JAKARTA- Ketika Napalm Death memulai memainkan musik yang dinamakan gr翻訳 - JAKARTA- Ketika Napalm Death memulai memainkan musik yang dinamakan gr英語言う方法

JAKARTA- Ketika Napalm Death memula

JAKARTA- Ketika Napalm Death memulai memainkan musik yang dinamakan grindcore di pertengahan ‘80-an, tujuannya padat, singkat dan jelas. Ingin memainkan musik tercepat di dunia. Dengan ketukan drum yang terdengar menggerinda, gitar kasar ala hardcore punk, dan vokal menggeram marah, grindcore merupakan ekspresi anak muda yang segar di zamannya. Lima belas tahun kemudian, tepatnya tahun 2001 muncul sebuah band grindcore di Jakarta bernama Dead Vertical, merilis tiga album dan saat ini menjadi salah satu yang terbaik di bidangnya. “Dulu awalnya musik kami cukup kental terpengaruh hardcore punk. Tepi kemudian kami ingin berkembang, jadilah sekarang ada unsur lain seperti death metal juga. Ya kalau diperhatikan kan genre ini memang penggabungan berbagai genre,” ujar Adi “Boy” Wibowo, vokalis dan juga gitaris dari Dead Vertical. Hal ini diamini oleh vokalis/bassist Bonny Suhendra dan drummer Arya Gilang Laksana.

Bayangkan kehingar-bingaran grindcore dengan irama yang dijamin akan membuat leher pegal karena headbang maupun badan memar karena slam dancing. Semua kekacauan ini datang dari hanya tiga orang. Layaknya aksi trio cadas lokal macam Rajasinga, atau internasional semacam Nasum (Swedia), Toxic Holocaust (Thrash, USA), bahkan Venom, Dead Vertical berhasil membawa ranah musik cadas lokal ke area baru. Perkembangan musik mereka cukup signifikan, memulai dengan unsur hardcore punk/crust di album pertama, Infecting The World album kedua mereka mulai memamerkan sound ala Death Metal, dan kini Perang Neraka Bumi, album terbaru mereka, menghasilkan konsep yang lebih matang lagi.

“Di album ini sekarang lagu kami lebih panjang. Tidak lagi maksimal satu menit tipikal grindcore seperti album dulu. Album ini juga semua lirik berbahasa Indonesia, dan memiliki konsep menceritakan tentang perang dunia kedua. Terinspirasi dari sebuah film dokumenter tentang perang rilisan BBC,” tegas Boy. Mengapa perang dunia kedua? Boy menjawab, “Ini karena perang dunia kedua mempengaruhi seluruh kehidupan yang kita jalani sekarang. Perkembangan teknologi dan akhirnya ke kebudayaan manusia, itu semua dipengaruhi oleh kejadian perang dunia. Ini yang bikin peristiwa ini seru untuk diolah jadi lirik.”

Kini Dead Vertical merupakan salah satu aksi grindcore yang paling dicari di Indonesia. Salah satu acara yang meroketkan nama mereka di scene cadas adalah ketika mereka didaulat menjadi opening act konser kedua Napalm Death di Jakarta tahun 2008. Satu alasan lagi adalah Rottrevore Records. Label death metal paling populer di Indonesia merilis dua album terakhir mereka. Mengenai masalah label, album Perang Neraka Bumi sempat mengalami masalah ketika hendak dirilis. Dwinanda Satrio, pemilik label Rottrevore Records dan juga salah satu eksponen terpenting scene death metal Indonesia meninggal dunia. Yang ditinggalkan adalah album Dead Vertical yang masih berada di pabrik penggandaan CD. “Selain berduka cita, kami juga kepikiran waktu itu. Ini album bagaimana nasibnya jadinya?” Akhirnya mereka melanjutkan sendiri segala tetek bengek produksi dan juga promosi bagi album mereka sendiri.

