintah

daerah melalui anggaran pendapatan dan belanja daerah, perusahaan, lembaga sosial, lembaga keagamaan, asosiasi, dan

Ayat (3)
Cukup jelas.
Pasal 45
Cukup jelas.
Pasal 46
Cukup jelas.
Pasal 47
Cukup jelas.
Pasal 48
Cukup jelas.
Pasal 49
Cukup jelas.
Pasal 50
Cukup jelas.
Pasal 51
Cukup jelas.
Pasal 52
Cukup jelas.
Pasal 53
Ayat (1)
Cukup jelas.
Ayat (2)
Huruf a
Cukup jelas.
Huruf b
Pengawasan Produk dan Produk Halal yang beredar antara lain pengawasan terhadap masa berlaku Sertifikat Halal, pencantuman

Label Halal atau keterangan tidak halal, serta penyajian antara Produk Halal dan tidak halal.
Ayat (3)
Cukup jelas.
Pasal 54
Cukup jelas.
Pasal 55
Cukup jelas.
Pasal 56
Cukup jelas.
Pasal 57
Cukup jelas.
Pasal 58
Cukup jelas.
Pasal 59
Cukup jelas.
Pasal 60
Cukup jelas.
Pasal 61
Cukup jelas.
Pasal 62
Cukup jelas.
Pasal 63
Cukup jelas.
Pasal 64
Cukup jelas.
Pasal 65
Cukup jelas.
Pasal 66
Cukup jelas.
Pasal 67
Cukup jelas.
Pasal 68
Cukup jelas.

ソース言語: -
ターゲット言語: -
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
4. the procedures for obtaining Halal certificate begins with the filing of a petition for Halal certificate by the perpetrators of the Attempt to BPJPH. Furthermore, BPJPH checks the completeness of the documents. Inspection and/or testing the halal Products performed by LPH. The LPH must obtain accreditation from the BPJH in collaboration with MUI. Determination of the halal Products made by MUI halal MUI fatwa Council through in the form of Halal Product Assignment decisions are signed by MUI. BPJPH published the Halal certificate based on the decision of Products Halal MUI Setting is.5. halal certification Fees charged to Businessmen who apply for a Halal certificate. In order to facilitate implementation of JPH, this legislation provides a role for other parties such as Government through income and expenditure budget of the State, local government through the budget revenue and shopping districts, the company, social institutions, religious institutions, community associations, and to facilitate the halal certification fee for businessmen micro and small.6. in order to ensure the implementation of JPH, BPJPH conduct surveillance against LPH; validity of certificate Halal; the halal products; the inclusion of the Halal Label; inclusion of a description is not permissible; the separation of the location, venue and tools processing, storage, packaging, distribution, sales, as well as serving between Halal and kosher Products are not; the existence of Kosher Supervisor; and/or other activities related to the JPH.7. to ensure the enforcement of the law against violations of this Act, set out the administrative sanctions and penalties criminal.II. ARTICLE-BY ARTICLEArticle 1Is quite clear.Article 2The letter aThat is the basic "shield cover" is that in muslim communities aimed at protecting JPH.The letter bWhat is meant by the principle of "justice" is that in implementing JPH should reflect fairness in proportionally for every citizen.The letter cWhat is meant by the principle of "legal certainty" is that organizing the JPH aims to provide legal certainty about the halal product as evidenced by the Halal certificate.The letter dWhat is meant by the principle of "accountability and transparency" is that each of the activities and the final results of the activities JPH implementation should be accountable to the community as holder of the highest State authority in accordance with the provisions of the legislation.The letter eWhat is meant by the principle of "effectiveness and efficiency" is that organizing is done by JPH oriented appropriate goals and Sepik and minimizing the use of resources is done by means of a fast, simple, lightweight and cost or affordable.The letter fWhat is meant by the principle of "professionalism" is that organizing is done by JPH give priority to skills based on competence and ethics.Article 3Is quite clear.Article 4Is quite clear.Article 5Is quite clear.Article 6Is quite clear.Article 7The letter aMinistries and/or related agencies including the ministries and/or institutions that organise the Affairs of Government in fields of industry, trade, health, agriculture, standardization and accreditation, cooperatives and micro, small and medium, as well as drug and food.The letter bIs quite clear.The letter cIs quite clear.Article 8Forms of cooperation BPJPH with the Ministry of Government Affairs which hosts in the field of industry for example in arrangement and the construction and supervision of related industries with raw materials and food additives are used to produce Halal Products.Forms of cooperation BPJPH with the Ministry that organizes the Affairs of Government in the area of trade, for example in the the construction of the Trade and the public, supervision Halal Products circulating in the market, as well as the expansion of market access.Forms of cooperation BPJPH with the Ministry that organizes the Affairs of Government in the field of health, for example in terms of determination method of production as well as how the distribution of drugs, including vaccines, traditional medicine, cosmetic, health equipment, supplies Healthcare Housekeeping, food, and drinks.Forms of cooperation BPJPH with the Ministry that organizes the Affairs of Government in agriculture, for example in terms of determination of the requirements of the animal/poultry slaughterhouse and animal/poultry trim units, guidelines for cutting animals/poultry and handling of animal flesh as well as the results of the ikutannya, the veterinary control certification guidelines on food of animal origin business unit, and system of quality assurance and food safety agricultural output.Forms of cooperation BPJPH with the Government agency organizing the Affairs of Government in the field of standardization and accreditation for example in terms of the requirements for the inspection, testing, auditors, examiners, institutions and certification agencies in the system of JPH in accordance with standards established.Forms of cooperation BPJPH with the Government agency organizing the Affairs of Government in the field of cooperatives, businesses micro, small and medium enterprises, for example in terms of setting up micro enterprises and small Actors in the socialization and mentoring certification of halal products.Forms of cooperation BPJPH with the Government agency organizing the Affairs of Government in the field of drug and food, for example in terms of supervision of food products, drugs, and cosmetics in the country and abroad who are registered and certified kosher.Article 9Is quite clear.Article 10Is quite clear.Article 11Is quite clear.Article 12Paragraph (1)LPH established Governments, among others, LPH, founded by ministries and/or institutions or LPH, founded by universities.Paragraph (2)Is quite clear.Article 13Is quite clear.Article 14Is quite clear.Article 15Is quite clear.Article 16Is quite clear.Article 17Is quite clear.Article 18Is quite clear.Article 19Is quite clear.Article 20Is quite clear.Chapter 21Is quite clear.Section 22Is quite clear.Article 23Is quite clear.Article 24Is quite clear.Article 25Is quite clear.Article 26Paragraph (1)Is quite clear.Paragraph (2)What is meant by "description is not permissible" is a statement not halal which is part is inseparable from Product. The description may include pictures, signs, and/or writing.Article 27Is quite clear.Article 28Is quite clear.Article 29Is quite clear.Article 30Is quite clear.Article 31Is quite clear.Article 32Is quite clear.Article 33Is quite clear.Article 34Is quite clear.Article 35Pretty obviousArticle 36Is quite clear.Article 37Is quite clear.Article 38Is quite clear.Article 39Is quite clear.Article 40Is quite clear.Article 41Is quite clear.Article 42Is quite clear.Section 43Is quite clear.Article 44Paragraph (1)Is quite clear.Paragraph (2)The criteria of "small and micro enterprise" is based on the provisions of laws and regulations that govern the field of microenterprise and small.What is meant by "the other party", among others, the Government through the State budget revenue and expenditure, the Government the budgetary revenue and expenditures through the regions, companies, social institutions, religious institutions, associations, and the community.Paragraph (3)Is quite clear.Article 45Is quite clear.Article 46Is quite clear.Article 47Is quite clear.Article 48Is quite clear.Article 49Is quite clear.Article 50Is quite clear.Article 51Is quite clear.Article 52Is quite clear.Article 53Paragraph (1)Is quite clear.Paragraph (2)The letter aIs quite clear.The letter bSupervision Halal products and Products that are circulating among others the supervision of Kosher Certificate validity period, the inclusion of Halal label or description is not halal, and Kosher products and rendering is not lawful.Paragraph (3)Is quite clear.Article 54Is quite clear.Article 55Is quite clear.Article 56Is quite clear.Article 57Is quite clear.Article 58Is quite clear.Article 59Is quite clear.Article 60Is quite clear.Article 61Is quite clear.Article 62Is quite clear.Article 63 Is quite clear.Article 64Is quite clear.Article 65Is quite clear.Article 66Is quite clear.Article 67Is quite clear.Article 68Is quite clear.An ADDITIONAL SHEET of the REPUBLIC of INDONESIA NO. 5604