Dan sepertinya mengerjakan segalanya sendirian bukan hal baru bagi Dead Vertical, mereka tampak semangat menjalankan passion mereka dan sembari berprestasi dalam hal musikalitas. Bekerja, bersenang-senang, dan menggelegarkan musik cadas, ini adalah agenda Dead Vertical. Dan untuk urusan bersenang-senang mereka juga cukup serius menjalankan, sampai ada intro sebuah lagu di album Perang Neraka Bumi, yakni “Inti Petaka” dengan ada efek suara yang mencerminkan kondisi para personel Dead Vertical ketika sedang mabuk. Untuk urusan satu ini, Arya cukup disegani, terlebih dengan kecintaannya pada mariyuana. Bagaimana caranya ‘tinggi’ dengan mariyuana dan masih mampu merentetkan ketukan super cepat dengan tenaga maksimal? “Kalau lagi nyimeng, jangan dibawa ngantuk atau lemas, dibawa segar saja, bisa-bisa saja,” tegas Arya semangat.
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Jakarta-When Napalm Death started playing music called grindcore in the mid-' 80s, the goal is solid, short and clear. Want to play the music of the world's fastest. With drum beats that sounded menggerinda, rough hardcore punk-style guitars, snarling vocals and furious, grindcore is an expression of young people fresh in his day. Fifteen years later in 2001 appear a grindcore band in Jakarta named Dead Vertical, released three albums and became one of the best in their field. "It used to be thick enough of our music was initially influenced hardcore punk. The banks then we would like to expand, be now there are other elements such as death metal, too. Yes if this genre is indeed right to note the merger of various genres, "said Adi" Boy "Wibowo, vocalist and guitarist of the Dead also Vertical. This diamini by vocalist/bassist and drummer Bonny Suhendra Arya Gilang Executables.Imagine kehingar-bingaran grindcore with guaranted rhythm that will make the neck is sore because headbang or body bruises because of slam dancing. All this mess came from just three people. Like the action of local rock trio of sorts, or such international Rajasinga Nasum (Sweden), Toxic Holocaust (Thrash, USA), even Venom, Dead Vertical managed to bring the realm of local rock music into new areas. Their music is quite a significant development, getting started with elements of hardcore punk/crust on the first album, Infecting The World their second album began to show off their Death Metal style sound, and now the war on Earth Hell, their latest album, producing a more mature concept again."On this album is the song now we are longer. No longer a maximum of one minute archetypal grindcore album like it used to. The album also all Indonesia lyrics, and has the concept of telling the story of the second world war. Inspired by a documentary about the war, "stated BBC releases Boy. Why did the second world war? The boy replied, "it's because of World War II affect the whole life we are living now. The development of technology and finally to human culture, were all affected by the events of world war. It that makes this exciting event to be processed so the lyrics. "Now Dead Vertical is one of the most sought-after player action in Indonesia. One of the events that meroketkan their names on the rock scene is when they requested be opening act the concert both Napalm Death in Jakarta in 2008. One more reason is Rottrevore Records. The most popular death metal labels in Indonesia released two of their latest album. On the issue of the label, the album War Hell Earth had experienced problems when it was about to be released. Satrio Dwinanda, owner of Rottrevore Records label and is also one of the most important exponents of Indonesia death metal scene died. Left is album Dead Vertical which was still in the factory CD duplication. "In addition to mourn, we also thought at the time. This album is how his fate would be like? " Eventually they own all the continuing production and bengek tetek also promotion for the album on their own.And it seems to work on everything alone is not new for Dead Vertical, they seemed to run their passion and spirit while progressing in terms of musicality. Work, have fun, and deliver great rock music, this is the agenda of Dead Vertical. And for fun they are also serious enough run, until there is an intro to the song on the album War Hell of Earth, that is, "the core of the Catastrophe" with there are sound effects that reflect the condition of the members of Dead Vertical while being drunk. For this one, Arya feared, especially with his passion on marijuana. How ' high ' with marijuana and still capable of merentetkan beats super fast with maximum power? "Then again nyimeng, not taken drowsiness or lethargy, brought fresh, can-can," stated Arya spirit.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]

JAKARTA When Napalm Death start playing music called grindcore in the mid '80s, the goal of solid, clear and concise. Want to play music in the world's fastest. With drum beats that sounded grinding, rough style of hardcore punk guitars and growling vocals, grindcore is a fresh expression of young people in his day. Fifteen years later, in 2001 appeared a grindcore band called Dead Vertical Jakarta, released three albums and is now becoming one of the best in its field. "Once initially affected our music is quite thick hardcore punk. Edge then we want to grow, be now there are other elements such as death metal as well. Yes, if this is indeed considered the genre merging various genres, "said Adi" Boy "Wibowo, vocalist and guitarist of the Dead Vertical. It is agreed by vocalist / bassist and drummer Bonny Suhendra Arya Gilang Laksana. Imagine the uproar grindcore with a rhythm that is guaranteed to make a stiff neck due to headbang and body bruises as slam dancing. All this confusion comes from only three people. Act like a local rock trio kinds Rajasinga, or such international Nasum (Sweden), Toxic Holocaust (Thrash, USA), even Venom, Vertical Dead managed to bring the realm of local rock music into a new area. The development of their music is quite significant, beginning with elements of hardcore punk / crust on the first album, infecting the World of their second album began to exhibit sound ala Death Metal, and now the War Hell Earth, their latest album, produces a more mature concept again. "On the album This is now our songs are longer. No longer a maximum of one minute typical grindcore like the first album. The album also all the lyrics speak Indonesian, and has told about the concept of the second world war. Inspired by a documentary about the war the release of the BBC, "said Boy. Why the second world war? Boy replied, "It's because of the second world war affect all the lives we live now. Technological developments and ultimately to human culture, were all affected by the events of the world war. This is what makes this event so exciting to be processed lyrics. "Now Dead Vertical is one of the most sought grindcore acts in Indonesia. One event that meroketkan their names in the rock scene was when they asked to be the opening act both Napalm Death concert in Jakarta in 2008. Another reason is Rottrevore Records. The most popular death metal label in Indonesia released their last two albums. On the issue of the label, the album Hell War Earth had experienced problems when they wanted released. Dwinanda Satrio, Rottrevore Records label owner and also one of the most important exponents Indonesian death metal scene died. Left is Dead album Vertical still in the factory CD duplication. "In addition to grieve, we also kepikiran that time. This album how his fate would happen? "Finally they went on their own all the stuff production and promotion for their album. And it seems like doing things alone is not new to Dead Vertical, they looked spirit run their passion and while performing in terms of musicality. Work, fun, and menggelegarkan rock music, this is the agenda Dead Vertical. And for the affairs of fun they are also quite serious run, until there is an intro of a song on the album Hell Earth War, namely "Core Disaster" with no sound effects which reflect the condition of the Dead Vertical personnel while being drunk. For business this one, Arya was well respected, especially with his love of marijuana. How 'high' with marijuana and was still able to knock merentetkan super fast with maximum power? "Then again nyimeng, do not be taken sleepy or limp, fresh taken alone, might be," said Arya spirit.

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