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
4. The procedure for obtaining Halal Certificate begins with the filing of the petition Halal Certificate by business communities to BPJPH. Furthermore, BPJPH examine the documents. Inspection and / or testing of halal products are carried by LPH. LPH must obtain accreditation from BPJH in cooperation with the MUI. Determination of halal products through a trial conducted by the MUI fatwa in the form of a decision halal Halal Products Stipulation signed by the MUI. BPJPH issuing Halal Certification Halal Products based decision Determination of the MUI. 5. Halal certification costs borne by the business communities who apply for Halal Certificate. In order to facilitate the management of the JPH, this Act provides a role for other parties such as government through the state budget, local government through the budget revenue and expenditure, enterprises, social organizations, religious institutions, associations, and communities to facilitate the certification costs lawful for businesses small and micro. 6. In order to ensure the management of the JPH, BPJPH to supervise the LPH; period of validity of certificate Halal; halal products; Halal labeling; inclusion of information was not kosher; separation location, place and means of processing, storage, packaging, distribution, sales, and presentation between halal and non-halal products; existence Halal Supervisor; and / or other activities related to the JPH. 7. To ensure enforcement of laws against violations of this Act, administrative sanctions and penalties stipulated criminal. II. ARTICLE BY ARTICLE Article 1 Self-explanatory. Article 2 Letter a The principle of "protection" is that in carrying out the JPH aims to protect the Muslim community. Letter b The principle of "fairness" is that in the administration of justice JPH should reflect proportionately for each citizens. Letter c The principle of "rule of law" is that the implementation of JPH aims to provide legal certainty regarding a product that is proven halal halal certificate. Letter d The principle of "accountability and transparency" is that every activity and outcomes of activities JPH implementation should be accountable to the public as the highest sovereign state in accordance with the provisions of the legislation. Letter e The principle of "effectiveness and efficiency" is that the implementation is done by JPH oriented objectives appropriate and efficient and minimizes the use of resources are done with a quick, simple, and inexpensive or affordable. Letter f The principle of "professionalism" is that the implementation is done by prioritizing JPH expertise based on competence and code of conduct. Article 3 Self-explanatory. Article 4 Self-explanatory. Article 5 Self-explanatory. Article 6 Self-explanatory. Article 7 Letter a ministry and / or related parties, among other ministries and / or institutions who held government affairs in the field of industry, trade, health, agriculture, standardization and accreditation, cooperatives and micro, small and medium enterprises, as well as food and drug supervision. Letter b Self-explanatory. Letter c Self-explanatory. Article 8 Form BPJPH cooperation with the ministry held government affairs in the industry sector for example in terms of regulation and supervision related industries with raw materials and materials food additives used to produce Halal products. This form of cooperation with the ministries BPJPH held government affairs in trade for example in guidance to the business communities and societies, supervision Halal products in the market, as well as the expansion of market access. This form of cooperation with the ministry BPJPH who held government affairs in the health sector for example in the case of the determination of the mode of production and ways of distribution of drugs, including vaccines, traditional medicines, cosmetics, medical devices, supplies, household health, food, and drinks. This form of cooperation with the ministries BPJPH held government affairs in agriculture for example in the case of the determination of the requirements of the abattoir / poultry and beef units animals / poultry, guidelines slaughterhouses / poultry and handling of animal meat and by-products, veterinary control of certification guidelines on animal-based food business unit, and the system of quality assurance and food safety agricultural products. Shape BPJPH cooperation with government agencies who held government affairs in the field of standardization and accreditation for example in terms of the requirements for inspection, testing, auditors, audit institutions, and certification bodies in JPH system in accordance with established standards. This form of cooperation BPJPH with government agencies who held government affairs in the field of cooperatives, micro, small, and medium enterprises for example in the case of setting up of micro and small business communities in socialization and mentoring halal certified products. Shape BPJPH cooperation with government agencies who held government affairs in the field of drug control and food for example in terms of supervision of food products, drugs, and cosmetics at home and abroad are registered and certified kosher. Article 9 Self-explanatory. Article 10 Sufficiently clear. Article 11 Sufficiently clear. Article 12 Paragraph (1) LPH government established among others LPH which was established by the ministry and / or agency or LPH established by public universities. Paragraph (2) Sufficiently clear. Article 13 Sufficiently clear. Article 14 Sufficiently clear. Article 15 Sufficiently clear. Article 16 Sufficiently clear. Article 17 Sufficiently clear. Article 18 Self-explanatory. Article 19 Sufficiently clear. Article 20 Sufficiently clear. Article 21 Sufficiently clear. Article 22 Sufficiently clear. Article 23 Sufficiently clear. Article 24 Sufficiently clear. Article 25 Sufficiently clear. Article 26 Paragraph (1) Self-explanatory. Paragraph ( 2) What is meant by "information is not kosher" is a statement that is not kosher is an integral part of the Product. Remarks may include images, marks, and / or writing. Article 27 Sufficiently clear. Article 28 Sufficiently clear. Article 29 Sufficiently clear. Article 30 Sufficiently clear. Article 31 Sufficiently clear. Article 32 Sufficiently clear. Article 33 Sufficiently clear. Article 34 Sufficiently clear. Article 35 Sufficiently clear Article 36 Sufficiently clear. Article 37 Sufficiently clear. Article 38 Sufficiently clear. Article 39 Sufficiently clear. Article 40 Sufficiently clear. Article 41 Sufficiently clear. Article 42 Sufficiently clear. Article 43 Sufficiently clear. Article 44 Paragraph ( 1) Self-explanatory. Paragraph (2) Criteria "micro and small enterprises" is based on the provisions of the legislation governing the field of micro-enterprises and small. What is meant by "other parties", among others, the government through the state budget, the government area through the budget revenue and expenditure, enterprises, social organizations, religious institutions, associations, and communities. Paragraph (3) Sufficiently clear. Article 45 Sufficiently clear. Article 46 Sufficiently clear. Article 47 Sufficiently clear. Article 48 Sufficiently clear. Article 49 Sufficiently clear. Article 50 Sufficiently clear. Article 51 Sufficiently clear. Article 52 Sufficiently clear. Article 53 Paragraph (1) Self-explanatory. Paragraph (2) Letter a Self-explanatory. Letter b Surveillance Products and outstanding Halal Products include oversight of the period of validity Halal Certificate, inclusion Halal Label or information is not kosher, and presentation between Halal and kosher products. Paragraph (3) Sufficiently clear. Article 54 Sufficiently clear. Article 55 Sufficiently clear. Article 56 Sufficiently clear. Article 57 Sufficiently clear. Article 58 Sufficiently clear. Article 59 Sufficiently clear. Article 60 Sufficiently clear. Article 61 Sufficiently clear. Article 62 Sufficiently clear. Article 63 Sufficiently clear. Article 64 Sufficiently clear. Article 65 Sufficiently clear. Article 66 Sufficiently clear. Article 67 Sufficiently clear. Article 68 Sufficiently clear. GAZETTE OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA NUMBER 5604

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